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public function UbercartCountryTestCase::testCountries in Ubercart 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 uc_store/uc_store.test \UbercartCountryTestCase::testCountries()

Test import/enable/disable/remove of Country information files.


uc_store/tests/uc_store.test, line 371
Test functionality provided by uc_store.


Test the country import and update functions.


public function testCountries() {
  $import_file = 'belgium_56_3.cif';
  $country_name = 'Belgium';
  $country_code = 'BEL';
    ->assertRaw('<option value="' . $import_file . '">' . $import_file . '</option>', t('Ensure country file is not imported yet.'));
  $edit = array(
    'import_file[]' => array(
      $import_file => $import_file,
    ->drupalPost('admin/store/settings/countries', $edit, t('Import'));
    ->assertText(t('Country file @file imported.', array(
    '@file' => $import_file,
  )), t('Country was imported successfully.'));
    ->assertText($country_code, t('Country appears in the imported countries table.'));
    ->assertNoRaw('<option value="' . $import_file . '">' . $import_file . '</option>', t('Country does not appear in list of files to be imported.'));

  // Have to pick the right one here!
    ->assertText(t('@name disabled.', array(
    '@name' => $country_name,
  )), t('Country was disabled.'));
    ->assertText(t('@name enabled.', array(
    '@name' => $country_name,
  )), t('Country was enabled.'));
    ->assertText(t('Are you sure you want to remove @name from the system?', array(
    '@name' => $country_name,
  )), t('Confirm form is displayed.'));
    ->drupalPost('admin/store/settings/countries/56/remove', array(), t('Remove'));
    ->assertText(t('@name removed.', array(
    '@name' => $country_name,
  )), t('Country removed.'));
    ->assertRaw('<option value="' . $import_file . '">' . $import_file . '</option>', t('Ensure country file is not imported yet.'));
    ->assertNoText($country_code, t('Country does not appear in imported countries table.'));