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7 uses of TMGMT_DATA_ITEM_STATE_REVIEWED in Translation Management Tool 8

CrudTest::testAddingTranslatedData in tests/src/Kernel/CrudTest.php
Tests adding translated data and revision handling.
CrudTest::testJobItemsCounters in tests/src/Kernel/CrudTest.php
Test the calculations of the counters.
JobItem::addTranslatedDataRecursive in src/Entity/JobItem.php
Recursively writes translated data to the data array of a job item.
JobItem::count in src/Entity/JobItem.php
Sums up the counters for accepted, translated and pending items.
JobItemForm::buildActions in src/Form/JobItemForm.php
Builds the actions for a data item.
JobItemForm::buildStatusRenderArray in src/Form/JobItemForm.php
Builds the render array for the status icon.
tmgmt_translation_review_form_update_state in ./tmgmt.module
Callback for the action at the job item review form.