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public function TinyMCEIntegrationTest::testFragmentLink in TinyMCE 1.x

Tests if the fragment link to a textarea works with TinyMCE enabled.


tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/TinyMCEIntegrationTest.php, line 97


Tests the integration of TinyMCE.




public function testFragmentLink() {
  $session = $this
  $web_assert = $this
  $tinymce_id = '.tox-tinymce';
  $before_url = $session

  // Add a bottom margin to the title field to be sure the body field is not
  // visible.
    ->executeScript("document.getElementById('edit-title-0-value').style.marginBottom = window.innerHeight*2 +'px';");
    ->waitForElementVisible('css', $tinymce_id);

  // Check that the TinyMCE-enabled body field is currently not visible in
  // the viewport.
    ->assertNotVisibleInViewport('css', $tinymce_id, 'topLeft', 'TinyMCE-enabled body field is visible.');

  // Reset the title bottom margin to make the body field visible again.
    ->executeScript("document.getElementById('edit-title-0-value').style.marginBottom = '0px';");

  // Check that the TinyMCE-enabled body field is visible in the viewport.
    ->assertVisibleInViewport('css', $tinymce_id, 'topLeft', 'TinyMCE-enabled body field is not visible.');

  // Use JavaScript to go back in the history instead of
  // \Behat\Mink\Session::back() because that function doesn't work after a
  // hash change.
  $after_url = $session

  // Check that going back in the history worked.
  self::assertEquals($before_url, $after_url, 'History back works.');