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namespace Drupal\Tests\token\Kernel in Token 8

Classsort descending Location Description
ArrayTest tests/src/Kernel/ArrayTest.php Tests array tokens.
BookTest tests/src/Kernel/BookTest.php Test the book tokens.
CommentTest tests/src/Kernel/CommentTest.php Tests comment tokens.
DateTest tests/src/Kernel/DateTest.php Tests date tokens.
EntityTest tests/src/Kernel/EntityTest.php Tests entity tokens.
FieldTest tests/src/Kernel/FieldTest.php Tests field tokens.
FileTest tests/src/Kernel/FileTest.php Tests file tokens.
KernelTestBase tests/src/Kernel/KernelTestBase.php Helper test class with some added functions for testing.
LanguageTest tests/src/Kernel/LanguageTest.php Tests language tokens.
MockLanguageManager tests/src/Kernel/MockLanguageManager.php A language manager that can be easily overridden for testing purposes.
NodeTest tests/src/Kernel/NodeTest.php Test the node and content type tokens.
RandomTest tests/src/Kernel/RandomTest.php Tests random tokens.
TaxonomyTest tests/src/Kernel/TaxonomyTest.php Tests taxonomy tokens.
UnitTest tests/src/Kernel/UnitTest.php Test basic, low-level token functions.
UrlTest tests/src/Kernel/UrlTest.php Test generic url token replacements.
ViewsTest tests/src/Kernel/ViewsTest.php Test the views tokens.