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protected function Xliff::processForExport in Translation Management Tool 8

Helper function to process the source text.


string $source: Job data array.

array $key_array: The source item data key.

Return value


1 call to Xliff::processForExport()
Xliff::writeData in translators/tmgmt_file/src/Plugin/tmgmt_file/Format/Xliff.php
Writes text according to the XLIFF export settings.


translators/tmgmt_file/src/Plugin/tmgmt_file/Format/Xliff.php, line 464


Export to XLIFF format.




protected function processForExport($source, array $key_array) {
  $tjiid = $key_array[0];
  $key_string = \Drupal::service('')

  // The reason why we use DOMDocument object here and not just XMLReader
  // is the DOMDocument's ability to deal with broken HTML.
  $dom = new \DOMDocument();

  // We need to append the head with encoding so that special characters
  // are read correctly.
    ->loadHTML("<html><head><meta http-equiv='Content-type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8' /></head><body>" . $source . '</body></html>');
  $iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDOMIterator($dom), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
  $writer = new \XMLWriter();
    ->startDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
  $tray = array();
  $non_pair_tags = array(
  $xliff_validation = $this->job

  /** @var \DOMElement $node */
  foreach ($iterator as $node) {
    if (in_array($node->nodeName, array(
    ))) {
    if ($node->nodeType === XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {

      // Increment the elements count and compose element id.
      if (!isset($xliff_validation[$key_string])) {
        $xliff_validation[$key_string] = 0;
      $id = 'tjiid' . $tjiid . '-' . $xliff_validation[$key_string];
      $is_pair_tag = !in_array($node->nodeName, $non_pair_tags);
      if ($is_pair_tag) {
          ->writeBPT($writer, $node, $id);
      elseif ($node->nodeName == 'img') {
          ->writeIMG($writer, $node, $id);
      elseif ($node->nodeName == 'br') {
          ->writeBR($writer, $node, $id);

      // Add to tray new element info.
      $tray[$id] = array(
        'name' => $node->nodeName,
        'id' => $id,
        'value' => $node->nodeValue,
        'built_text' => '',
        'is_pair_tag' => $is_pair_tag,
    elseif ($node->nodeName == '#text') {

      // Add the node value to the text output.
      foreach ($tray as &$info) {
        $info['built_text'] .= $node->nodeValue;

    // Reverse so that pair tags are closed in the expected order.
    $reversed_tray = array_reverse($tray);
    foreach ($reversed_tray as $_info) {

      // If the build_text equals to the node value and it is not a pair tag
      // add the end pair tag markup.
      if ($_info['value'] == $_info['built_text'] && $_info['is_pair_tag']) {

        // Count also for the closing elements.
          ->writeEPT($writer, $_info['name'], $_info['id']);

        // When the end pair tag has been written unset the element info
        // from the tray.

  // Set the xliff_validation data and save the job.
  $this->job->settings->xliff_validation = $xliff_validation;

  // Load the output with XMLReader so that we can easily get the inner xml.
  $reader = new \XMLReader();
  return $reader