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trash_flag.module in Trash Flag 7


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 * @file
 * Code for the Trash Flag feature.
include_once '';

 * Implements hook_flag_flag().
function trash_flag_flag_flag($flag, $content_id, $account, $flagging) {
  trash_flag_trigger('flag', $flag, $content_id, $account);

 * Implements hook_flag_unflag().
function trash_flag_flag_unflag($flag, $content_id, $account, $flagging) {
  trash_flag_trigger('unflag', $flag, $content_id, $account);

 * Helper for flag and unflag hooks. Trigger actions if any are available.
function trash_flag_trigger($action, $flag, $content_id, $account) {
  if ($flag->name == 'trash') {

 * Implements hook_flag_access().
function trash_flag_flag_access($flag, $content_id, $action, $account) {

  // Do nothing if there is no restriction by authorship.
  if ($flag->name == 'trash') {

    // Node must exists to be trashed.
    if (empty($content_id) || !($node = node_load($content_id))) {
      return FALSE;
    $op = $action == 'flag' ? 'trash' : 'untrash';
    $type = $node->type;
    $access = FALSE;

    // Allow per group trash settings.
    if (module_exists('og')) {
      $access = og_user_access_entity('administer group', 'node', $node, $account);

      // we don't actually use administer group permission, just use above check
      // to see if node is part of group.
      if (!is_null($access)) {
        $access = og_user_access_entity("{$op} any content", 'node', $node, $account) || og_user_access_entity("{$op} any {$type} content", 'node', $node, $account) || $account->uid == $node->uid && og_user_access_entity("{$op} own {$type} content", 'node', $node, $account);
      else {
        $access = FALSE;

    // Fallback to normal permission checks.
    return $access || user_access("{$op} any content", $account) || user_access("{$op} any {$type} content", $account) || $account->uid == $node->uid && user_access("{$op} own {$type} content", $account);

 * Future: Implements hook_flag_access().
 * As soon as the new hook_flag_access_mulitpe() is thoroughly tested, we can
 * get rid of duplicate code and use this instead.
function _trash_flag_flag_access($flag, $content_id, $action, $account) {
  $result = trash_flag_flag_access_multiple($flag, array(
    $content_id => $action,
  ), $account);
  return !empty($result[$content_id]);

 * Implements hook_flag_access_multiple().
 * @param $flag
 *   flag object
 * @param $nid_actions
 *   Array $nid => 'flag'|'unflag'
 * @param $account
 *   User account
 * @return array
 *   Array $nid => $access, (null or unset means "no opinion")
function trash_flag_flag_access_multiple($flag, $nid_actions, $account) {
  $access = array();

  // Don't care for others.
  if ($flag->name != 'trash') {
    return $access;
  $action_map = array(
    'flag' => 'trash',
    'unflag' => 'untrash',

  // Global permisisons.
  $allowed_actions = array();
  foreach ($action_map as $action => $trash_action) {
    if (user_access("{$trash_action} any content")) {
      $allowed_actions[$action] = TRUE;
  foreach ($nid_actions as $nid => $action) {
    if (isset($allowed_actions[$action])) {
      $access[$nid] = TRUE;

  // That's all? Return it.
  if (empty($nid_actions)) {
    return $access;

  // Type specific permisisons.
  // Get allowed nodetypes, then nids for that.
  $trash_any_types = $trash_own_types = array();
  foreach ($action_map as $action => $trash_action) {
    foreach (node_type_get_names() as $type => $_) {
      if (user_access("{$trash_action} any {$type} content", $account)) {
        $trash_any_types[] = $type;
      elseif (user_access("{$trash_action} own {$type} content", $account)) {
        $trash_own_types[] = $type;
  $fetched_nids = array();
  if ($trash_any_types || $trash_own_types) {
    $query = db_select('node', 'n')
      ->fields('n', array(
      ->condition('nid', array_keys($nid_actions), 'IN');
    if ($trash_any_types && $trash_own_types) {
      $or = db_or()
        ->condition('type', $trash_any_types)
        ->condition('type', $trash_own_types)
        ->condition('uid', $account->uid));
    elseif ($trash_any_types) {
        ->condition('type', $trash_any_types);
    else {
        ->condition('type', $trash_own_types);
        ->condition('uid', $account->uid);
    $fetched_nids = $query
  foreach ($fetched_nids as $fetched_nid) {
    $access[$fetched_nid] = TRUE;

  // That's all? Return it.
  if (empty($nid_actions)) {
    return $access;

  // OG permissions. One after the other.
  foreach ($nid_actions as $nid => $action) {
    $trash_action = $action_map[$action];

    // @see og_user_access_entity().
    $node = entity_load_single('node', $nid);
    list(, , $bundle_name) = entity_extract_ids('node', $node);
    $is_group_content = og_is_group_content_type('node', $bundle_name);
    if ($is_group_content && ($groups = og_get_entity_groups('node', $node))) {
      foreach ($groups as $group_type => $gids) {
        foreach ($gids as $gid) {
          if (og_user_access($group_type, $gid, "{$trash_action} any content", $account) || og_user_access($group_type, $gid, "{$trash_action} any {$bundle_name} content", $account) || $account->uid == $node->uid && og_user_access_entity("{$trash_action} own {$bundle_name} content", 'node', $node, $account)) {
            $access[$nid] = TRUE;
  return $access;

 * Implements hook_permission().
function trash_flag_permission() {
  if ($flag = flag_get_flag('trash')) {
    $trash_action = drupal_strtolower($flag->title);
    $trashed = drupal_strtolower($flag->unflag_denied_text);
    $untrash_action = drupal_strtolower($flag->unflag_short);
  else {
    $trash_action = 'trash';
    $untrash_action = 'untrash';
    $trashed = 'trashed';
  $perms = array();
  $t_args = array(
    '@trash' => $trash_action,
    '@untrash' => $untrash_action,
    '@trashed' => $trashed,
  $perms["trash any content"] = array(
    'title' => t('@trash any content', $t_args),
  $perms["untrash any content"] = array(
    'title' => t('@untrash any content.', $t_args),
    'description' => t('Must be able to view @trashed content to @untrash.', $t_args),
  $perms["view trash content"] = array(
    'title' => t('View @trashed content', $t_args),
    'description' => t('Users with this permission will be able to view @trashed content as normal, unless the @trashed content is specially filtered out.', $t_args),
  $perms["view trash bin"] = array(
    'title' => t('View @trashed listing and content pages', $t_args),
    'description' => t('Users with this permission will be able to view @trashed content in the @trashed listing and visit the content view pages.', $t_args),

  // Generate standard node permissions for all applicable node types.
  foreach (node_type_get_names() as $type => $name) {

    // Build standard list of node permissions for this type.
    $perms["trash any {$type} content"] = array(
      'title' => t('%type_name: @trash any content', $t_args + array(
        '%type_name' => $name,
    $perms["trash own {$type} content"] = array(
      'title' => t('%type_name: @trash own content', $t_args + array(
        '%type_name' => $name,
    $perms["untrash any {$type} content"] = array(
      'title' => t('%type_name: @untrash any content', $t_args + array(
        '%type_name' => $name,
      'description' => t('Must be able to view @trashed content to r@untrash.', $t_args),
    $perms["untrash own {$type} content"] = array(
      'title' => t('%type_name: @untrash own content', $t_args + array(
        '%type_name' => $name,
      'description' => t('Must be able to view @trashed content to @untrash.', $t_args),
  return $perms;

 * Implements hook_og_permission().
function trash_flag_og_permission() {
  if ($flag = flag_get_flag('trash')) {
    $trash_action = drupal_strtolower($flag->title);
    $trashed = drupal_strtolower($flag->unflag_denied_text);
    $untrash_action = drupal_strtolower($flag->unflag_short);
  else {
    $trash_action = 'trash';
    $untrash_action = 'untrash';
    $trashed = 'trashed';
  $perms = array();
  $t_args = array(
    '@trash' => $trash_action,
    '@untrash' => $untrash_action,
    '@trashed' => $trashed,
  $perms["trash any content"] = array(
    'title' => t('@trash any content', $t_args),
    'default role' => array(),
    'restrict access' => TRUE,
  $perms["untrash any content"] = array(
    'title' => t('@untrash any content', $t_args),
    'description' => t('Must be able to view @trashed content to @untrash.', $t_args),
    'default role' => array(),
    'restrict access' => TRUE,
  $perms["view trash content"] = array(
    'title' => t('View @trashed content', $t_args),
    'description' => t('Users with this permission will be able to view @trashed content as normal, unless the @trashed content is specifically filtered out.', $t_args),
    'default role' => array(),
    'restrict access' => TRUE,
  $perms["view trash bin"] = array(
    'title' => t('View @trashed listing and content pages', $t_args),
    'description' => t('Users with this permission will be able to view @trashed content in the @trashed listing and the content view pages.', $t_args),
    'default role' => array(),
    'restrict access' => TRUE,

  // Generate standard node permissions for all applicable node types.
  foreach (node_type_get_names() as $type => $name) {
    if (og_is_group_content_type('node', $type)) {
      $info = node_type_get_type($type);

      // Build standard list of node permissions for this type.
      $perms["trash any {$type} content"] = array(
        'title' => t('%type_name: @trash any content', $t_args + array(
          '%type_name' => $name,
        'default role' => array(
        'restrict access' => TRUE,
      $perms["trash own {$type} content"] = array(
        'title' => t('%type_name: @trash own content', $t_args + array(
          '%type_name' => $name,
        'default role' => array(
        'restrict access' => TRUE,
      $perms["untrash any {$type} content"] = array(
        'title' => t('%type_name: @untrash any content', $t_args + array(
          '%type_name' => $name,
        'description' => t('Must be able to view @trashed content to @untrash.', $t_args),
        'default role' => array(),
        'restrict access' => TRUE,
      $perms["untrash own {$type} content"] = array(
        'title' => t('%type_name: @untrash own content', $t_args + array(
          '%type_name' => $name,
        'description' => t('Must be able to view @trashed content to @untrash.', $t_args),
        'default role' => array(),
        'restrict access' => TRUE,
  return $perms;

 * Implements hook_node_access_records().
 * Allows users to view content if 'view trash content' as normal.
function trash_flag_node_access_records($node) {
  if (($flag = flag_load('trash')) && $flag
    ->is_flagged($node->nid)) {
    return array(
        'realm' => 'trash_flag',
        'gid' => 1,
        'grant_view' => $node->status,
        'grant_update' => 0,
        'grant_delete' => 0,
        'priority' => 10000,

 * Implements hook_node_grants().
function trash_flag_node_grants($account, $op) {
  $grants = array();
  if (user_access("view trash content", $account)) {
    $grants['trash_flag'] = array(
  return $grants;

 * Implements hook_node_access().
 * Allows users to view trash directly, either via trashbin or view all perm.
function trash_flag_node_access($node, $op, $account) {

  // Assumption is if being directly called, likely a direct node page view.
  if ($op == 'view' && ($flag = flag_load('trash')) && $flag
    ->is_flagged($node->nid)) {
    $access = og_user_access_entity('administer group', 'node', $node, $account);
    if (!is_null($access)) {
      if (og_user_access_entity("view trash bin", 'node', $node, $account)) {
        return NODE_ACCESS_ALLOW;
    return user_access("view trash content", $account) || user_access("view trash bin", $account) ? NODE_ACCESS_ALLOW : NODE_ACCESS_DENY;