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25 calls to uc_order_comment_save() in Ubercart 6.2

test_gateway_charge in payment/uc_credit/test_gateway.module
Callback function to perform the charge operation.
UbercartOrderTestCase::ucCreateOrder in uc_order/uc_order.test
uc_2checkout_complete in payment/uc_2checkout/
@file 2checkout menu items.
uc_authorizenet_arb_cancel in payment/uc_authorizenet/uc_authorizenet.module
Cancels an ARB subscription.
uc_authorizenet_arb_create in payment/uc_authorizenet/uc_authorizenet.module
Sends an ARB Create request via the XML API.
uc_authorizenet_arb_update in payment/uc_authorizenet/uc_authorizenet.module
Updates an ARB subscription; for simplicity's sake, payment schedule information cannot be updated at this time.
uc_cart_checkout_complete in uc_cart/
Completes the sale and finishes checkout.
uc_cart_checkout_form in uc_cart/
The checkout form built up from the enabled checkout panes.
uc_checkout_pane_comments in uc_cart/
Allows a customer to make comments on the order.
uc_cybersource_hop_post in payment/uc_cybersource/uc_cybersource.module
uc_file_action_order_renew in uc_file/
Renews an orders product files.
uc_order_action_add_comment in uc_order/
Add a comment to an order.
uc_order_create_form_submit in uc_order/
Form submission handler for uc_order_create_form().
uc_order_pane_admin_comments in uc_order/
Handles the "Admin Comments" order pane.
uc_order_view_update_form_submit in uc_order/
Form submit handler for uc_order_view_update_form().
uc_paypal_ec_review_form_submit in payment/uc_paypal/
uc_paypal_ipn in payment/uc_paypal/
Process Instant Payment Notifiations from PayPal.
uc_paypal_wpp_charge in payment/uc_paypal/uc_paypal.module
Processes a credit card payment through Website Payments Pro.
uc_roles_action_order_renew in uc_roles/
Renews an orders product roles.
uc_stock_adjust_product_stock in uc_stock/uc_stock.module
Adjusts a product's stock.
_uc_authorizenet_charge in payment/uc_authorizenet/uc_authorizenet.module
Handles authorizations and captures through AIM at Authorize.Net
_uc_authorizenet_cim_profile_charge in payment/uc_authorizenet/uc_authorizenet.module
Use a reference to charge to a CIM profile.
_uc_authorizenet_cim_profile_create in payment/uc_authorizenet/uc_authorizenet.module
Create a CIM profile using an order's data.
_uc_cybersource_post_charge in payment/uc_cybersource/uc_cybersource.module
_uc_cybersource_soap_charge in payment/uc_cybersource/uc_cybersource.module