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timefield.tpl.php in Timefield 7

Template file for timefield

variables available:

$time['time'] - the formatted output of this field, with a hyphen between the first and second time if the "to time" exists. $time['formatted_value'] - first time value formatted as described in display settings $time['formatted_value2'] - second time value formatted as described in display settings $time['value'] - integer value of first time, expressed as timezone agnostic offset from 00:00 $time['value2'] - integer value of second time, expressed as timezone agnostic offset from 00:00

If this is a weekly repeat, the following array will also be available $time['days'] - an array of days, keyed by 3 letter signifier


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 * @file
 * Template file for timefield
 * variables available:
 * $time['time'] - the formatted output of this field, with a hyphen between
 * the first and second time if the "to time" exists.
 * $time['formatted_value'] - first time value formatted as described in display
 * settings
 * $time['formatted_value2'] - second time value formatted as described in
 * display settings
 * $time['value'] - integer value of first time, expressed as timezone
 * agnostic offset from 00:00
 * $time['value2'] - integer value of second time, expressed as timezone
 * agnostic offset from 00:00
 * If this is a weekly repeat, the following array will also be available
 * $time['days'] - an array of days, keyed by 3 letter signifier
<div class="time-default">

print $time['time'];