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PlaceholderResolverTest.php in Typed Data API enhancements 8


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namespace Drupal\Tests\typed_data\Kernel;

use Drupal\Component\Render\HtmlEscapedText;
use Drupal\Core\Cache\Cache;
use Drupal\Core\Datetime\Entity\DateFormat;
use Drupal\Core\Field\FieldStorageDefinitionInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Render\BubbleableMetadata;
use Drupal\Core\TypedData\DataDefinition;
use Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig;
use Drupal\field\Entity\FieldStorageConfig;
use Drupal\KernelTests\KernelTestBase;

 * Tests the placeholder resolver.
 * @group typed_data
 * @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\typed_data\PlaceholderResolver
class PlaceholderResolverTest extends KernelTestBase {

   * The typed data manager.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\TypedData\TypedDataManagerInterface
  protected $typedDataManager;

   * A node used for testing.
   * @var \Drupal\node\NodeInterface
  protected $node;

   * An entity type manager used for testing.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManager
  protected $entityTypeManager;

   * The placeholder resolver instanced tested.
   * @var \Drupal\typed_data\PlaceholderResolver
  protected $placeholderResolver;

   * A simple global context for testing.
   * @var \Drupal\typed_data_global_context_test\ContextProvider\SimpleTestContext
  protected $simpleTestContext;

   * Modules to enable.
   * @var array
  protected static $modules = [

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() : void {
      ->installSchema('system', [

    // Make sure default date formats are there for testing the format_date
    // filter.
    $this->typedDataManager = $this->container
    $this->entityTypeManager = $this->container
    $this->placeholderResolver = $this->container
    $this->simpleTestContext = $this->container
      'type' => 'page',

    // Create a multi-value integer field for testing.
      'field_name' => 'field_integer',
      'type' => 'integer',
      'entity_type' => 'node',
      'cardinality' => FieldStorageDefinitionInterface::CARDINALITY_UNLIMITED,
      'field_name' => 'field_integer',
      'entity_type' => 'node',
      'bundle' => 'page',
    $this->node = $this->entityTypeManager
      'title' => 'test',
      'type' => 'page',

   * @covers ::scan
  public function testScanningForPlaceholders() {
    $text = 'token {{}} and {{}} just as {{|default(bar)}} and {{ example.whitespace }}';
    $placeholders = $this->placeholderResolver
      'example' => [
        'foo' => '{{}}',
        '' => '{{}}',
        'foo|default(bar)' => '{{|default(bar)}}',
        'whitespace' => '{{ example.whitespace }}',
    ], $placeholders);

    // Test a simple placeholder with filters only.
    $text = "text {{ date | filter }} text";
    $placeholders = $this->placeholderResolver
      'date' => [
        '| filter' => '{{ date | filter }}',
    ], $placeholders);

    // Test a simple placeholder with and without a filter.
    $text = "text {{ date | filter }} text {{ date }}";
    $placeholders = $this->placeholderResolver
      'date' => [
        '| filter' => '{{ date | filter }}',
        '' => '{{ date }}',
    ], $placeholders);

    // Test a compound placeholder with and without a filter.
    $text = "text {{ node.title.value | lower }} text {{ node.title.value }}";
    $placeholders = $this->placeholderResolver
      'node' => [
        'title.value | lower' => '{{ node.title.value | lower }}',
        'title.value' => '{{ node.title.value }}',
    ], $placeholders);

    // Test a global context variable placeholder.
    $text = "global context variable token {{ }}";
    $placeholders = $this->placeholderResolver
      '@service_id:context' => [
        'property' => '{{ }}',
    ], $placeholders);

    // Test a global context variable placeholder with a period in the
    // service id.
    $text = "global context variable token {{ }}";
    $placeholders = $this->placeholderResolver
      '' => [
        'property' => '{{ }}',
    ], $placeholders);

   * @covers ::scan
  public function testEmptyPlaceholders() {
    $text = 'text {{ }} text';
    $placeholders = $this->placeholderResolver
      '' => [
        '' => '{{ }}',
    ], $placeholders);

   * @covers ::scan
  public function testNoPlaceholders() {
    $text = 'test text does not have any placeholders';
    $placeholders = $this->placeholderResolver
      ->assertEquals([], $placeholders);

   * @covers ::scan
  public function testMalformedPlaceholders() {
    $text = "text {{ node. title }} text";
    $placeholders = $this->placeholderResolver
      ->assertEquals([], $placeholders);
    $text = "text {{ node .title }} text";
    $placeholders = $this->placeholderResolver
      ->assertEquals([], $placeholders);
    $text = "text {{node.}} text";
    $placeholders = $this->placeholderResolver
      ->assertEquals([], $placeholders);
    $text = "text {{ node| }} text";
    $placeholders = $this->placeholderResolver
      ->assertEquals([], $placeholders);
    $text = "text {{ no de }} text";
    $placeholders = $this->placeholderResolver
      ->assertEquals([], $placeholders);

   * @covers ::scan
  public function testFilterOnly() {
    $text = "text {{ |filter }} text";
    $placeholders = $this->placeholderResolver
      '' => [
        '|filter' => '{{ |filter }}',
    ], $placeholders);

   * @covers ::resolvePlaceholders
  public function testResolvingPlaceholders() {

    // Test resolving multiple tokens.
    $text = 'test {{node.title}} and {{node.title.value}}';
    $result = $this->placeholderResolver
      ->resolvePlaceholders($text, [
      'node' => $this->node
    $expected = [
      '{{node.title}}' => 'test',
      '{{node.title.value}}' => 'test',
      ->assertEquals($expected, $result);

    // Test resolving multiple tokens, one with a filter.
    $this->node->title->value = 'tEsT';
    $result = $this->placeholderResolver
      ->resolvePlaceHolders("test {{ node.title.value | lower }} and {{ node.title.value }}", [
      'node' => $this->node
    $expected = [
      '{{ node.title.value | lower }}' => 'test',
      '{{ node.title.value }}' => 'tEsT',
      ->assertEquals($expected, $result);

    // Test a placeholder without accessing a property.
    $text = 'test {{string}}';
    $result = $this->placeholderResolver
      ->resolvePlaceholders($text, [
      'string' => $this->typedDataManager
        ->create(DataDefinition::create('string'), 'replacement'),
    $expected = [
      '{{string}}' => 'replacement',
      ->assertEquals($expected, $result);

    // Test a global context variable placeholder.
    $text = 'test {{ @typed_data_global_context_test.simple_test_context:dragons }}';
    $context = $this->simpleTestContext
    $result = $this->placeholderResolver
      ->resolvePlaceholders($text, [
      '@typed_data_global_context_test.simple_test_context:dragons' => $context['dragons']
    $expected = [
      '{{ @typed_data_global_context_test.simple_test_context:dragons }}' => 'Dragons are better than unicorns!',
      ->assertEquals($expected, $result);

   * @covers ::replacePlaceHolders
  public function testReplacePlaceholders() {
    $text = 'test {{node.title}} and {{node.title.value}}';
    $result = $this->placeholderResolver
      ->replacePlaceHolders($text, [
      'node' => $this->node
      ->assertEquals('test test and test', $result);

   * @covers ::replacePlaceHolders
  public function testPlaceholdersAcrossReferences() {
    $user = $this->entityTypeManager
      'name' => 'test',
      'type' => 'user',
    $this->node->uid->entity = $user;
    $text = 'test {{node.title}} and {{}}';
    $result = $this->placeholderResolver
      ->replacePlaceHolders($text, [
      'node' => $this->node
      ->assertEquals('test test and test', $result);

   * @covers ::replacePlaceHolders
  public function testPlaceholdersWithMissingData() {
    $text = 'test {{node.title.1.value}}';
    $result = $this->placeholderResolver
      ->replacePlaceHolders($text, [
      'node' => $this->node
    ], NULL, []);
      ->assertEquals('test {{node.title.1.value}}', $result);
    $result = $this->placeholderResolver
      ->replacePlaceHolders($text, [
      'node' => $this->node
    ], NULL, [
      'clear' => FALSE,
      ->assertEquals('test {{node.title.1.value}}', $result);
    $result = $this->placeholderResolver
      ->replacePlaceHolders($text, [
      'node' => $this->node
    ], NULL, [
      'clear' => TRUE,
      ->assertEquals('test ', $result);

   * @covers ::replacePlaceHolders
  public function testStringEncoding() {
    $this->node->title->value = '<b>XSS</b>';
    $text = 'test {{node.title}}';
    $result = $this->placeholderResolver
      ->replacePlaceHolders($text, [
      'node' => $this->node
      ->assertEquals('test ' . new HtmlEscapedText('<b>XSS</b>'), $result);

   * @covers ::replacePlaceHolders
  public function testIntegerPlaceholder() {
    $this->node->field_integer->value = 3;
    $text = 'test {{node.field_integer.0.value}}';
    $result = $this->placeholderResolver
      ->replacePlaceHolders($text, [
      'node' => $this->node
      ->assertEquals('test 3', $result);

   * @covers ::replacePlaceHolders
  public function testListPlaceholder() {
    $this->node->field_integer = [
    $text = 'test {{node.field_integer}}';
    $result = $this->placeholderResolver
      ->replacePlaceHolders($text, [
      'node' => $this->node
      ->assertEquals('test 1, 2', $result);

   * @covers ::replacePlaceHolders
  public function testApplyingFilters() {

    // Test filter expression.
    $this->node->field_integer = [
    $this->node->title->value = NULL;
    $result = $this->placeholderResolver
      ->replacePlaceHolders("test {{node.field_integer.2.value|default('0')}}", [
      'node' => $this->node
      ->assertEquals('test 0', $result);

    // Test piping filter expressions.
    $result = $this->placeholderResolver
      ->replacePlaceHolders("test {{node.title.value|default('tEsT')|lower}}", [
      'node' => $this->node
      ->assertEquals('test test', $result);

    // Test piping filter expressions with whitespaces.
    $result = $this->placeholderResolver
      ->replacePlaceHolders("test {{ node.title.value | default('tEsT') | lower }}", [
      'node' => $this->node
      ->assertEquals('test test', $result);

    // Test multiple tokens with filters.
    $this->node->title->value = 'tEsT';
    $result = $this->placeholderResolver
      ->replacePlaceHolders("test {{ node.title.value | lower }} and {{ node.title.value }}", [
      'node' => $this->node
      ->assertEquals('test test and tEsT', $result);

    // Test a filter expression on data without accessing a property.
    $text = 'test {{string | lower}}';
    $result = $this->placeholderResolver
      ->replacePlaceHolders($text, [
      'string' => $this->typedDataManager
        ->create(DataDefinition::create('string'), 'Replacement'),
      ->assertEquals('test replacement', $result);
    $text = "The year is {{ date | format_date('custom', 'Y') }}.";
    $result = $this->placeholderResolver
      ->replacePlaceHolders($text, [
      'date' => $this->typedDataManager
        ->create(DataDefinition::create('timestamp'), '3600'),
      ->assertEquals('The year is 1970.', $result);

   * @covers ::replacePlaceHolders
  public function testBubbleableMetadata() {

    // Make sure the bubbleable metadata added by the fetcher is properly passed
    // though.
    $bubbleable_metadata = new BubbleableMetadata();

    // Save the node, so it gets a cache tag.
      ->replacePlaceHolders('test {{node.field_integer}}', [
      'node' => $this->node
    ], $bubbleable_metadata);
    $expected = [
      'node:' . $this->node
      ->assertEquals($expected, $bubbleable_metadata

    // Ensure cache tags of filters are added in.
    $bubbleable_metadata = new BubbleableMetadata();
      ->replacePlaceHolders("test {{ node.created.value | format_date('medium') }}", [
      'node' => $this->node
    ], $bubbleable_metadata);
    $expected = Cache::mergeTags([
      'node:' . $this->node
    ], DateFormat::load('medium')
      ->assertEquals($expected, $bubbleable_metadata

   * @covers ::replacePlaceHolders
  public function testGlobalContextVariable() {
    $text = 'test {{ @typed_data_global_context_test.simple_test_context:dragons }}';
    $context = $this->simpleTestContext
    $result = $this->placeholderResolver
      ->replacePlaceHolders($text, [
      '@typed_data_global_context_test.simple_test_context:dragons' => $context['dragons']
      ->assertEquals('test Dragons are better than unicorns!', $result);



Namesort descending Description
PlaceholderResolverTest Tests the placeholder resolver.