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function ContentTmgmtEntitySourceListTest::testNodeEntityListings in Translation Management Tool 8


sources/content/tests/src/Functional/ContentTmgmtEntitySourceListTest.php, line 292


Tests the user interface for entity translation lists.




function testNodeEntityListings() {

  // Turn off the entity translation.
  $content_translation_manager = \Drupal::service('content_translation.manager');
    ->setEnabled('node', 'article', FALSE);
    ->setEnabled('node', 'page', FALSE);

  // Check if we have appropriate message in case there are no entity
  // translatable content types.
    ->pageTextContains(t('Entity translation is not enabled for any of existing content types. To use this functionality go to Content types administration and enable entity translation for desired content types.'));

  // Turn on the entity translation for both - article and page - to test
  // search form.
    ->setEnabled('node', 'article', TRUE);
    ->setEnabled('node', 'page', TRUE);

  // Create page node after entity translation is enabled.
  $page_node_translatable = $this

  // We have both listed - one of articles and page.

  // Try the search by content type.
  $edit = array();
  $edit['search[type]'] = 'article';
    ->drupalPostForm('admin/tmgmt/sources/content/node', $edit, t('Search'));

  // There should be article present.

  // The page node should not be listed.

  // Try cancel button - despite we do post content type search value
  // we should get nodes of botch content types.
    ->drupalPostForm('admin/tmgmt/sources/content/node', $edit, t('Cancel'));

  // Ensure that the pager limit works as expected if there are translations
  // and revisions.
    ->set('source_list_limit', 8)
  $translation = $this->nodes['article']['de'][0]
    ->addTranslation('en', $this->nodes['article']['de'][0]
    ->set('source_list_limit', 4)
    ->linkExists('Go to page 2');
    ->linkNotExists('Go to page 3');