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9 calls to summarize_child_form_pages() in Ubercart 6.2

uc_cart_cart_settings_overview in uc_cart/
Display an overview of the cart settings.
uc_cart_checkout_settings_overview in uc_cart/
Display an overview of the checkout settings.
uc_catalog_settings_overview in uc_catalog/
Display an overview of the catalog settings.
uc_country_settings_overview in uc_store/
Displays an overview of the country settings.
uc_order_settings_overview in uc_order/
Displays an overview of the order settings.
uc_payment_settings_overview in payment/uc_payment/
Displays an overview of the payment settings.
uc_product_settings_overview in uc_product/
Displays overview of product settings.
uc_quote_overview in shipping/uc_quote/
Displays an overview of the shipping quote settings.
uc_store_store_settings_overview in uc_store/
Displays an overview of the store settings.