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public function SmartlingApi::getList in TMGMT Translator Smartling 8

Lists recently uploaded files. Returns a maximum of 500 files.


string $locale: If not specified, the Smartling Files API will return a listing of the original files matching the specified criteria. When the locale is not specified, completedStringCount will be "0".

array $params: (optional) An associative array of additional options, with the following elements:

  • 'uriMask': Returns only files with a URI containing a given string. Case is ignored and % is a wildcard. For example, the value .js%n will match strings.json and STRINGS.JSON but not json.strings.
  • 'fileTypes': Identifiers: android, ios, gettext, html, javaProperties, yaml, xliff, xml, json, docx, pptx, xlsx, idml, qt, resx, plaintext, cvs. File types are combined using the logical "OR".
  • 'lastUploadedAfter': Returns all files uploaded after the specified date.
  • 'lastUploadedBefore': Returns all files uploaded before the specified date.
  • 'offset': For result set returns, the offset is a number indicating the distance from the beginning of the list; for example, for a result set of "50" files, you can set the offset at 10 to return files 10 - 50.
  • 'limit': For result set returns, limits the number of files returned; for example, for a result set of 50 files, a limit of "10" would return files 0 - 10.
  • 'conditions': An array of the following conditions: haveAtLeastOneUnapproved, haveAtLeastOneApproved, haveAtLeastOneTranslated, haveAllTranslated, haveAllApproved, haveAllUnapproved. Conditions are combined using the logical "OR".
  • 'orderBy': Sets the name of the parameter to order results by: fileUri, stringCount, wordCount, approvedStringCount, completedStringCount, lastUploaded and fileType. You can specify ascending or descending with each parameter by adding "_asc" or "_desc"; for example, "fileUri_desc". If you do not specify ascending or descending, the default is ascending.

Return value

array List of files objects.



See also


src/Smartling/SmartlingApi.php, line 315






public function getList($locale = '', $params = []) {
  $params['locale'] = $locale;
  return $this
    ->sendRequest('file/list', $params, 'GET');