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public function UbercartRolesTestCase::testRoleAdminDelete in Ubercart 7.3


uc_roles/tests/uc_roles.test, line 64
Role assignment product feature tests.


Tests the role purchase functionality.


public function testRoleAdminDelete() {

  // Add role assignment to the test product.
  $rid = $this
    'access content',
    ->drupalPost('node/' . $this->product->nid . '/edit/features', array(
    'feature' => 'role',
  ), t('Add'));
  $edit = array(
    'uc_roles_role' => $rid,
    'end_override' => TRUE,
    'uc_roles_expire_relative_duration' => 1,
    'uc_roles_expire_relative_granularity' => 'day',
    ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save feature'));

  // Check out with the test product.
    ->drupalPost('node/' . $this->product->nid, array(), t('Add to cart'));
  $order = $this
  uc_payment_enter($order->order_id, 'other', $order->order_total);

  // Test that the role was granted.
  $account = user_load($order->uid);
    ->assertTrue(isset($account->roles[$rid]), 'Existing user was granted role.');

  // Test that the role appears on the user edit page.
    ->drupalGet('user/' . $order->uid . '/edit');
    ->assertText('Ubercart roles', 'Ubercart roles fieldset found.');
    ->assertNoText('There are no pending expirations for roles this user.', 'User has a role expiration.');

  // Delete the role using the Drupal user edit page
  // by unchecking the role and submitting the form.
    ->drupalPost('user/' . $order->uid . '/edit', array(
    'roles[' . $rid . ']' => FALSE,
  ), t('Save'));

  // Test that the role was removed.
  $account = user_load($order->uid, TRUE);
    ->assertFalse(isset($account->roles[$rid]), 'Role was removed from user.');

  // Test that the role expiration data was removed.
    ->assertText('There are no pending expirations for roles this user.', 'User has no role expirations.');