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8 calls to JobItem::getStateDefinitions() in Translation Management Tool 8

JobItem::getStateIcon in src/Entity/JobItem.php
Returns a render array to display a job item state icon.
JobItemState::getValueOptions in src/Plugin/views/filter/JobItemState.php
Gets the values of the options.
JobItemState::query in src/Plugin/views/filter/JobItemState.php
Add this filter to the query.
JobState::getValueOptions in src/Plugin/views/filter/JobState.php
Gets the values of the options.
JobState::query in src/Plugin/views/filter/JobState.php
Add this filter to the query.
tmgmt_color_job_item_legend in ./tmgmt.module
Provides color legends for job item states.
tmgmt_color_job_legend in ./tmgmt.module
Provides color legends for job states.
tmgmt_color_legend in ./tmgmt.module
Provides color legends for source statuses.