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README.txt in Twitter 6.5

The Twitter module allows listing tweets in blocks or pages. Its integration
with Views opens the door to all sorts of formatting (ie. as an automatic
slideshow with views_slideshow). It also provides useful input filters to easily
link Twitter accounts and searches within text.

Twitter's submodules allow posting to Twitter, executing actions/rules when
tweeting or login with a Twitter account.

The OAuth module is required:

Note: only the v6.x-3.x releases of OAuth have been tested, the older v6.x-2.x
releases may not work.

When installing the Twitter module without the above being available, Drupal
will complain about a missing "oauth_common" module. This module is actually
provided by the OAuth project - the module name and project name are not the
same, hence this error.

Once OAuth and Twitter have been enabled, go to admin/settings/twitter and
follow the instructions in order to provide the Twitter Application keys.

Further installation instructions can be found at:

How to use the username, hashtag and embedded tweet input filters
1. Go to admin/settings/filters.
2. Select the text format where the filters are to be added to.
3. At "Enabled filters" check the Twitter filters.

After that, clear cache and try to create a page with the following body:

#drupal @drupal

This will link to a search in Twitter for the #drupal hashtag, and to the
@drupal account profile page.

To display a single tweet in a page, insert a full URL to a tweet in a node's
body field, e.g.:

These filters are avilable when configuring list of tweets in Views.

Note: These filters may be used without OAuth being configured.

How to post to Twitter
 1. Install and configure OAuth, as described above.

 2. Verify permissions at admin/user/permissions:
    - post to twitter
      Users with this permission will be able to post to Twitter using an
      authenticated account that they have added to the site.
    - post to twitter with global account
      Users with this permission will be able to post to Twitter using an
      account that is set up with the "is global" option.

 3. Go to admin/settings/twitter/post and select from which node types a user
    may post to Twitter, and the default message that will be posted.

 4. Add a Twitter account and try to edit or post content.

Further information can be found at

How to sign in with Twitter
Existing and new users can sign in with Twitter by enabling the twitter_signin
module. The following scenarios are being supported so far:

* A visitor logs in with their Twitter account and, once authenticated at, fills in their email in the Drupal registration form and receives
  an email to log in and their account password.

* An existing user signs in with Twitter and then logs in into their Drupal user
  account. This results in the Twitter account mecoming related to the user
  account so next time Twitter sign-in will work.

* An existing user with an already configured Twitter account can log in
  automatically by clicking on the "Sign in with Twitter" button.

Credits / Contact
Currently maintained by Damien McKenna [1]. Originally written by James Walker
[2] with many contributions by Michael Hellein [3], Juampy Novillo Requena [4],
Chris Burgess [5], Jeff Eaton [6] and others in the community.

Ongoing development is sponsored by Mediacurrent [7].

The best way to contact the authors is to submit an issue, be it a support
request, a feature request or a bug report, in the project issue queue:



View source
  1. Twitter
  2. -------
  3. The Twitter module allows listing tweets in blocks or pages. Its integration
  4. with Views opens the door to all sorts of formatting (ie. as an automatic
  5. slideshow with views_slideshow). It also provides useful input filters to easily
  6. link Twitter accounts and searches within text.
  7. Twitter's submodules allow posting to Twitter, executing actions/rules when
  8. tweeting or login with a Twitter account.
  9. Installation
  10. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. The OAuth module is required:
  13. Note: only the v6.x-3.x releases of OAuth have been tested, the older v6.x-2.x
  14. releases may not work.
  15. When installing the Twitter module without the above being available, Drupal
  16. will complain about a missing "oauth_common" module. This module is actually
  17. provided by the OAuth project - the module name and project name are not the
  18. same, hence this error.
  19. Once OAuth and Twitter have been enabled, go to admin/settings/twitter and
  20. follow the instructions in order to provide the Twitter Application keys.
  21. Further installation instructions can be found at:
  23. How to use the username, hashtag and embedded tweet input filters
  24. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  25. 1. Go to admin/settings/filters.
  26. 2. Select the text format where the filters are to be added to.
  27. 3. At "Enabled filters" check the Twitter filters.
  28. After that, clear cache and try to create a page with the following body:
  29. #drupal @drupal
  30. This will link to a search in Twitter for the #drupal hashtag, and to the
  31. @drupal account profile page.
  32. To display a single tweet in a page, insert a full URL to a tweet in a node's
  33. body field, e.g.:
  35. These filters are avilable when configuring list of tweets in Views.
  36. Note: These filters may be used without OAuth being configured.
  37. How to post to Twitter
  38. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  39. 1. Install and configure OAuth, as described above.
  40. 2. Verify permissions at admin/user/permissions:
  41. - post to twitter
  42. Users with this permission will be able to post to Twitter using an
  43. authenticated account that they have added to the site.
  44. - post to twitter with global account
  45. Users with this permission will be able to post to Twitter using an
  46. account that is set up with the "is global" option.
  47. 3. Go to admin/settings/twitter/post and select from which node types a user
  48. may post to Twitter, and the default message that will be posted.
  49. 4. Add a Twitter account and try to edit or post content.
  50. Further information can be found at
  51. How to sign in with Twitter
  52. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  53. Existing and new users can sign in with Twitter by enabling the twitter_signin
  54. module. The following scenarios are being supported so far:
  55. * A visitor logs in with their Twitter account and, once authenticated at
  56., fills in their email in the Drupal registration form and receives
  57. an email to log in and their account password.
  58. * An existing user signs in with Twitter and then logs in into their Drupal user
  59. account. This results in the Twitter account mecoming related to the user
  60. account so next time Twitter sign-in will work.
  61. * An existing user with an already configured Twitter account can log in
  62. automatically by clicking on the "Sign in with Twitter" button.
  63. Credits / Contact
  64. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  65. Currently maintained by Damien McKenna [1]. Originally written by James Walker
  66. [2] with many contributions by Michael Hellein [3], Juampy Novillo Requena [4],
  67. Chris Burgess [5], Jeff Eaton [6] and others in the community.
  68. Ongoing development is sponsored by Mediacurrent [7].
  69. The best way to contact the authors is to submit an issue, be it a support
  70. request, a feature request or a bug report, in the project issue queue:
  72. References
  73. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  74. 1:
  75. 2:
  76. 3:
  77. 4:
  78. 5:
  79. 6:
  80. 7: