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public function UbercartCatalogTestCase::testCatalogRepair in Ubercart 7.3

Tests the catalog repair function.


uc_catalog/tests/uc_catalog.test, line 37
Tests for the Ubercart catalog.


Tests for the Ubercart catalog.


public function testCatalogRepair() {
    ->assertText('taxonomy_catalog', 'Catalog taxonomy term reference field exists.');
    ->drupalPost('admin/structure/types/manage/product/fields/taxonomy_catalog/delete', array(), t('Delete'));
    ->assertText('The field Catalog has been deleted from the Product content type.', 'Catalog taxonomy term reference field deleted.');
    ->assertNoText('taxonomy_catalog', 'Catalog taxonomy term reference field does not exist.');
    ->assertText('The catalog taxonomy reference field is missing.', 'Store status message mentions the missing field.');
    ->assertText('The catalog taxonomy reference field has been repaired.', 'Repair message is displayed.');
    ->assertText('taxonomy_catalog', 'Catalog taxonomy term reference field exists.');