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ContentEntityNormalizer.php in Tome 8


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namespace Drupal\tome_sync\Normalizer;

use Drupal\serialization\Normalizer\ContentEntityNormalizer as BaseContentEntityNormalizer;

 * Normalizes/denormalizes Drupal content entities into an array structure.
 * @internal
class ContentEntityNormalizer extends BaseContentEntityNormalizer {

   * Field names that should be excluded from normalization.
   * Should only be used when more generic logic cannot be used.
   * @var array
  protected $fieldDenyList = [

   * Entity type properties that should be excluded from normalization.
   * Should only be used when more generic logic cannot be used.
   * @var array
  protected $entityTypeDenyList = [

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function normalize($entity, $format = NULL, array $context = []) {
    $values = parent::normalize($entity, $format, $context);

    /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface $entity */
    $entity_type = $entity
    $id_key = $entity_type

    // User IDs are important to retain to ensure that User 1 is consistent
    // across rebuilds. We unset the ID key otherwise to make merging easier.
    // Imagine fighting over the next Node ID with an upstream repo! Yuck.
    if ($entity_type
      ->id() !== 'user' && $id_key && isset($values[$id_key])) {
    $id_key = $entity_type
    if ($id_key && isset($values[$id_key])) {
    foreach ($this->fieldDenyList as $field_name) {
      if (isset($values[$field_name])) {
    foreach ($this->entityTypeDenyList as $key) {
      $field_name = $entity
      if ($field_name && isset($values[$field_name])) {
    return $values;



Namesort descending Description
ContentEntityNormalizer Normalizes/denormalizes Drupal content entities into an array structure.