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twitter-block-tweet.tpl.php in Twitter Block 7

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  1. 6 twitter-block-tweet.tpl.php

Default theme implementation for displaying a tweet.

A list of tweets are displayed inside of the twitter block.

Available variables:

  • $name: The name of the tweet's author.
  • $screen_name: The screen name of the tweet's author.
  • $user_image: A URL to the tweet's author's profile picture.
  • $date: The tweet's creation date.
  • $text: The tweet's text.


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 * @file
 * Default theme implementation for displaying a tweet.
 * A list of tweets are displayed inside of the twitter block.
 * Available variables:
 * - $name: The name of the tweet's author.
 * - $screen_name: The screen name of the tweet's author.
 * - $user_image: A URL to the tweet's author's profile picture.
 * - $date: The tweet's creation date.
 * - $text: The tweet's text.
<div class="clearfix tweet twitter_block">
  <div class="twitter_block_user">
    <a class="twitter_block profile_image" href="<?php

echo $screen_name;
      <img src="<?php

echo $user_image;
?>" alt="Twitter Avatar" />
      <span class="twitter_block_user_name"><?php

echo $name;
  <div class="tweet_date"><?php

echo $date;
  <div class="tweet_text"><p class="tweet"><?php

echo $text;