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  1. 7.3 uc_cart_links/

Cart links menu items.


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 * @file
 * Cart links menu items.

 * Preprocess a cart link and confirm with the user if a destructive action
 * is included.
 * @see uc_cart_links_form_submit()
function uc_cart_links_form($form_state, $arg1) {

  // Fail if the link is restricted.
  $data = variable_get('uc_cart_links_restrictions', '');
  if (!empty($data)) {
    $restrictions = explode("\n", variable_get('uc_cart_links_restrictions', ''));
    $restrictions = array_map('trim', $restrictions);
    if (!empty($restrictions) && !in_array($arg1, $restrictions)) {
      $url = variable_get('uc_cart_links_invalid_page', '');
      if (empty($url)) {
        $url = '<front>';

  // Confirm with the user if the form contains a destructive action.
  $items = uc_cart_get_contents();
  if (variable_get('uc_cart_links_empty', TRUE) && !empty($items)) {
    $actions = explode('-', urldecode($arg1));
    foreach ($actions as $action) {
      $action = drupal_substr($action, 0, 1);
      if ($action == 'e' || $action == 'E') {
        return confirm_form(array(), t('The current contents of your shopping cart will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?'), variable_get('uc_cart_links_invalid_page', ''));

  // No destructive actions, so process the link immediately.

 * Submit handler for uc_cart_links_form().
 * @see uc_cart_links_form()
function uc_cart_links_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {

 * Process a cart link to fiddle with the cart and redirect the user.
 * @param $arg1
 *   An action.
function uc_cart_links_process($arg1) {
  $actions = explode('-', urldecode($arg1));
  $rebuild_cart = FALSE;
  $messages = array();
  $id = t('(not specified)');
  foreach ($actions as $action) {
    switch (drupal_substr($action, 0, 1)) {

      // Set the ID of the cart link.
      case 'i':
      case 'I':
        $id = drupal_substr($action, 1);

      // Add a product to the cart.
      case 'p':
      case 'P':

        // Set the default product variables.
        $p = array(
          'nid' => 0,
          'qty' => 1,
          'data' => array(),
        $msg = TRUE;

        // Parse the product action to adjust the product variables.
        $parts = explode('_', $action);
        foreach ($parts as $part) {
          switch (drupal_substr($part, 0, 1)) {

            // Set the product node ID: p23
            case 'p':
            case 'P':
              $p['nid'] = intval(drupal_substr($part, 1));

            // Set the quantity to add to cart: _q2
            case 'q':
            case 'Q':
              $p['qty'] = intval(drupal_substr($part, 1));

            // Set an attribute/option for the product: _a3o6
            case 'a':
            case 'A':
              $attribute = intval(drupal_substr($part, 1, stripos($part, 'o') - 1));
              $option = (string) drupal_substr($part, stripos($part, 'o') + 1);
              if (!isset($p['attributes'][$attribute])) {
                $p['attributes'][$attribute] = $option;
              else {

                // Multiple options for this attribute implies checkbox
                // attribute, which we must store as an array
                if (is_array($p['attributes'][$attribute])) {

                  // Already an array, just append this new option
                  $p['attributes'][$attribute][$option] = $option;
                else {

                  // Set but not an array, means we already have at least one
                  // option, so put that into an array with this new option
                  $p['attributes'][$attribute] = array(
                    $p['attributes'][$attribute] => $p['attributes'][$attribute],
                    $option => $option,

            // Suppress the add to cart message: _m0
            case 'm':
            case 'M':
              $msg = intval(drupal_substr($part, 1)) == 1 ? TRUE : FALSE;

        // Add the item to the cart, suppressing the default redirect.
        if ($p['nid'] > 0 && $p['qty'] > 0) {

          // If it's a product kit, we need black magic to make everything work
          // right. In other words, we have to simulate FAPI's form values.
          $node = node_load(array(
            'nid' => $p['nid'],
          if ($node->status) {
            if (isset($node->products) && is_array($node->products)) {
              foreach ($node->products as $nid => $product) {
                $p['data']['products'][$nid] = array(
                  'nid' => $nid,
                  'qty' => $product->qty,
            uc_cart_add_item($p['nid'], $p['qty'], $p['data'] + module_invoke_all('add_to_cart_data', $p), NULL, $msg, FALSE, FALSE);
            $rebuild_cart = TRUE;
          else {
            watchdog('uc_cart_link', 'Cart link on %url tried to add an unpublished product to the cart.', array(
              '%url' => uc_referer_uri(),
            ), WATCHDOG_ERROR);

      // Empty the shopping cart.
      case 'e':
      case 'E':
        if (variable_get('uc_cart_links_empty', TRUE)) {

      // Display a pre-configured message.
      case 'm':
      case 'M':

        // Load the messages if they haven't been loaded yet.
        if (empty($messages)) {
          $data = explode("\n", variable_get('uc_cart_links_messages', ''));
          foreach ($data as $message) {
            $mdata = explode('|', $message);
            $messages[trim($mdata[0])] = trim($mdata[1]);

        // Parse the message key and display it if it exists.
        $mkey = intval(drupal_substr($action, 1));
        if (!empty($messages[$mkey])) {

    // Rebuild the cart cache if necessary.
    if ($rebuild_cart) {
      uc_cart_get_contents(NULL, 'rebuild');
  if (variable_get('uc_cart_links_track', TRUE)) {
    $exists = db_result(db_query("SELECT clicks FROM {uc_cart_link_clicks} WHERE cart_link_id = '%s'", $id));
    if (intval($exists) == 0) {
      db_query("INSERT INTO {uc_cart_link_clicks} (cart_link_id, clicks, last_click) VALUES ('%s', 1, %d)", $id, time());
    else {
      db_query("UPDATE {uc_cart_link_clicks} SET clicks = clicks + 1, last_click = %d WHERE cart_link_id = '%s'", time(), $id);
  $_SESSION['uc_cart_last_url'] = uc_referer_uri();


Namesort descending Description
uc_cart_links_form Preprocess a cart link and confirm with the user if a destructive action is included.
uc_cart_links_form_submit Submit handler for uc_cart_links_form().
uc_cart_links_process Process a cart link to fiddle with the cart and redirect the user.