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public function UbercartCartSettingsTestCase::testAddToCartRedirect in Ubercart 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 uc_cart/uc_cart.test \UbercartCartSettingsTestCase::testAddToCartRedirect()

Tests add-to-cart redirection.


uc_cart/tests/uc_cart.test, line 630
Shopping cart and checkout tests.


Tests the cart settings page.


public function testAddToCartRedirect() {
    ->assertField('uc_add_item_redirect', t('Add to cart redirect field exists'));
  $redirect = $this
    ->drupalPost('admin/store/settings/cart', array(
    'uc_add_item_redirect' => $redirect,
  ), t('Save configuration'));
    ->drupalPost('node/' . $this->product->nid, array(), t('Add to cart'));
  $url_pass = $this
    ->getUrl() == url($redirect, array(
    'absolute' => TRUE,
    ->assertTrue($url_pass, t('Add to cart redirect takes user to the correct URL.'));
    ->drupalPost('admin/store/settings/cart', array(
    'uc_add_item_redirect' => '<none>',
  ), t('Save configuration'));
    ->drupalPost('node/' . $this->product->nid, array(), t('Add to cart'), array(
    'query' => array(
      'test' => 'querystring',
  $url = url('node/' . $this->product->nid, array(
    'absolute' => TRUE,
    'query' => array(
      'test' => 'querystring',
    ->getUrl() == $url, 'Add to cart no-redirect works with a query string.');