toc_api.toc_type.simple.yml in TOC API 8
config/install/toc_api.toc_type.simple.ymlView source
- langcode: en
- status: true
- dependencies: { }
- id: simple
- label: Simple
- options:
- template: responsive
- title: 'Table of Contents'
- block: false
- header_count: 2
- header_min: 2
- header_max: 2
- header_allowed_tags: '<em> <b> <del> <i> <mark> <s> <span> <strong> <sup> <sub> <em> <b> <del> <i> <mark> <s> <span> <strong> <sup> <sub>'
- header_id: title
- header_id_prefix: section
- top_label: 'Back to top'
- top_min: 2
- top_max: 2
- number_path: true
- number_path_separator: .
- number_path_truncate: true
- default:
- number_type: circle
- number_prefix: ''
- number_suffix: ''