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uc_cart_links.test in Ubercart 6.2

Ubercart Cart Links Tests.


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 * @file
 * Ubercart Cart Links Tests.

// Ensure UbercartTestHelper is available.
module_load_include('test', 'uc_store', 'uc_store');

 * SimpleTests for Ubercart Cart Links.
class UbercartCartLinksTestCase extends UbercartTestHelper {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Cart Links',
      'description' => 'Test Cart Links.',
      'group' => 'Ubercart',

   * Sets up the framework for testing cart links.
  function setUp() {
    ), array(
      'administer cart links',
      'view cart links report',
      'access administration pages',

   * Tests access to admin settings page and test default values.
  function testCartLinksUISettingsPage() {

    // Access settings page by anonymous user
      ->assertText(t('Access denied'));
      ->assertText(t('You are not authorized to access this page.'));

    // Access settings page by privileged user
      ->assertText(t('Cart links settings'), t('Settings page found.'));
      ->assertFieldByName('uc_cart_links_add_show', 0, t('Display cart links product action messages is off.'));
      ->assertFieldByName('uc_cart_links_track', 1, t('Track clicks is on.'));
      ->assertFieldByName('uc_cart_links_empty', 1, t('Allow cart links to empty carts is on.'));
      ->assertFieldByName('uc_cart_links_messages', '', t('Cart links messages  is empty.'));
      ->assertFieldByName('uc_cart_links_restrictions', '', t('Cart links restrictions is empty.'));

    // Test presence of and contents of Help page
      ->clickLink(t('View the help page'));
      ->assertText(';cart_link_content&gt;', t('Help text found.'));

   * Tests cart links on a page under a variety of conditions.
  function testCartLinksBasicFunctionality() {

    // Create product
    $products[] = $this

    // Create a product class
    $products[] = $this

    // later ...
    // Create some valid cart links for these products
    $link_array = $this
    $cart_links = $link_array['links'];
    $link_data = $link_array['data'];

    // Need to test incorrect links as well:
    //   links which add invalid attributes
    //   links which omit required attributes
    // Create a page containing these links
    $page = $this

    // Test clicking on links
    foreach ($cart_links as $key => $test_link) {
        ->drupalGet('node/' . $page->nid);

      // Look for link on page
        ->assertLink(t('Cart Link #@link', array(
        '@link' => $key,
      )), 0, t('Cart Link #@link found on page.', array(
        '@link' => $key,

      // Click on link
        ->clickLink(t('Cart Link #@link', array(
        '@link' => $key,

      // Check for notice that item was added (this notice is set ON
      // by default, see admin/store/settings/cart/edit)
        ->assertText(t('@title added to your shopping cart.', array(
        '@title' => $link_data[$key]['title'],
      )), t('Product @title added to cart.', array(
        '@title' => $link_data[$key]['title'],

      // Check contents of cart
        ->assertText($link_data[$key]['title'], t('Product title correct in cart.'));
        ->assertFieldByName('items[0][qty]', $link_data[$key]['qty'], t('Product quantity correct in cart.'));

      // Check for correct attribute name(s) in cart
      foreach ($link_data[$key]['attributes'] as $label => $attribute) {
          ->assertText($label . ':', t('Attribute @label correct in cart.', array(
          '@label' => $label,
        foreach ($attribute as $option) {

          // Check for correct option name(s) in cart
            ->assertText($option, t('Option @name correct in cart.', array(
            '@name' => $option,

      // Use the same link, but this time append an '_m0' to turn
      // off message display for this product
        ->drupalGet($test_link . '_m0');

      // Default add-to-cart message is different when adding a duplicate item
        ->assertNoText(t('Your item(s) have been updated.'), t('Default add-to-cart message suppressed.'));

      // Empty cart (press remove button)
        ->drupalPost('cart', array(), t('Remove'));
        ->assertText('There are no products in your shopping cart.');

   * Tests cart links on a page under a variety of conditions.
  function testCartLinksProductActionMessage() {

    // Create product
    $products[] = $this

    // Create a product class
    $products[] = $this

    // later ...
    // Create some valid cart links for these products
    $link_array = $this
    $cart_links = $link_array['links'];
    $link_data = $link_array['data'];

    // Create a page containing these links
    $page = $this

    // Test product action message display
    // Turn on display of product action message

    // Go to page with cart links
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $page->nid);

    // Pick one of the links at random
    $test_link = array_rand($cart_links);
      ->clickLink(t('Cart Link #@link', array(
      '@link' => $test_link,
      ->assertText(t('Cart link product action: @link', array(
      '@link' => substr($cart_links[$test_link], 10),
    )), t('Cart link product action message found.'));

    // Empty cart (press remove button)
      ->drupalPost('cart', array(), t('Remove'));
      ->assertText('There are no products in your shopping cart.');

    // Turn off display of product action message

    // Go to page with cart links
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $page->nid);

    // Pick one of the links at random
    $test_link = array_rand($cart_links);
      ->clickLink(t('Cart Link #@link', array(
      '@link' => $test_link,
      ->assertNoText(t('Cart link product action: @link', array(
      '@link' => substr($cart_links[$test_link], 10),
    )), t('Cart link product action message not present.'));

   * Tests cart links on a page under a variety of conditions.
  function testCartLinksAllowEmptying() {

    // Create product
    $products[] = $this

    // Create a product class
    $products[] = $this

    // later ...
    // Create some valid cart links for these products
    $link_array = $this
    $cart_links = $link_array['links'];
    $link_data = $link_array['data'];

    // Create a page containing these links
    $page = $this

    // Test empty cart action
    // Allow links to empty cart

    // Go to page with cart links
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $page->nid);

    // Pick one of the links at random and add it to the cart
    $test_link_0 = array_rand($cart_links);
      ->clickLink(t('Cart Link #@link', array(
      '@link' => $test_link_0,

    // Pick another link at random and prepend an 'e-' so it will empty cart
    $in_cart = $cart_links[$test_link_0];

    // (Don't want to use the same link.)
    $test_link = array_rand($cart_links);
      ->drupalGet(str_replace('add/p', 'add/e-p', $cart_links[$test_link]));
      ->assertText(t('The current contents of your shopping cart will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?'), t('Empty cart confirmation page found.'));

    // Allow
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Confirm'));

    // Verify the cart doesn't have the first item and does have the second item
      ->assertText($link_data[$test_link]['title'], t('Product title correct in cart.'));
      ->assertNoText($link_data[$test_link_0]['title'], t('Cart was emptied by cart link.'));

    // Still have something ($test_link) in the cart
    // Forbid links to empty cart

    // Re-use $test_link_0 and prepend an 'e-' so it will (try to) empty cart
      ->drupalGet(str_replace('add/p', 'add/e-p', $in_cart));

    // Verify the cart has both items - cart wasn't emptied
      ->assertText($link_data[$test_link_0]['title'], t('Cart was not emptied by cart link.'));
      ->assertText($link_data[$test_link]['title'], t('Cart was not emptied by cart link.'));

   * Tests cart links on a page under a variety of conditions.
  function testCartLinksRestrictions() {

    // Create product
    $products[] = $this

    // Create a product class
    $products[] = $this

    // later ...
    // Create some valid cart links for these products
    $link_array = $this
    $cart_links = $link_array['links'];
    $link_data = $link_array['data'];

    // Create a page containing these links
    $page = $this

    // Test cart links restrictions
    // Go to page with cart links
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $page->nid);

    // Pick one of the links at random and restrict it
    $test_link_0 = array_rand($cart_links);

    // Only this link is allowed - strip '/cart/add/' from beginning
      ->setCartLinksUIRestrictions(substr($cart_links[$test_link_0], 10));

    // Attempt to click link - should pass
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $page->nid);
      ->clickLink(t('Cart Link #@link', array(
      '@link' => $test_link_0,

    // Check for notice that item was added (this notice is set ON
    // by default, see admin/store/settings/cart/edit)
      ->assertText(t('@title added to your shopping cart.', array(
      '@title' => $link_data[$test_link_0]['title'],
    )), t('Product @title added to cart.', array(
      '@title' => $link_data[$test_link_0]['title'],

    // Pick another link at random, as long as it is different from first
    $in_cart = $cart_links[$test_link_0];
    $test_link = array_rand($cart_links);

    // Attempt to click it
    // It should fail and redirect to the home page (default)
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $page->nid);
      ->clickLink(t('Cart Link #@link', array(
      '@link' => $test_link,
      ->assertNoText(t('@title added to your shopping cart.', array(
      '@title' => $link_data[$test_link]['title'],
    )), t('Product @title added to cart.', array(
      '@title' => $link_data[$test_link]['title'],
      ->assertText(t('Welcome to your new Drupal website!'));
      ->assertText(t('This message will disappear once you have promoted a post to the front page.'), t('Redirected to front page for link not in restrictions.'));

    // Now create a special redirect page for bad links
    $redirect_page = $this
      'body' => 'ERROR: Invalid Cart Link!',
      'format' => FILTER_FORMAT_DEFAULT,

    // Set redirect link
      ->setCartLinksUIRedirect('node/' . $redirect_page->nid);

    // Attempt to click same restricted link as above.
    // It should fail again but this time redirect to $redirect_page.
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $page->nid);
      ->clickLink(t('Cart Link #@link', array(
      '@link' => $test_link,
      ->assertText(t('ERROR: Invalid Cart Link!'), t('Redirected to error page for link not in restrictions.'));

    // Remove restrictions, try to add again - it should pass
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $page->nid);
      ->clickLink(t('Cart Link #@link', array(
      '@link' => $test_link,
      ->assertText(t('@title added to your shopping cart.', array(
      '@title' => $link_data[$test_link]['title'],
    )), t('Product @title added to cart.', array(
      '@title' => $link_data[$test_link]['title'],

   * Tests page redirection for invalid cart links.
  function testCartLinksRedirect() {

    //   set redirect link
    //   assert redirection for invalid link
    //   assert redirection for restricted link
    //   assert non-redirect for valid link
    // Create product
    $products[] = $this

    // Create a product class
    $products[] = $this

    // later ...
    // Create some valid cart links for these products
    $link_array = $this
    $cart_links = $link_array['links'];
    $link_data = $link_array['data'];

    // Create a page containing these links
    $page = $this

   * Tests cart links messages.
   * To stop the default "xxx was added to your shopping cart" message for
   * a product, use the argument "_m0". For example /cart/add/p23_m0
   * "_m0" is an argument to the "p" action, and suppresses the message for this
   * product only.  Other products added by other actions in the cart link
   * will still show the message.  e.g. /cart/add/p23_m0-p15 will show a message
   * for product 15 but not for product 23.
   * To insert your own message, first define your message in the Cart Links
   * messages panel on the Cart Links settings page, by entering for example
   * "99|My message text". Then use the action "-m99" (a dash, not an
   * underscore) to add the message. For example, /cart/add/p23-m99
   * Note that just specifying "-m99" will display both your message 99 and the
   * default message, unless you have turned off the default message with "_m0".
   * For additional messages, add additional actions, e.g. "-m99-m1337".
  function testCartLinksMessages() {

    // Create product
    $products[] = $this

    // Create a product class
    $products[] = $this

    // later ...
    // Create some valid cart links for these products
    $link_array = $this
    $cart_links = $link_array['links'];
    $link_data = $link_array['data'];

    // Create a page containing these links
    $page = $this

    // Need to be admin to define messages

    // Define some messages
    $messages = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < 15; $i++) {
      $key = mt_rand(1, 999);
      $messages[$key] = $key . '|' . $this

    // Test message display
    // Go to page with cart links
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $page->nid);

    // Pick one link at random and append an '-m<#>' to display a message
    $test_link = array_rand($cart_links);
    $message_key = array_rand($messages);
    $message_text = explode('|', $messages[$message_key]);
      ->drupalGet($cart_links[$test_link] . '-m' . $message_key);
      ->assertText(t('@message', array(
      '@message' => $message_text[1],
    )), t('Message @key displayed.', array(
      '@key' => $message_key,

    // Empty cart (press remove button)
      ->drupalPost('cart', array(), t('Remove'));
      ->assertText('There are no products in your shopping cart.');

   * Tests cart links tracking.
  function testCartLinksTracking() {

    // Create product
    $products[] = $this

    // Create a product class
    $products[] = $this

    // later ...
    // Create some valid cart links for these products
    $link_array = $this
    $cart_links = $link_array['links'];
    $link_data = $link_array['data'];

    // Create a page containing these links
    $page = $this

    // Test cart links tracking
    // Go to page with cart links
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $page->nid);

    // Create three tracking IDs
    $tracking = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
        ->randomName(16)] = 0;

    // Click a number of links to create some statistics
    for ($i = 0; $i < 50; $i++) {

      // Pick one link at random and append an '-i<tracking ID>'
      $test_link = array_rand($cart_links);

      // Assign one of the tracking IDs
      $tracking_id = array_rand($tracking);
        ->drupalGet($cart_links[$test_link] . '-i' . $tracking_id);

      // Keep a record of how many links were assigned this key
      $tracking[$tracking_id] += 1;

    // Check report to see these clicks have been recorded correctly
    $total = 0;
    foreach ($tracking as $id => $clicks) {
      $total += $clicks;
        ->assertRaw(t('<td>@id</td><td>@clicks</td>', array(
        '@id' => $id,
        '@clicks' => $clicks,
      )), t('Tracking ID @id received @clicks clicks.', array(
        '@id' => $id,
        '@clicks' => $clicks,
      ->assertEqual($total, 50, t('Fifty clicks recorded.'));

   * Utility Functions                                                        *

   * Sets checkbox to display cart links product action messages.
   * Must be logged in with 'administer cart links' permission.
   * @param $state
   *   TRUE to display product action messages, FALSE to not display.
   *   Defaults to FALSE.
  function setCartLinksUIProductActionMessage($state = FALSE) {
      ->drupalPost('admin/store/settings/cart_links', array(
      'uc_cart_links_add_show' => $state,
    ), t('Save configuration'));
      ->assertFieldByName('uc_cart_links_add_show', $state, t('Display cart links product action messages is @state.', array(
      '@state' => $state ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE',

   * Sets checkbox to track cart links clicks.
   * Must be logged in with 'administer cart links' permission.
   * @param $state
   *   TRUE to display product action messages, FALSE to not display.
   *   Defaults to TRUE.
  function setCartLinksUITrackClicks($state = TRUE) {
      ->drupalPost('admin/store/settings/cart_links', array(
      'uc_cart_links_track' => 0,
    ), t('Save configuration'));
      ->assertFieldByName('uc_cart_links_track', $state ? 1 : 0, t('Track clicks is @state.', array(
      '@state' => $state ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE',

   * Sets checkbox to allow cart links to empty cart.
   * Must be logged in with 'administer cart links' permission.
   * @param $state
   *   TRUE to display product action messages, FALSE to not display.
   *   Defaults to TRUE.
  function setCartLinksUIAllowEmptying($state = TRUE) {
      ->drupalPost('admin/store/settings/cart_links', array(
      'uc_cart_links_empty' => $state,
    ), t('Save configuration'));
      ->assertFieldByName('uc_cart_links_empty', $state, t('Allow cart links to empty carts is @state.', array(
      '@state' => $state ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE',

   * Sets messages that can be referenced by a link.
   * Must be logged in with 'administer cart links' permission.
   * @param $messages
   *   String containing user input from a textarea, one message per line.
   *   Messages have numeric key and text value, separated by '|'.
  function setCartLinksUIMessages($messages = '') {
    $message_string = implode("\n", $messages);
      ->drupalPost('admin/store/settings/cart_links', array(
      'uc_cart_links_messages' => $message_string,
    ), t('Save configuration'));
      ->assertFieldByName('uc_cart_links_messages', $message_string, t('Cart links messages contains "@messages".', array(
      '@messages' => $message_string,

   * Sets allowed cart links.
   * Must be logged in with 'administer cart links' permission.
   * @param $restrictions
   *   String containing user input from a textarea, one restriction per line.
   *   Restrictions are valid cart links - i.e. relative URLs.
  function setCartLinksUIRestrictions($restrictions = '') {
      ->drupalPost('admin/store/settings/cart_links', array(
      'uc_cart_links_restrictions' => $restrictions,
    ), t('Save configuration'));
      ->assertFieldByName('uc_cart_links_restrictions', $restrictions, t('Cart links restrictions contains "@restrictions".', array(
      '@restrictions' => $restrictions,

   * Sets redirect destination page for invalid cart links.
   * Must be logged in with 'administer cart links' permission.
   * @param $url
   *   Relative URL of the destination page for the redirect.  Omit leading '/'.
  function setCartLinksUIRedirect($url = '') {
      ->drupalPost('admin/store/settings/cart_links', array(
      'uc_cart_links_invalid_page' => $url,
    ), t('Save configuration'));
      ->assertFieldByName('uc_cart_links_invalid_page', $url, t('Cart links invalid page URL contains "@url".', array(
      '@url' => $url,

   * Create a page with cart links in the body.
   * @param $links
   *   Array of cart links to appear on page.
  public function createCartLinksPage($links = array()) {
    if (!empty($links)) {
      $i = 0;
      foreach ($links as $link) {
        $body['links'][] = array(
          'title' => t('Cart Link #@num', array(
            '@num' => $i++,
          'href' => $link,
    $page = array(
      'type' => 'page',
      // This is default anyway ...
      'body' => isset($body) ? theme('links', $body['links']) : $this
      'format' => FILTER_FORMAT_DEFAULT,
    return $this

   * Creates a product with all attribute types and options.
   * @param $product_class
   *   Defaults to FALSE to create a normal product, set to TRUE to
   *   create a product class instead.
  public function createCartLinksProduct($product_class = FALSE) {

    // Create a product
    if ($product_class) {
      $product = $this
    else {
      $product = $this

    // Create some attributes
    for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
      $attribute = UbercartAttributeTestCase::createAttribute();
      $attributes[$attribute->aid] = $attribute;

    // Add some options, organizing them by aid and oid.
    $attribute_aids = array_keys($attributes);
    $all_options = array();
    foreach ($attribute_aids as $aid) {
      for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
        $option = UbercartAttributeTestCase::createAttributeOption(array(
          'aid' => $aid,
        $all_options[$option->aid][$option->oid] = $option;

    // array('required' => TRUE)
    // Get the options.
    $attribute = uc_attribute_load($attribute->aid);

    // Load every attribute we got.
    $attributes_with_options = uc_attribute_load_multiple();

    // Pick 5 keys to check at random.
    $aids = drupal_map_assoc(array_rand($attributes, 3));

    // Load the attributes back.
    $loaded_attributes = uc_attribute_load_multiple($aids);

    // add attributes of all 4 types
    // create both required and not required attributes
    // Add the selected attributes to the product.
    foreach ($loaded_attributes as $loaded_attribute) {
      uc_attribute_subject_save($loaded_attribute, 'product', $product->nid, TRUE);
    return $product;

   * Creates cart links pointing to the given product(s).
   * Links containing many combinations of attributes and options wil be
   * returned. Return value is an associative array containing two keys:
   *   -links: An array of the actual links we're building.
   *   -data: An array of metadata about the cart links so we won't have to try
   *   to re-construct this information by parsing the link at a later time.
   * The 'links' and 'data' sub-arrays are both indexed by the keys used in
   * the $products array that is passed in as an argument, so these keys may
   * be used to lookup the link and metadata for a specific product.
   * @param $products
   *   An array of products.
   * @return
   *   Array containing cart links and link metadata.
  function createValidCartLinks($products = array()) {
    foreach ($products as $key => $product) {
      $nid = $product->nid;
      $title = $product->title;
      $qty = mt_rand(1, 19);

      // $link_data will hold meta information about the cart links
      // so we won't have to try to re-construct this information by
      // parsing the link at a later time.
      $link_data[$key] = array(
        'nid' => $nid,
        'title' => $title,
        'qty' => $qty,
        'attributes' => array(),

      // $cart_links will hold the actual links we're building.
      // $cart_links and $link_data share the same keys.
      $cart_links[$key] = '/cart/add/p' . $nid . '_q' . $qty;

      // Loop over attributes, append all attribute/option combos to links
      $attributes = uc_product_get_attributes($nid);
      foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {

        // If this is textfield, radio, or select option, then
        // only 1 option allowed.  If checkbox, multiple are allowed.
        switch ($attribute->display) {
          case 0:

            // textfield
            $value = $this

            // Textfield
            $link_data[$key]['attributes'][$attribute->label][] = $value;
            $cart_links[$key] .= '_a' . $attribute->aid . 'o' . $value;
          case 1:

          // select
          case 2:

            // radios
            $option = $attribute->options[array_rand($attribute->options)];
            $link_data[$key]['attributes'][$attribute->label][] = $option->name;
            $cart_links[$key] .= '_a' . $attribute->aid . 'o' . $option->oid;
          case 3:

            // checkboxes
            foreach ($attribute->options as $option) {
              $link_data[$key]['attributes'][$attribute->label][] = $option->name;
              $cart_links[$key] .= '_a' . $attribute->aid . 'o' . $option->oid;
    return array(
      'links' => $cart_links,
      'data' => $link_data,



Namesort descending Description
UbercartCartLinksTestCase SimpleTests for Ubercart Cart Links.