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7 calls to Job::isState() in Translation Management Tool 8

Job::isAborted in src/Entity/Job.php
Returns whether the state of this job is 'aborted'.
Job::isActive in src/Entity/Job.php
Returns whether the state of this job is 'active'.
Job::isContinuousActive in src/Entity/Job.php
Returns whether the state of this job is 'continuous'.
Job::isContinuousInactive in src/Entity/Job.php
Returns whether the state of this jon is 'continuous_inactive'.
Job::isFinished in src/Entity/Job.php
Returns whether the state of this job is 'finished'.
Job::isRejected in src/Entity/Job.php
Returns whether the state of this job is 'rejected'.
Job::isUnprocessed in src/Entity/Job.php
Returns whether the state of this job is 'unprocessed'.