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9 calls to _thunder_mark_update_checklist() in Thunder 8.2

thunder_update_8107 in ./thunder.install
Installs the thunder_riddle module.
thunder_update_8109 in ./thunder.install
Change paragraphs add mode to use the modal.
thunder_update_8115 in ./thunder.install
Update to Drupal 8.4.
thunder_update_8117 in ./thunder.install
Enable paragraphs split text.
thunder_update_8123 in ./thunder.install
Remove the old paragraph split text solution.
thunder_update_8124 in ./thunder.install
Adjust access permissions related to "access_unpublish" module.
thunder_update_8126 in ./thunder.install
Install seven theme.
thunder_update_8128 in ./thunder.install
Set metatag fields translatable per default.
thunder_update_8136 in ./thunder.install
Add permissions to access the tokens overview page.