6 calls to timefield_integer_to_time() in Timefield 7
- template_preprocess_timefield in ./
timefield.module - Preprocess function for the timefield.
- template_preprocess_timefield_weekly_summary_minical_box in ./
timefield.module - Template preprocess function for the minical box. Every element added to a minical will be themed with this function.
- timefield_field_formatter_settings_summary in ./
timefield.module - Implements hook_field_formatter_settings_summary().
- timefield_field_load in ./
timefield.module - Implements hook_field_load().
- timefield_field_widget_form in ./
timefield.module - Implements hook_field_widget_form().
- _timefield_weekly_summary_build_time_column in ./
timefield.module - Helper function to build the time column for the minical table.