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LocalTaskItem.php in Translation Management Tool 8


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namespace Drupal\tmgmt_local\Entity;

use Drupal\Component\Serialization\Json;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\NestedArray;
use Drupal\Core\Cache\Cache;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityBase;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityChangedTrait;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition;
use Drupal\Core\Render\Element;
use Drupal\tmgmt_local\LocalTaskItemInterface;

 * Entity class for the local task item entity.
 * @ContentEntityType(
 *   id = "tmgmt_local_task_item",
 *   label = @Translation("Translation Task Item"),
 *   handlers = {
 *     "access" = "Drupal\tmgmt_local\Entity\Controller\LocalTaskItemAccessController",
 *     "form" = {
 *       "edit" = "Drupal\tmgmt_local\Form\LocalTaskItemForm"
 *     },
 *     "list_builder" = "Drupal\tmgmt_local\Entity\ListBuilder\LocalTaskItemListBuilder",
 *     "view_builder" = "Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityViewBuilder",
 *     "views_data" = "Drupal\tmgmt_local\Entity\ViewsData\LocalTaskItemViewsData",
 *   },
 *   base_table = "tmgmt_local_task_item",
 *   entity_keys = {
 *     "id" = "tltiid",
 *     "uuid" = "uuid"
 *   },
 *   links = {
 *     "canonical" = "/translate/items/{tmgmt_local_task_item}",
 *   },
 * )
 * @ingroup tmgmt_local_task
class LocalTaskItem extends ContentEntityBase implements LocalTaskItemInterface {
  use EntityChangedTrait;

   * Holds the unserialized source data.
   * @var array
  protected $unserializedData;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static function baseFieldDefinitions(EntityTypeInterface $entity_type) {
    $fields['tltiid'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('integer')
      ->setLabel(t('Local Task Item ID'))
      ->setDescription(t('The Local Task Item ID.'))
      ->setSetting('unsigned', TRUE);
    $fields['tltid'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('entity_reference')
      ->setLabel(t('Local task'))
      ->setDescription(t('The local task.'))
      ->setSetting('target_type', 'tmgmt_local_task');
    $fields['tjiid'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('entity_reference')
      ->setLabel(t('Job Item'))
      ->setDescription(t('The Job Item.'))
      ->setSetting('target_type', 'tmgmt_job_item');
    $fields['uuid'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('uuid')
      ->setDescription(t('The job item UUID.'))
    $fields['data'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('string_long')
      ->setDescription(t('The source data'));
    $fields['status'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('integer')
      ->setLabel(t('Local task item status'))
      ->setDescription(t('The local task item status'))
    $fields['changed'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('changed')
      ->setDescription(t('The time that the job was last edited.'));
    $fields['count_untranslated'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('integer')
      ->setLabel(t('Untranslated count'))
      ->setSetting('unsigned', TRUE);
    $fields['count_translated'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('integer')
      ->setLabel(t('Translated count'))
      ->setSetting('unsigned', TRUE);
    $fields['count_completed'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('integer')
      ->setLabel(t('Accepted count'))
      ->setSetting('unsigned', TRUE);
    $fields['word_count'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('integer')
      ->setLabel(t('Word count'))
      ->setSetting('unsigned', TRUE);
    return $fields;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function label() {
    if ($job_item = $this
      ->getJobItem()) {
      return $job_item
    return t('Missing job item');

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getTask() {
    return $this

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getJobItem() {
    return $this

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getStatus() {
    return $this

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function isPending() {
    return $this
      ->get('status')->value == LocalTaskItemInterface::STATUS_PENDING;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function isCompleted() {
    return $this
      ->get('status')->value == LocalTaskItemInterface::STATUS_COMPLETED;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function isClosed() {
    return $this
      ->get('status')->value == LocalTaskItemInterface::STATUS_CLOSED;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function completed() {
      ->set('status', LocalTaskItemInterface::STATUS_COMPLETED);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function closed() {
      ->set('status', LocalTaskItemInterface::STATUS_CLOSED);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function updateData($key, $values = array(), $replace = FALSE) {
    if ($replace) {
      NestedArray::setValue($this->unserializedData, \Drupal::service('')
        ->ensureArrayKey($key), $values);
    foreach ($values as $index => $value) {

      // In order to preserve existing values, we can not aplly the values array
      // at once. We need to apply each containing value on its own.
      // If $value is an array we need to advance the hierarchy level.
      if (is_array($value)) {
          ->ensureArrayKey($key), array(
        )), $value);
      else {
        NestedArray::setValue($this->unserializedData, array_merge(\Drupal::service('')
          ->ensureArrayKey($key), array(
        )), $value, TRUE);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getData($key = array(), $index = NULL) {
    if (empty($this->unserializedData) && $this
      ->getTask()) {

      // Load the data from the source if it has not been set yet.
      $this->unserializedData = $this
    if (empty($key)) {
      return $this->unserializedData;
    if ($index) {
      $key = array_merge($key, array(
    return NestedArray::getValue($this->unserializedData, $key);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getCountTranslated() {
    return $this

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getCountUntranslated() {
    return $this

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getCountCompleted() {
    return $this

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getWordCount() {
    return $this

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function preSave(EntityStorageInterface $storage) {
    if ($this
      ->getTask()) {
    if ($this->unserializedData) {
        ->set('data', Json::encode($this->unserializedData));
    elseif (empty($this
      ->get('data')->value)) {
        ->set('data', Json::encode(array()));

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function recalculateStatistics() {

    // Set translatable data from the current entity to calculate words.
    if (empty($this->unserializedData)) {
      $this->unserializedData = $this

    // Consider everything accepted when the job item is accepted.
    if ($this
      ->isCompleted() || $this
      ->isClosed()) {
        ->set('count_translated', 0);
        ->set('count_completed', count(array_filter(\Drupal::service('')
        ->flatten($this->unserializedData), array(
        ->set('count_untranslated', 0);
    else {

      // Reset counter values.
        ->set('count_translated', 0);
        ->set('count_completed', 0);
        ->set('word_count', 0);
        ->set('count_untranslated', count(array_filter(\Drupal::service('')
        ->flatten($this->unserializedData), array(

   * Counts accepted, translated and pending items.
   * Parse all data items recursively and sums up the counters for
   * accepted, translated and pending items.
   * @param array $item
   *   The current data item.
  protected function count(array &$item) {
    if (!empty($item['#text'])) {
      if (\Drupal::service('')
        ->filterData($item)) {

        // Count words of the data item.
        $text = is_array($item['#text']) ? $item['#text']['value'] : $item['#text'];
          ->set('word_count', $this
          ->get('word_count')->value + \Drupal::service('')

        // Set default states if no state is set.
        if (!isset($item['#status'])) {
          $item['#status'] = TMGMT_DATA_ITEM_STATE_UNTRANSLATED;
        switch ($item['#status']) {
              ->set('count_untranslated', $this
              ->get('count_untranslated')->value - 1);
              ->set('count_translated', $this
              ->get('count_translated')->value + 1);
    else {
      foreach (Element::children($item) as $key) {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getChangedTimeAcrossTranslations() {
    return $this

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function invalidateTagsOnSave($update) {
    $tags = $this
    if ($update) {
      $tags = Cache::mergeTags($tags, $this

   * Ensures that the data is decoded.
  protected function decodeData() {
    if (empty($this->unserializedData) && $this
      ->get('data')->value) {
      $this->unserializedData = (array) Json::decode($this
    if (!is_array($this->unserializedData)) {
      $this->unserializedData = [];

   * Retrieve a labeled list of all available statuses for task items.
   * @return array
   *   A list of all available statuses.
  public static function getStatuses() {
    return array(
      LocalTaskItemInterface::STATUS_PENDING => t('Untranslated'),
      LocalTaskItemInterface::STATUS_COMPLETED => t('Translated'),
      LocalTaskItemInterface::STATUS_REJECTED => t('Rejected'),
      LocalTaskItemInterface::STATUS_CLOSED => t('Completed'),



Namesort descending Description
LocalTaskItem Entity class for the local task item entity.