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6 calls to ca_evaluate_conditions() in Ubercart 6.2

ca_pull_trigger in ca/ca.module
Pull a trigger and evaluate any predicates associated with that trigger.
hook_calculate_tax in docs/hooks.php
Calculates tax line items for an order.
uc_checkout_pane_quotes in shipping/uc_quote/uc_quote.module
Shipping quote checkout pane callback.
uc_order_pane_quotes in shipping/uc_quote/uc_quote.module
Shipping quote order pane callback.
uc_taxes_calculate_tax in uc_taxes/uc_taxes.module
Calculates the amount and types of taxes that apply to an order.
_uc_quote_assemble_quotes in shipping/uc_quote/
Pulls the get_quote_from_* triggers and assembles their returned data.