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DataFetcherAutocompleteTest.php in Typed Data API enhancements 8


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namespace Drupal\Tests\typed_data\Kernel;

use Drupal\KernelTests\KernelTestBase;
use Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig;
use Drupal\field\Entity\FieldStorageConfig;
use Drupal\Core\Field\FieldStorageDefinitionInterface;

 * Tests that data fetcher autocomplete function works correctly.
 * @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\typed_data\DataFetcher
 * @group typed_data
class DataFetcherAutocompleteTest extends KernelTestBase {

   * The data fetcher object we want to test.
   * @var \Drupal\typed_data\DataFetcherInterface
  protected $dataFetcher;

   * The typed data manager.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\TypedData\TypedDataManagerInterface
  protected $typedDataManager;

   * The data definition of our page node used for testing.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\TypedData\EntityDataDefinitionInterface
  protected $nodeDefinition;

   * The data definition of the global page node used for testing.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\TypedData\EntityDataDefinitionInterface
  protected $globalNodeDefinition;

   * Modules to enable.
   * @var array
  protected static $modules = [

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() : void {

    // The global CurrentUserContext doesn't work properly without a
    // fully-installed user module.
    // @see
      ->loadInclude('user', 'install');
    $this->dataFetcher = $this->container
    $this->typedDataManager = $this->container
    $entity_type_manager = $this->container
      'type' => 'page',

    // Create a multi-value integer field for testing.
      'field_name' => 'field_integer',
      'type' => 'integer',
      'entity_type' => 'node',
      'cardinality' => FieldStorageDefinitionInterface::CARDINALITY_UNLIMITED,
      'field_name' => 'field_integer',
      'entity_type' => 'node',
      'bundle' => 'page',
    $node = $entity_type_manager
      'title' => 'test',
      'type' => 'page',
    $this->nodeDefinition = $node
    $contexts = $this->container
    $this->globalNodeDefinition = $contexts['@node.node_route_context:node']

   * Tests that basic autocompletion works.
   * @covers ::autocompletePropertyPath
  public function testAutocomplete() {
    $definitions = [
      'node' => $this->nodeDefinition,
    $results = $this->dataFetcher
      ->autocompletePropertyPath($definitions, 'n');
        'value' => 'node',
        'label' => 'node',
        'value' => 'node.',
        'label' => 'node...',
    ], $results);

   * Tests that autocompletion of global context variables works.
   * @covers ::autocompletePropertyPath
  public function testGlobalAutocomplete() {
    $definitions = [
      '@node.node_route_context:node' => $this->globalNodeDefinition,
    $results = $this->dataFetcher
      ->autocompletePropertyPath($definitions, '@n');
        'value' => '@node.node_route_context:node',
        'label' => '@node.node_route_context:node (Node from URL)',
        'value' => '@node.node_route_context:node.',
        'label' => '@node.node_route_context:node... (Node from URL)',
    ], $results);

   * Tests various node example data selectors.
   * @covers ::autocompletePropertyPath
  public function testNodeAutocomplete() {
    $definitions = [
      'node' => $this->nodeDefinition,

    // Tests that "node.uid.en" returns the suggestion "node.uid.entity".
    $results = $this->dataFetcher
      ->autocompletePropertyPath($definitions, 'node.uid.en');
        'value' => 'node.uid.entity',
        'label' => 'node.uid.entity (User)',
        'value' => 'node.uid.entity.',
        'label' => 'node.uid.entity... (User)',
    ], $results);

    // Tests that "node." returns all available fields on a node.
    $results = $this->dataFetcher
      ->autocompletePropertyPath($definitions, 'node.');
    $expected = array_merge([
        'value' => 'node.changed',
        'label' => 'node.changed (Changed)',
        'value' => 'node.changed.',
        'label' => 'node.changed... (Changed)',
        'value' => 'node.created',
        'label' => 'node.created (Authored on)',
        'value' => 'node.created.',
        'label' => 'node.created... (Authored on)',
        'value' => 'node.default_langcode',
        'label' => 'node.default_langcode (Default translation)',
        'value' => 'node.default_langcode.',
        'label' => 'node.default_langcode... (Default translation)',
        'value' => 'node.field_integer',
        'label' => 'node.field_integer (field_integer)',
        'value' => 'node.field_integer.',
        'label' => 'node.field_integer... (field_integer)',
        'value' => 'node.langcode',
        'label' => 'node.langcode (Language)',
        'value' => 'node.langcode.',
        'label' => 'node.langcode... (Language)',
        'value' => 'node.nid',
        'label' => 'node.nid (ID)',
        'value' => 'node.nid.',
        'label' => 'node.nid... (ID)',
        'value' => 'node.promote',
        'label' => 'node.promote (Promoted to front page)',
        'value' => 'node.promote.',
        'label' => 'node.promote... (Promoted to front page)',
    ], [
        'value' => 'node.revision_default',
        'label' => 'node.revision_default (Default revision)',
        'value' => 'node.revision_default.',
        'label' => 'node.revision_default... (Default revision)',
    ], [
        'value' => 'node.revision_log',
        'label' => 'node.revision_log (Revision log message)',
        'value' => 'node.revision_log.',
        'label' => 'node.revision_log... (Revision log message)',
        'value' => 'node.revision_timestamp',
        'label' => 'node.revision_timestamp (Revision create time)',
        'value' => 'node.revision_timestamp.',
        'label' => 'node.revision_timestamp... (Revision create time)',
        'value' => 'node.revision_translation_affected',
        'label' => 'node.revision_translation_affected (Revision translation affected)',
        'value' => 'node.revision_translation_affected.',
        'label' => 'node.revision_translation_affected... (Revision translation affected)',
        'value' => 'node.revision_uid',
        'label' => 'node.revision_uid (Revision user)',
        'value' => 'node.revision_uid.',
        'label' => 'node.revision_uid... (Revision user)',
        'value' => 'node.status',
        'label' => 'node.status (Published)',
        'value' => 'node.status.',
        'label' => 'node.status... (Published)',
        'value' => 'node.sticky',
        'label' => 'node.sticky (Sticky at top of lists)',
        'value' => 'node.sticky.',
        'label' => 'node.sticky... (Sticky at top of lists)',
        'value' => 'node.title',
        'label' => 'node.title (Title)',
        'value' => 'node.title.',
        'label' => 'node.title... (Title)',
        'value' => 'node.type',
        'label' => 'node.type (Content type)',
        'value' => 'node.type.',
        'label' => 'node.type... (Content type)',
        'value' => 'node.uid',
        'label' => 'node.uid (Authored by)',
        'value' => 'node.uid.',
        'label' => 'node.uid... (Authored by)',
        'value' => 'node.uuid',
        'label' => 'node.uuid (UUID)',
        'value' => 'node.uuid.',
        'label' => 'node.uuid... (UUID)',
        'value' => 'node.vid',
        'label' => 'node.vid (Revision ID)',
        'value' => 'node.vid.',
        'label' => 'node.vid... (Revision ID)',

    // Because this is a huge array, run the assertion per entry as that is
    // easier for debugging.
    foreach ($expected as $index => $entry) {
        ->assertSame($entry, $results[$index]);

    // Tests that "" returns "".
    $results = $this->dataFetcher
      ->autocompletePropertyPath($definitions, '');
        'value' => '',
        'label' => ' (Name)',
        'value' => '',
        'label' => ' (Name)',
    ], $results);

    // A multi-valued field should show numeric indices suggestions.
    $results = $this->dataFetcher
      ->autocompletePropertyPath($definitions, 'node.field_integer.');
        'value' => 'node.field_integer.0',
        'label' => 'node.field_integer.0',
        'value' => 'node.field_integer.0.',
        'label' => 'node.field_integer.0...',
        'value' => 'node.field_integer.1',
        'label' => 'node.field_integer.1',
        'value' => 'node.field_integer.1.',
        'label' => 'node.field_integer.1...',
        'value' => 'node.field_integer.2',
        'label' => 'node.field_integer.2',
        'value' => 'node.field_integer.2.',
        'label' => 'node.field_integer.2...',
        'value' => 'node.field_integer.value',
        'label' => 'node.field_integer.value (Integer value)',
    ], $results);

    // A single-valued field should not show numeric indices suggestions.
    $results = $this->dataFetcher
      ->autocompletePropertyPath($definitions, 'node.title.');
        'value' => 'node.title.value',
        'label' => 'node.title.value (Text value)',
    ], $results);

    // A single-valued field should not show numeric indices suggestions.
    $results = $this->dataFetcher
      ->autocompletePropertyPath($definitions, 'n');
        'value' => 'node',
        'label' => 'node',
        'value' => 'node.',
        'label' => 'node...',
    ], $results);

   * Tests various @node example data selectors.
   * @covers ::autocompletePropertyPath
  public function testGlobalNodeAutocomplete() {
    $definitions = [
      '@node.node_route_context:node' => $this->globalNodeDefinition,

    // Tests that "node.uid.en" returns the suggestion "node.uid.entity".
    $results = $this->dataFetcher
      ->autocompletePropertyPath($definitions, '@node.node_route_context:node.uid.en');
        'value' => '@node.node_route_context:node.uid.entity',
        'label' => '@node.node_route_context:node.uid.entity (User)',
        'value' => '@node.node_route_context:node.uid.entity.',
        'label' => '@node.node_route_context:node.uid.entity... (User)',
    ], $results);

    // Tests that "@node.node_route_context:node." returns all available fields
    // on a node.
    $results = $this->dataFetcher
      ->autocompletePropertyPath($definitions, '@node.node_route_context:node.');
    $expected = array_merge([
        'value' => '@node.node_route_context:node.changed',
        'label' => '@node.node_route_context:node.changed (Changed)',
        'value' => '@node.node_route_context:node.changed.',
        'label' => '@node.node_route_context:node.changed... (Changed)',
        'value' => '@node.node_route_context:node.created',
        'label' => '@node.node_route_context:node.created (Authored on)',
        'value' => '@node.node_route_context:node.created.',
        'label' => '@node.node_route_context:node.created... (Authored on)',
        'value' => '@node.node_route_context:node.default_langcode',
        'label' => '@node.node_route_context:node.default_langcode (Default translation)',
        'value' => '@node.node_route_context:node.default_langcode.',
        'label' => '@node.node_route_context:node.default_langcode... (Default translation)',
        'value' => '@node.node_route_context:node.langcode',
        'label' => '@node.node_route_context:node.langcode (Language)',
        'value' => '@node.node_route_context:node.langcode.',
        'label' => '@node.node_route_context:node.langcode... (Language)',
        'value' => '@node.node_route_context:node.nid',
        'label' => '@node.node_route_context:node.nid (ID)',
        'value' => '@node.node_route_context:node.nid.',
        'label' => '@node.node_route_context:node.nid... (ID)',
        'value' => '@node.node_route_context:node.promote',
        'label' => '@node.node_route_context:node.promote (Promoted to front page)',
        'value' => '@node.node_route_context:node.promote.',
        'label' => '@node.node_route_context:node.promote... (Promoted to front page)',
    ], [
        'value' => '@node.node_route_context:node.revision_default',
        'label' => '@node.node_route_context:node.revision_default (Default revision)',
        'value' => '@node.node_route_context:node.revision_default.',
        'label' => '@node.node_route_context:node.revision_default... (Default revision)',
    ], [
        'value' => '@node.node_route_context:node.revision_log',
        'label' => '@node.node_route_context:node.revision_log (Revision log message)',
        'value' => '@node.node_route_context:node.revision_log.',
        'label' => '@node.node_route_context:node.revision_log... (Revision log message)',
        'value' => '@node.node_route_context:node.revision_timestamp',
        'label' => '@node.node_route_context:node.revision_timestamp (Revision create time)',
        'value' => '@node.node_route_context:node.revision_timestamp.',
        'label' => '@node.node_route_context:node.revision_timestamp... (Revision create time)',
        'value' => '@node.node_route_context:node.revision_translation_affected',
        'label' => '@node.node_route_context:node.revision_translation_affected (Revision translation affected)',
        'value' => '@node.node_route_context:node.revision_translation_affected.',
        'label' => '@node.node_route_context:node.revision_translation_affected... (Revision translation affected)',
        'value' => '@node.node_route_context:node.revision_uid',
        'label' => '@node.node_route_context:node.revision_uid (Revision user)',
        'value' => '@node.node_route_context:node.revision_uid.',
        'label' => '@node.node_route_context:node.revision_uid... (Revision user)',
        'value' => '@node.node_route_context:node.status',
        'label' => '@node.node_route_context:node.status (Published)',
        'value' => '@node.node_route_context:node.status.',
        'label' => '@node.node_route_context:node.status... (Published)',
        'value' => '@node.node_route_context:node.sticky',
        'label' => '@node.node_route_context:node.sticky (Sticky at top of lists)',
        'value' => '@node.node_route_context:node.sticky.',
        'label' => '@node.node_route_context:node.sticky... (Sticky at top of lists)',
        'value' => '@node.node_route_context:node.title',
        'label' => '@node.node_route_context:node.title (Title)',
        'value' => '@node.node_route_context:node.title.',
        'label' => '@node.node_route_context:node.title... (Title)',
        'value' => '@node.node_route_context:node.type',
        'label' => '@node.node_route_context:node.type (Content type)',
        'value' => '@node.node_route_context:node.type.',
        'label' => '@node.node_route_context:node.type... (Content type)',
        'value' => '@node.node_route_context:node.uid',
        'label' => '@node.node_route_context:node.uid (Authored by)',
        'value' => '@node.node_route_context:node.uid.',
        'label' => '@node.node_route_context:node.uid... (Authored by)',
        'value' => '@node.node_route_context:node.uuid',
        'label' => '@node.node_route_context:node.uuid (UUID)',
        'value' => '@node.node_route_context:node.uuid.',
        'label' => '@node.node_route_context:node.uuid... (UUID)',
        'value' => '@node.node_route_context:node.vid',
        'label' => '@node.node_route_context:node.vid (Revision ID)',
        'value' => '@node.node_route_context:node.vid.',
        'label' => '@node.node_route_context:node.vid... (Revision ID)',

    // Because this is a huge array, run the assertion per entry as that is
    // easier for debugging.
    foreach ($expected as $index => $entry) {
        ->assertSame($entry, $results[$index]);

    // Tests that "" returns
    // "".
    $results = $this->dataFetcher
      ->autocompletePropertyPath($definitions, '');
        'value' => '',
        'label' => ' (Name)',
        'value' => '',
        'label' => ' (Name)',
    ], $results);

    // A single-valued field should not show numeric indices suggestions.
    $results = $this->dataFetcher
      ->autocompletePropertyPath($definitions, '@node.node_route_context:node.title.');
        'value' => '@node.node_route_context:node.title.value',
        'label' => '@node.node_route_context:node.title.value (Text value)',
    ], $results);

    // A single-valued field should not show numeric indices suggestions.
    $results = $this->dataFetcher
      ->autocompletePropertyPath($definitions, '@node.node_route_context:n');
        'value' => '@node.node_route_context:node',
        'label' => '@node.node_route_context:node (Node from URL)',
        'value' => '@node.node_route_context:node.',
        'label' => '@node.node_route_context:node... (Node from URL)',
    ], $results);

   * Tests that autocomplete results for a flat list are correct.
   * @covers ::autocompletePropertyPath
  public function testListAutocomplete() {
    $list_definition = $this->typedDataManager
    $definitions = [
      'list' => $list_definition,
    $results = $this->dataFetcher
      ->autocompletePropertyPath($definitions, 'list.');
        'value' => 'list.0',
        'label' => 'list.0',
        'value' => 'list.1',
        'label' => 'list.1',
        'value' => 'list.2',
        'label' => 'list.2',
    ], $results);



Namesort descending Description
DataFetcherAutocompleteTest Tests that data fetcher autocomplete function works correctly.