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MomentFormat.php in Twig Extender 8.2


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namespace Drupal\twig_extender_extras\Plugin\TwigPlugin;

use Moment\CustomFormats\MomentJs;

 * Provide helper methods for Drupal render elements.
 * @TwigPlugin(
 *   id = "twig_extender_moment_format",
 *   label = @Translation("Identifies the children of an element array, optionally sorted by weight."),
 *   type = "filter",
 *   name = "moment_format",
 *   function = "moment"
 * )
class MomentFormat extends BaseMoment {

   * Format a date with moment php.
   * @param mixed $date
   *   The element array whose children are to be identified. Passed by
   *   reference.
   * @param string $format
   *   Boolean to indicate whether the children should be sorted by weight.
   * @param mixed $timezone
   *   Boolean to indicate whether the children should be sorted by weight.
   * @param mixed $js
   *   Boolean to indicate whether the children should be sorted by weight.
   * @return array
   *   Array for render.
   * @throws \Exception
  public function moment($date, $format, $timezone = NULL, $js = FALSE) {
    $moment = $this
      ->getMoment($date, $timezone);
    $value = $moment
    if ($js === TRUE) {
      $value = $moment
        ->format($format, new MomentJs());
    $build = [
      '#cache' => [
        'contexts' => [
      '#markup' => $value,
    return $build;



Namesort descending Description
MomentFormat Provide helper methods for Drupal render elements.