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file-example.php in TMGMT Translator Smartling 8.4


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 * This file contains examples of Smartling API 2.x usage.
 * How to use:
 * run "php example.php --project-id={PROJECT_ID} --user-id={USER_IDENTIFIER} --secret-key={SECRET_KEY}" in console
 * Be sure you that dependencies are solved bu composer BEFORE running.
$longOpts = [
$options = getopt('', $longOpts);
if (!array_key_exists('project-id', $options) || !array_key_exists('user-id', $options) || !array_key_exists('secret-key', $options)) {
  echo 'Missing required params.' . PHP_EOL;
$autoloader = '../vendor/autoload.php';
if (!file_exists($autoloader) || !is_readable($autoloader)) {
  echo 'Error. Autoloader not found. Seems you didn\'t run:' . PHP_EOL . '    composer update' . PHP_EOL;
else {

  /** @noinspection UntrustedInclusionInspection */
  require_once '../vendor/autoload.php';
$projectId = $options['project-id'];
$userIdentifier = $options['user-id'];
$userSecretKey = $options['secret-key'];
$fileName = 'test.xml';
$fileUri = '../tests/resources/test.xml';
$fileRealPath = realpath($fileUri);
$fileType = 'xml';
$newFileName = 'new_test_file.xml';
$retrievalType = 'pseudo';
$content = file_get_contents(realpath($fileUri));
$fileContentUri = 'testing_content.xml';
$translationState = 'PUBLISHED';
$locale = 'ru-RU';
$locales_array = [
resetFiles($userIdentifier, $userSecretKey, $projectId, [

 * Upload file example
try {
  echo '::: File Upload Example :::' . PHP_EOL;
  $authProvider = \Smartling\AuthApi\AuthTokenProvider::create($userIdentifier, $userSecretKey);
  $fileApi = \Smartling\File\FileApi::create($authProvider, $projectId);
  $result = $fileApi
    ->uploadFile($fileRealPath, $fileName, $fileType);
  echo 'File upload result:' . PHP_EOL;
  echo var_export($result, true) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
} catch (\Smartling\Exceptions\SmartlingApiException $e) {
  echo $e
    ->formatErrors('Error happened while uploading file');

 * Last Modified file example
try {
  echo '::: Last Modified Example :::' . PHP_EOL;
  $authProvider = \Smartling\AuthApi\AuthTokenProvider::create($userIdentifier, $userSecretKey);
  $fileApi = \Smartling\File\FileApi::create($authProvider, $projectId);
  $result = $fileApi
  echo 'Last Modified result:' . PHP_EOL;
  echo var_export($result, true) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
} catch (\Smartling\Exceptions\SmartlingApiException $e) {
  echo $e
    ->formatErrors('Error happened while getting last modified');

 * Download file example
try {
  echo '::: File Download Example :::' . PHP_EOL;
  $authProvider = \Smartling\AuthApi\AuthTokenProvider::create($userIdentifier, $userSecretKey);
  $fileApi = \Smartling\File\FileApi::create($authProvider, $projectId);
  $params = new \Smartling\File\Params\DownloadFileParameters();
  $result = $fileApi
    ->downloadFile($fileName, $locale, $params);
  echo 'File download result:' . PHP_EOL;
  echo var_export((string) $result, true) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
} catch (\Smartling\Exceptions\SmartlingApiException $e) {
  echo $e
    ->formatErrors('Error happened while downloading file');

 * Getting file status example
try {
  echo '::: Get File Status Example :::' . PHP_EOL;
  $authProvider = \Smartling\AuthApi\AuthTokenProvider::create($userIdentifier, $userSecretKey);
  $fileApi = \Smartling\File\FileApi::create($authProvider, $projectId);
  $result = $fileApi
    ->getStatus($fileName, $locale);
  echo 'Get File Status result:' . PHP_EOL;
  echo var_export($result, true) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
} catch (\Smartling\Exceptions\SmartlingApiException $e) {
  echo $e
    ->formatErrors('Error happened while getting file status');

 * Getting file status for all locales example example
try {
  echo '::: Get File Status For All Locales Example :::' . PHP_EOL;
  $authProvider = \Smartling\AuthApi\AuthTokenProvider::create($userIdentifier, $userSecretKey);
  $fileApi = \Smartling\File\FileApi::create($authProvider, $projectId);
  $result = $fileApi
  echo 'Get File Status For All Locales result:' . PHP_EOL;
  echo var_export($result, true) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
} catch (\Smartling\Exceptions\SmartlingApiException $e) {
  echo $e
    ->formatErrors('Error happened while getting file status for all locales');

 * Getting Authorized locales for file
try {
  echo '::: Get File Authorized Locales Example :::' . PHP_EOL;
  $authProvider = \Smartling\AuthApi\AuthTokenProvider::create($userIdentifier, $userSecretKey);
  $fileApi = \Smartling\File\FileApi::create($authProvider, $projectId);
  $result = $fileApi
  echo 'Get File Authorized Locales result:' . PHP_EOL;
  echo var_export($result, true) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
} catch (\Smartling\Exceptions\SmartlingApiException $e) {
  echo $e
    ->formatErrors('Error happened while getting file authorized locales');

 * Listing Files
try {
  echo '::: List Files Example :::' . PHP_EOL;
  $authProvider = \Smartling\AuthApi\AuthTokenProvider::create($userIdentifier, $userSecretKey);
  $fileApi = \Smartling\File\FileApi::create($authProvider, $projectId);
  $params = new \Smartling\File\Params\ListFilesParameters();
  $result = $fileApi
  echo 'List Files result:' . PHP_EOL;
  echo var_export($result, true) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
} catch (\Smartling\Exceptions\SmartlingApiException $e) {
  echo $e
    ->formatErrors('Error happened while getting file list');

 * Importing Files
try {
  echo '::: File Import Example :::' . PHP_EOL;
  $authProvider = \Smartling\AuthApi\AuthTokenProvider::create($userIdentifier, $userSecretKey);
  $fileApi = \Smartling\File\FileApi::create($authProvider, $projectId);
  $result = $fileApi
    ->import($locale, $fileName, $fileType, $fileRealPath, $translationState, true);
  echo 'File Import result:' . PHP_EOL;
  echo var_export($result, true) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
} catch (\Smartling\Exceptions\SmartlingApiException $e) {
  echo $e
    ->formatErrors('Error happened while importing file');

 * Renaming Files
try {
  echo '::: Rename File Example :::' . PHP_EOL;
  $authProvider = \Smartling\AuthApi\AuthTokenProvider::create($userIdentifier, $userSecretKey);
  $fileApi = \Smartling\File\FileApi::create($authProvider, $projectId);
  $result = $fileApi
    ->renameFile($fileName, $newFileName);
  echo 'Rename File result:' . PHP_EOL;
  echo var_export($result, true) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
} catch (\Smartling\Exceptions\SmartlingApiException $e) {
  echo $e
    ->formatErrors('Error happened while renaming files');

 * Deleting Files
try {
  echo '::: File Deletion Example :::' . PHP_EOL;
  $authProvider = \Smartling\AuthApi\AuthTokenProvider::create($userIdentifier, $userSecretKey);
  $fileApi = \Smartling\File\FileApi::create($authProvider, $projectId);
  $result = $fileApi
  echo 'File Delete result:' . PHP_EOL;
  echo var_export($result, true) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
} catch (\Smartling\Exceptions\SmartlingApiException $e) {
  echo $e
    ->formatErrors('Error happened while deleting file');

/** @noinspection MoreThanThreeArgumentsInspection
 * @param string $userIdentifier
 * @param string $userSecretKey
 * @param string $projectId
 * @param array $files
function resetFiles($userIdentifier, $userSecretKey, $projectId, array $files = []) {
  echo '::: Reset File Example :::' . PHP_EOL;
  $authProvider = \Smartling\AuthApi\AuthTokenProvider::create($userIdentifier, $userSecretKey);
  foreach ($files as $file) {
    try {
      $fileApi = \Smartling\File\FileApi::create($authProvider, $projectId);
    } catch (\Smartling\Exceptions\SmartlingApiException $e) {
      echo $e


Namesort descending Description
resetFiles @noinspection MoreThanThreeArgumentsInspection