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protected function ImportPartialForm::getInitialError in Tome 8

Determines if there is an initial error that should prevent an import.

Return value

\Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup|string An error message, if available.

1 call to ImportPartialForm::getInitialError()
ImportPartialForm::buildForm in modules/tome_sync/src/Form/ImportPartialForm.php
Form constructor.


modules/tome_sync/src/Form/ImportPartialForm.php, line 187


Contains a form for performing a partial import.




protected function getInitialError() {
  if (!$this->contentHasher
    ->hashesExist()) {
    return $this
      ->t('No content hashes exist to perform a partial import. Please run a full Tome install and export (i.e. "drush tome:install && drush tome:export"), which will ensure hashes exist in the database and filesystem.');

  // Inform the user if a config import needs to be made. This has to be done
  // before a content import in case bundles or fields change.
  // @todo Remove temporary third argument when 8.6.x EOLs.
  $storage_comparer = new StorageComparer($this->syncStorage, $this->activeStorage, \Drupal::service('config.manager'));
  if (!empty($this->syncStorage
    ->listAll()) && $storage_comparer
    ->hasChanges()) {
    $message = $this
      ->t('There are configuration changes that need importing.');
    $url = Url::fromRoute('config.sync', [], [
      'query' => [
        'destination' => Url::fromRoute('tome_sync.import_partial')

    // The config module may not be enabled.
    if ($url
      ->access()) {
      $message .= ' ' . $this
        ->t('Please use the <a href=":url">Config Synchronize form</a>, then return here to import content and files.', [
        ':url' => $url
    else {
      $message .= ' ' . $this
        ->t('Please run a partial config import (i.e. "drush config:import --partial"), then return here to import content and files.');
    return $message;

  // Prevent the current user from being deleted.
  $current_user = $this
  if ($current_user instanceof EntityInterface) {
    $user_name = TomeSyncHelper::getContentName($current_user);
    if (in_array($user_name, $this->contentHasher
      ->getChangelist()['deleted'], TRUE)) {
      return $this
        ->t('This import would delete the current user and cannot be performed using the user interface.');