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uc_cart.test in Ubercart 6.2

Shopping cart and checkout tests.


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 * @file
 * Shopping cart and checkout tests.

// Ensure UbercartTestHelper is available.
module_load_include('test', 'uc_store', 'uc_store');

 * Tests the cart and checkout functionality.
class UbercartCartCheckoutTestCase extends UbercartTestHelper {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Cart and checkout',
      'description' => 'Ensures the cart and checkout process is functioning for both anonymous and authenticated users.',
      'group' => 'Ubercart',
  function setUp() {
    $modules = array(
    $permissions = array(
      'administer permissions',
      'administer product features',
    parent::setUp($modules, $permissions);

   * Creates a new order.
  function createOrder($fields = array()) {
    $order = uc_order_new();
    foreach ($fields as $key => $value) {
      $order->{$key} = $value;
    if (empty($order->primary_email)) {
      $order->primary_email = $this
        ->randomString() . '';
    if (!isset($fields['products'])) {
      $item = clone $this->product;
      $item->qty = 1;
      $item->price = $item->sell_price;
      $item->data = array();
      $order->products = array(
    $order->order_total = uc_order_get_total($order, TRUE);
    $order->line_items = uc_order_load_line_items($order, TRUE);
    return $order;
  function testCartAPI() {

    // Test the empty cart.
    $items = uc_cart_get_contents();
      ->assertEqual($items, array(), 'Cart is an empty array.');

    // Add an item to the cart.
    $items = uc_cart_get_contents();
      ->assertEqual(count($items), 1, 'Cart contains one item.');
    $item = reset($items);
      ->assertEqual($item->nid, $this->product->nid, 'Cart item nid is correct.');
      ->assertEqual($item->qty, 1, 'Cart item quantity is correct.');

    // Add more of the same item.
    $qty = mt_rand(1, 100);
    uc_cart_add_item($this->product->nid, $qty);
    $items = uc_cart_get_contents();
      ->assertEqual(count($items), 1, 'Updated cart contains one item.');
    $item = reset($items);
      ->assertEqual($item->qty, $qty + 1, 'Updated cart item quantity is correct.');

    // Set the quantity and data.
    $qty = mt_rand(1, 100);
    $item->qty = $qty;
    $item->data['updated'] = TRUE;
    $items = uc_cart_get_contents();
    $item = reset($items);
      ->assertEqual($item->qty, $qty, 'Set cart item quantity is correct.');
      ->assertTrue($item->data['updated'], 'Set cart item data is correct.');

    // Add an item with different data to the cart.
    uc_cart_add_item($this->product->nid, 1, array(
      'test' => TRUE,
    $items = uc_cart_get_contents();
      ->assertEqual(count($items), 2, 'Updated cart contains two items.');

    // Remove the items.
    foreach ($items as $item) {
      uc_cart_remove_item($item->nid, NULL, $item->data);

    // @TODO: remove the need for this
    uc_cart_get_contents(NULL, 'rebuild');
    $items = uc_cart_get_contents();
      ->assertEqual(count($items), 0, 'Cart is empty after removal.');

    // Empty the cart.

    // @TODO: default to the current cart
    $items = uc_cart_get_contents();
      ->assertEqual($items, array(), 'Cart is emptied correctly.');
  function testCart() {

    // Test the empty cart.
      ->assertText('There are no products in your shopping cart.');

    // Add an item to the cart.
      ->drupalPost('node/' . $this->product->nid, array(), t('Add to cart'));
      ->assertText($this->product->title . ' added to your shopping cart.');

    // Test the cart page.
      ->assertText($this->product->title, t('The product is in the cart.'));
      ->assertFieldByName('items[0][qty]', 1, t('The product quantity is 1.'));

    // Add the item again.
      ->drupalPost('node/' . $this->product->nid, array(), t('Add to cart'));
      ->assertText('Your item(s) have been updated.');

    // Test the cart page again.
      ->assertFieldByName('items[0][qty]', 2, t('The product quantity is 2.'));

    // Update the quantity.
    $qty = mt_rand(3, 100);
      ->drupalPost('cart', array(
      'items[0][qty]' => $qty,
    ), t('Update cart'));
      ->assertText('Your cart has been updated.');
      ->assertFieldByName('items[0][qty]', $qty, t('The product quantity was updated.'));

    // Update the quantity to zero.
      ->drupalPost('cart', array(
      'items[0][qty]' => 0,
    ), t('Update cart'));
      ->assertText('Your cart has been updated.');
      ->assertText('There are no products in your shopping cart.');

    // Test the remove item button.
      ->drupalPost('node/' . $this->product->nid, array(), t('Add to cart'));
      ->drupalPost('cart', array(), t('Remove'));
      ->assertText($this->product->title . ' removed from your shopping cart.');
      ->assertText('There are no products in your shopping cart.');
  function testCartMerge() {

    // Add an item to the cart as an anonymous user.
      ->drupalPost('node/' . $this->product->nid, array(), t('Add to cart'));
      ->assertText($this->product->title . ' added to your shopping cart.');

    // Add an item to the cart as an anonymous user.
      ->drupalPost('node/' . $this->product->nid, array(), t('Add to cart'));
      ->assertText($this->product->title . ' added to your shopping cart.');

    // Log in and check the items are merged.
      ->assertText($this->product->title, t('The product remains in the cart after logging in.'));
      ->assertFieldByName('items[0][qty]', 2, t('The product quantity is 2.'));
  function testDeletedCartItem() {

    // Add a product to the cart, then delete the node.
      ->drupalPost('node/' . $this->product->nid, array(), t('Add to cart'));

    // Test that the cart is empty.
      ->assertText('There are no products in your shopping cart.');
      ->assertEqual(uc_cart_get_total_qty(), 0, 'There are no items in the cart.');
  function testCheckout() {

    // Allow customer to specify username and password, but don't log in after checkout.
    $settings = array(
      'uc_cart_new_account_name' => TRUE,
      'uc_cart_new_account_password' => TRUE,
      ->drupalPost('admin/store/settings/checkout/edit', array(
      'uc_new_customer_login' => FALSE,
    ), t('Save configuration'));
      ->drupalPost('admin/store/settings/checkout/edit/panes', $settings, t('Save configuration'));
    $new_user = new stdClass();
    $new_user->name = $this
    $new_user->pass_raw = $this

    // Test as anonymous user.
      ->drupalPost('node/' . $this->product->nid, array(), t('Add to cart'));
      'panes[customer][new_account][name]' => $new_user->name,
      'panes[customer][new_account][pass]' => $new_user->pass_raw,
      'panes[customer][new_account][pass_confirm]' => $new_user->pass_raw,
      ->assertRaw('Your order is complete!');
      ->assertText($new_user->name, 'Username is shown on screen.');
      ->assertNoText($new_user->pass_raw, 'Password is not shown on screen.');

    // Check that cart is now empty.
      ->assertText('There are no products in your shopping cart.');

    // Test new account email.
    $mail = $this
      'id' => 'user_register_no_approval_required',
    $mail = array_pop($mail);
      ->assertTrue(strpos($mail['body'], $new_user->name) !== FALSE, 'Mail body contains username.');

    // Test invoice email.
    $mail = $this
      'subject' => 'Your Order at [store-name]',
    $mail = array_pop($mail);
      ->assertTrue(strpos($mail['body'], $new_user->name) !== FALSE, 'Invoice body contains username.');
      ->assertFalse(strpos($mail['body'], $new_user->pass_raw) !== FALSE, 'Invoice body does not contain password.');

    // Check that the password works.

    // Test again as authenticated user.
      ->drupalPost('node/' . $this->product->nid, array(), t('Add to cart'));
      ->assertRaw('Your order is complete!');
      ->assertRaw('While logged in');

    // Test again with generated username and password.
      ->drupalPost('node/' . $this->product->nid, array(), t('Add to cart'));
      ->assertRaw('Your order is complete!');

    // Test new account email.
    $mail = $this
      'id' => 'user_register_no_approval_required',
    $mail = array_pop($mail);
    $new_user = new stdClass();
    $new_user->name = $mail['params']['account']->name;
    $new_user->pass_raw = $mail['params']['account']->password;
      ->assertTrue(!empty($new_user->name), 'New username is not empty.');
      ->assertTrue(!empty($new_user->pass_raw), 'New password is not empty.');
      ->assertTrue(strpos($mail['body'], $new_user->name) !== FALSE, 'Mail body contains username.');
      ->assertTrue(strpos($mail['body'], $new_user->pass_raw) !== FALSE, 'Mail body contains password.');

    // Test invoice email.
    $mail = $this
      'subject' => 'Your Order at [store-name]',
    $mail = array_pop($mail);
      ->assertTrue(strpos($mail['body'], $new_user->name) !== FALSE, 'Invoice body contains username.');
      ->assertTrue(strpos($mail['body'], $new_user->pass_raw) !== FALSE, 'Invoice body contains password.');

    // We can check the password now we know it.
      ->assertText($new_user->name, 'Username is shown on screen.');
      ->assertText($new_user->pass_raw, 'Password is shown on screen.');

    // Check that the password works.

    // Test again with an existing email address
      ->drupalPost('node/' . $this->product->nid, array(), t('Add to cart'));
      'panes[customer][primary_email]' => $this->customer->mail,
      ->assertRaw('Your order is complete!');
      ->assertRaw('order has been attached to the account we found');

    // Test email address with apostrophe.
    $email = "test'";
      ->drupalPost('node/' . $this->product->nid, array(), t('Add to cart'));
      'panes[customer][primary_email]' => $email,
    $mail = $this
      'subject' => 'Your Order at [store-name]',
    $mail = array_pop($mail);
      ->assertEqual($email, $mail['to'], 'Email address containing apostrophe is handled correctly.');
  function testCheckoutNewUsername() {

    // Configure the checkout for this test.
    $settings = array(
      // Allow customer to specify username.
      'uc_cart_new_account_name' => TRUE,
      // Disable address panes.
      'uc_pane_delivery_enabled' => FALSE,
      'uc_pane_billing_enabled' => FALSE,
      ->drupalPost('admin/store/settings/checkout/edit/panes', $settings, t('Save configuration'));

    // Test with an account that already exists.
      ->drupalPost('node/' . $this->product->nid, array(), t('Add to cart'));
    $edit = array(
      'panes[customer][primary_email]' => $this
        ->randomName(8) . '',
      'panes[customer][new_account][name]' => $this->adminUser->name,
      ->drupalPost('cart/checkout', $edit, 'Review order');
      ->assertText('The username ' . $this->adminUser->name . ' is already taken.');

    // Let the account be automatically created instead.
    $edit = array(
      'panes[customer][primary_email]' => $this
        ->randomName(8) . '',
      'panes[customer][new_account][name]' => '',
      ->drupalPost('cart/checkout', $edit, 'Review order');
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(), 'Submit order');
      ->assertText('Your order is complete!');
      ->assertText('A new account has been created');
  function testCheckoutLogin() {

    // Log in after checkout.
    variable_set('uc_new_customer_login', TRUE);

    // Test checkout.
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $this->product->nid);
      ->assertNotNull($this->session_id, 'Session ID is set.');
    $session_id = $this->session_id;
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Add to cart'));
      ->assertRaw('Your order is complete!');
      ->assertRaw('you are already logged in');

    // Confirm login.
      ->assertNotNull($this->session_id, 'Session ID is set.');
      ->assertNotIdentical($this->session_id, $session_id, 'Session ID has changed.');
      ->assertText('My account', 'User is logged in.');

    // Check that cart is now empty.
      ->assertText('There are no products in your shopping cart.');
  function testCheckoutComplete() {

    // Payment notification is received first.
    $order_data = array(
      'primary_email' => '',
    $order = $this
    uc_payment_enter($order->order_id, 'SimpleTest', $order->order_total);

    // Check that a new account was created.
      ->assertTrue($order->data['complete_sale'] == 'new_user', 'A new account was created.');

    // 3 e-mails: new account, customer invoice, admin invoice
    $mails = $this
      ->assertEqual(count($mails), 3, '3 e-mails were sent.');
    $password = $mails[0]['params']['account']->password;
      ->assertTrue(!empty($password), 'New password is not empty.');
      ->assertTrue(strpos($mails[0]['body'], $password) !== FALSE, 'Mail body contains password.');

    // Different user, sees the checkout page first.
    $order_data = array(
      'primary_email' => '',
    $order = $this
    uc_cart_complete_sale($order, TRUE);
    uc_payment_enter($order->order_id, 'SimpleTest', $order->order_total);

    // Check that a new account was created.
      ->assertTrue($order->data['complete_sale'] == 'new_user', 'A new account was created.');

    // 3 e-mails: new account, customer invoice, admin invoice
    $mails = $this
      ->assertEqual(count($mails), 3, '3 e-mails were sent.');
    $password = $mails[0]['params']['account']->password;
      ->assertTrue(!empty($password), 'New password is not empty.');
      ->assertTrue(strpos($mails[0]['body'], $password) !== FALSE, 'Mail body contains password.');

    // Same user, new order.
    $order = $this
    uc_cart_complete_sale($order, TRUE);
    uc_payment_enter($order->order_id, 'SimpleTest', $order->order_total);

    // Check that no new account was created.
      ->assertTrue($order->data['complete_sale'] == 'existing_user', 'The order was attached to an existing account.');

    // 2 e-mails: customer invoice, admin invoice
    $mails = $this
      ->assertEqual(count($mails), 2, '2 e-mails were sent.');
  function testCheckoutRoleAssignment() {

    // Add role assignment to the test product.
    $rid = $this
      'access content',
      ->drupalPost('node/' . $this->product->nid . '/edit/features', array(
      'feature' => 'role',
    ), t('Add'));
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(
      'uc_roles_role' => $rid,
    ), t('Save feature'));

    // Process an anonymous, shippable order.
    $item = clone $this->product;
    $item->qty = 1;
    $item->price = $item->sell_price;
    $item->data = array(
      'shippable' => TRUE,
    $order = $this
      'products' => array(
    uc_payment_enter($order->order_id, 'SimpleTest', $order->order_total);

    // Find the order uid.
    $uid = db_result(db_query("SELECT uid FROM {uc_orders} ORDER BY order_id DESC"));
    $account = user_load($uid);
      ->assertTrue(isset($account->roles[$rid]), 'New user was granted role.');
    $order = uc_order_load($order->order_id);
      ->assertEqual($order->order_status, 'payment_received', 'Shippable order was set to payment received.');

    // 4 e-mails: new account, customer invoice, admin invoice, role assignment
    $mails = $this
      ->assertEqual(count($mails), 4, '4 e-mails were sent.');

    // Test again with an existing email address and a non-shippable order.
    $item->data = array(
      'shippable' => FALSE,
    $order = $this
      'primary_email' => $this->customer->mail,
      'products' => array(
    uc_payment_enter($order->order_id, 'SimpleTest', $order->order_total);
    $account = user_load($this->customer->uid);
      ->assertTrue(isset($account->roles[$rid]), 'Existing user was granted role.');
    $order = uc_order_load($order->order_id);
      ->assertEqual($order->order_status, 'completed', 'Non-shippable order was set to completed.');

    // 3 e-mails: customer invoice, admin invoice, role assignment
    $mails = $this
      ->assertEqual(count($mails), 3, '3 e-mails were sent.');
  function testCustomerInformationCheckoutPane() {

    // Log in as a customer and add an item to the cart.
      ->drupalPost('node/' . $this->product->nid, array(), t('Add to cart'));
      ->drupalPost('cart', array(), 'Checkout');

    // Test the customer information pane.
    $mail = $this->customer->mail;
      ->assertText('Customer information');
      ->assertText('Order information will be sent to your account e-mail listed below.');
      ->assertText('E-mail address: ' . $mail);

    // Use the 'edit' link to change the email address on the account.
    $new_mail = $this
      ->randomName() . '';
    $data = array(
      'mail' => $new_mail,
      ->drupalPost(NULL, $data, 'Save');

    // Test the updated email address.
      ->assertText('Order information will be sent to your account e-mail listed below.');
      ->assertNoText('E-mail address: ' . $mail);
      ->assertText('E-mail address: ' . $new_mail);


 * Tests the cart settings page.
class UbercartCartSettingsTestCase extends UbercartTestHelper {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Cart settings',
      'description' => 'Tests the cart settings page.',
      'group' => 'Ubercart',
  function testAddToCartRedirect() {
      ->assertField('uc_add_item_redirect', t('Add to cart redirect field exists'));
    $redirect = $this
      ->drupalPost('admin/store/settings/cart/edit', array(
      'uc_add_item_redirect' => $redirect,
    ), t('Save configuration'));
      ->drupalPost('node/' . $this->product->nid, array(), t('Add to cart'));
    $url_pass = $this
      ->getUrl() == url($redirect, array(
      'absolute' => TRUE,
      ->assertTrue($url_pass, t('Add to cart redirect takes user to the correct URL.'));
  function testMinimumSubtotal() {
      ->assertField('uc_minimum_subtotal', t('Minimum order subtotal field exists'));
    $minimum_subtotal = mt_rand(2, 9999);
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(
      'uc_minimum_subtotal' => $minimum_subtotal,
    ), t('Save configuration'));

    // Create two products, one below the minimum price, and one above the minimum price.
    $product_below_limit = $this
      'sell_price' => $minimum_subtotal - 1,
    $product_above_limit = $this
      'sell_price' => $minimum_subtotal + 1,

    // Check to see if the lower priced product triggers the minimum price logic.
      ->drupalPost('node/' . $product_below_limit->nid, array(), t('Add to cart'));
      ->drupalPost('cart', array(), t('Checkout'));
      ->assertRaw('The minimum order subtotal for checkout is', t('Prevented checkout below the minimum order total.'));

    // Add another product to the cart, and verify that we land on the checkout page.
      ->drupalPost('node/' . $product_above_limit->nid, array(), t('Add to cart'));
      ->drupalPost('cart', array(), t('Checkout'));
      ->assertText('Enter your billing address and information here.');
  function testContinueShopping() {

    // Continue shopping link should take you back to the product page.
      ->drupalPost('node/' . $this->product->nid, array(), t('Add to cart'));
      ->assertLink(t('Continue shopping'), 0, t('Continue shopping link appears on the page.'));
    $links = $this
      ->xpath('//a[@href="' . url('node/' . $this->product->nid, array(
      'absolute' => FALSE,
    )) . '"]');
      ->assertTrue(isset($links[0]), t('Continue shopping link returns to the product page.'));
      ->assertField('uc_continue_shopping_type', t('Continue shopping element display field exists'));
      ->assertField('uc_continue_shopping_url', t('Default continue shopping link URL field exists'));
      ->assertField('uc_continue_shopping_text', t('Custom continue shopping link text field exists'));

    // Test continue shopping button that sends users to a fixed URL.
    $settings = array(
      'uc_continue_shopping_type' => 'button',
      'uc_continue_shopping_use_last_url' => FALSE,
      'uc_continue_shopping_url' => $this
      'uc_continue_shopping_text' => $this
      ->drupalPost(NULL, $settings, t('Save configuration'));
      ->drupalPost('cart', array(), $settings['uc_continue_shopping_text']);
    $url_pass = $this
      ->getUrl() == url($settings['uc_continue_shopping_url'], array(
      'absolute' => TRUE,
      ->assertTrue($url_pass, t('Continue shopping button is properly labelled, and takes the user to the correct URL.'));
  function testCartBreadcrumb() {
      ->assertField('uc_cart_breadcrumb_text', t('Custom cart breadcrumb text field exists'));
      ->assertField('uc_cart_breadcrumb_url', t('Custom cart breadcrumb URL'));
    $settings = array(
      'uc_cart_breadcrumb_text' => $this
      'uc_cart_breadcrumb_url' => $this
      ->drupalPost(NULL, $settings, t('Save configuration'));
      ->drupalPost('node/' . $this->product->nid, array(), t('Add to cart'));
      ->assertLink($settings['uc_cart_breadcrumb_text'], 0, t('The breadcrumb link text is set correctly.'));
    $links = $this
      ->xpath('//a[@href="' . url($settings['uc_cart_breadcrumb_url']) . '"]');
      ->assertTrue(isset($links[0]), t('The breadcrumb link is set correctly.'));


 * Tests the checkout settings page.
class UbercartCheckoutSettingsTestCase extends UbercartTestHelper {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Checkout settings',
      'description' => 'Tests the checkout settings page.',
      'group' => 'Ubercart',
  function testEnableCheckout() {
      ->assertField('uc_checkout_enabled', t('Enable checkout field exists'));
      ->drupalPost('admin/store/settings/checkout/edit', array(
      'uc_checkout_enabled' => FALSE,
    ), t('Save configuration'));
      ->drupalPost('node/' . $this->product->nid, array(), t('Add to cart'));
    $buttons = $this
      ->xpath('//input[@value="' . t('Checkout') . '"]');
      ->assertFalse(isset($buttons[0]), t('The checkout button is not shown.'));
  function testAnonymousCheckout() {
      ->assertField('uc_checkout_anonymous', t('Anonymous checkout field exists'));
      ->drupalPost('admin/store/settings/checkout/edit', array(
      'uc_checkout_anonymous' => FALSE,
    ), t('Save configuration'));
      ->drupalPost('node/' . $this->product->nid, array(), t('Add to cart'));
      ->drupalPost('cart', array(), 'Checkout');
      ->assertNoText('Enter your billing address and information here.', t('The checkout page is not displayed.'));



Namesort descending Description
UbercartCartCheckoutTestCase Tests the cart and checkout functionality.
UbercartCartSettingsTestCase Tests the cart settings page.
UbercartCheckoutSettingsTestCase Tests the checkout settings page.