public function Job::preSave in Translation Management Tool 8
Acts on an entity before the presave hook is invoked.
Used before the entity is saved and before invoking the presave hook. Note that in case of translatable content entities this callback is only fired on their current translation. It is up to the developer to iterate over all translations if needed. This is different from its counterpart in the Field API, FieldItemListInterface::preSave(), which is fired on all field translations automatically. @todo Adjust existing implementations and the documentation according to to have a consistent API.
\Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageInterface $storage: The entity storage object.
\Exception When there is a problem that should prevent saving the entity.
Overrides ContentEntityBase::preSave
See also
- src/
Entity/ Job.php, line 762
- Job
- Entity class for the tmgmt_job entity.
public function preSave(EntityStorageInterface $storage) {
if ($this
->isContinuous() && !$this
->isContinuousInactive() && !$this
->isAborted()) {
$this->state = Job::STATE_CONTINUOUS;
// Activate job item if the previous job state was not active.
if ($this
->isActive() && (!isset($this->original) || !$this->original
->isActive())) {
foreach ($this
->getItems() as $item) {
// The job was submitted, activate any inactive job item.
if ($item
->isInactive()) {