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public function TitleFieldReplacementTestCase::testFieldReplacementUI in Title 7

Test field replacement UI.


tests/TitleFieldReplacementTestCase.test, line 116


Tests for legacy field replacement.


public function testFieldReplacementUI() {
  $permissions = array(
    'access administration pages',
    'view the administration theme',
    'administer content types',
    'administer taxonomy',
    'administer comments',
    'administer fields',
  $admin_user = $this
  foreach (entity_get_info() as $entity_type => $entity_info) {
    if (!empty($entity_info['field replacement'])) {
      foreach ($entity_info['bundles'] as $bundle => $bundle_info) {
        if (isset($bundle_info['admin']['path'])) {
          $admin_path = _field_ui_bundle_admin_path($entity_type, $bundle) . '/fields';
          foreach ($entity_info['field replacement'] as $legacy_field => $info) {
            $path = $admin_path . '/replace/' . $legacy_field;
            $xpath = '//a[@href=:url and text()=:label]';
            $args = array(
              ':url' => url($path),
              ':label' => t('replace'),
            $targs = array(
              '%legacy_field' => $legacy_field,
              '%entity_type' => $entity_type,
              '%bundle' => $bundle,
            $field_name = $info['field']['field_name'];

            // Check that the current legacy field has a "replace" operation.
            $link = $this
              ->xpath($xpath, $args);
              ->assertEqual(count($link), 1, t('Replace link found for the field %legacy_field of the bundle %bundle of the entity %entity_type.', $targs));

            // Check that the legacy field has correctly been replaced through
            // field replacement UI.
              ->drupalPost($path, array(
              'enabled' => TRUE,
            ), t('Save settings'));
            $link = $this
              ->xpath($xpath, $args);
              ->assertTrue(empty($link) && title_field_replacement_enabled($entity_type, $bundle, $legacy_field), t('%legacy_field successfully replaced for the bundle %bundle of the entity %entity_type.', $targs));

            // Check that the enabled status cannot be changed unless the
            // field instance is removed.
              ->assertFieldByXPath('//form//input[@name="enabled" and @checked="checked" and @disabled="disabled"]', NULL, t('Field replacement for %legacy_field cannot be disabled unless the replacing field instance is deleted.', array(
              '%legacy_field' => $legacy_field,
              ->drupalPost($path, array(), t('Save settings'));
              ->assertTrue(title_field_replacement_enabled($entity_type, $bundle, $legacy_field), t('Submitting the form does not alter field replacement settings.'));

            // Delete the field instance and check that the "replace"
            // operation is available again.
              ->drupalPost($admin_path . '/' . $field_name . '/delete', array(), t('Delete'));
            $link = $this
              ->xpath($xpath, $args);
              ->assertEqual(count($link), 1, t('Replace link found for the field %legacy_field of the bundle %bundle of the entity %entity_type.', $targs));

            // Check that field replacement can be enabled again.
              ->assertFieldByXPath('//form//input[@name="enabled" and not(@checked) and not(@disabled)]', NULL, t('Field replacement for %legacy_field cannot be disabled unless the replacing field instance is deleted.', array(
              '%legacy_field' => $legacy_field,