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ModuleIntegrationTest.php in Thunder 6.1.x


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namespace Drupal\Tests\thunder\FunctionalJavascript;

 * Testing of module integrations.
 * @group Thunder
 * @package Drupal\Tests\thunder\FunctionalJavascript
class ModuleIntegrationTest extends ThunderJavascriptTestBase {
  use ThunderParagraphsTestTrait;
  use ThunderArticleTestTrait;
  use ThunderMetaTagTrait;

   * Column in diff table used for previous text.
   * @var int
  protected static $previousTextColumn = 3;

   * Column in diff table used for new text.
   * @var int
  protected static $newTextColumn = 6;

   * Validate diff entry for one field.
   * @param string $fieldName
   *   Human defined field name.
   * @param array $previous
   *   Associative array with previous text per row.
   * @param array $previousHighlighted
   *   Previous highlighted texts.
   * @param array $new
   *   Associative array with new text per row.
   * @param array $newHighlighted
   *   New highlighted texts.
  protected function validateDiff($fieldName, array $previous = [], array $previousHighlighted = [], array $new = [], array $newHighlighted = []) {

    // Check for old Text.
      ->checkFullText($fieldName, static::$previousTextColumn, $previous);

    // Check for new Text.
      ->checkFullText($fieldName, static::$newTextColumn, $new);

    // Check for highlighted Deleted text.
      ->checkHighlightedText($fieldName, static::$previousTextColumn, $previousHighlighted);

    // Check for highlighted Added text.
      ->checkHighlightedText($fieldName, static::$newTextColumn, $newHighlighted);

   * Check full text in column defined by index.
   * @param string $fieldName
   *   Human defined field name.
   * @param int $columnIndex
   *   Index of column in diff table that should be used to check.
   * @param array $textRows
   *   Associative array with text per row.
  protected function checkFullText($fieldName, $columnIndex, array $textRows = []) {
    $page = $this
    foreach ($textRows as $indexRow => $expectedText) {
      $previousText = $page
        ->find('xpath', "//tr[./td[text()=\"{$fieldName}\"]]/following-sibling::tr[{$indexRow}]/td[{$columnIndex}]")
        ->assertEquals($expectedText, htmlspecialchars_decode($previousText, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML401));

   * Check more highlighted text in rows.
   * @param string $fieldName
   *   Human defined field name.
   * @param int $columnIndex
   *   Index of column in diff table that should be used to check.
   * @param array $highlightedTextRows
   *   New highlighted texts per row.
  protected function checkHighlightedText($fieldName, $columnIndex, array $highlightedTextRows) {
    $page = $this
    foreach ($highlightedTextRows as $indexRow => $expectedTexts) {
      foreach ($expectedTexts as $indexHighlighted => $expectedText) {
        $highlightedText = $page
          ->find('xpath', "//tr[./td[text()=\"{$fieldName}\"]]/following-sibling::tr[{$indexRow}]/td[{$columnIndex}]/span[" . ($indexHighlighted + 1) . "]")
          ->assertEquals($expectedText, htmlspecialchars_decode($highlightedText, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML401));

   * Testing integration of "diff" module.
  public function testDiffModule() {
    $node = $this

    /** @var \Behat\Mink\Element\DocumentElement $page */
    $page = $this
    $teaserField = $page
      ->find('xpath', '//*[@data-drupal-selector="edit-field-teaser-text-0-value"]');
    $initialTeaserText = $teaserField
    $teaserText = 'Start with Text. ' . $initialTeaserText . ' End with Text.';
      ->clickButtonDrupalSelector($page, 'edit-field-teaser-media-current-items-0-remove-button');
    $media1 = $this
      ->selectMedia('field_teaser_media', 'image_browser', [
      'media:' . $media1
    $newParagraphText = 'One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them!';
      ->addTextParagraph('field_paragraphs', $newParagraphText);
    $media2 = $this
      ->addImageParagraph('field_paragraphs', [
      'media:' . $media2
    $firstRightRadio = $page
      ->find('xpath', '//table[contains(@class, "diff-revisions")]/tbody//tr[1]//input[@name="radios_right"]');
    $lastLeftRadio = $page
      ->find('xpath', '//table[contains(@class, "diff-revisions")]/tbody//tr[last()]//input[@name="radios_left"]');

    // Open diff page.
      ->find('xpath', '//*[@data-drupal-selector="edit-submit"]')

    // Validate that diff is correct.
      ->validateDiff('Teaser Text', [
      '1' => $initialTeaserText,
    ], [], [
      '1' => $teaserText,
    ], [
      '1' => [
        'Start with Text.',
        '. End with Text',
      ->validateDiff('Teaser Media', [
      '1' => 'DrupalCon Logo',
    ], [
      '1' => [
        'DrupalCon Logo',
    ], [
      '1' => 'Thunder',
    ], [
      '1' => [
      ->validateDiff('Paragraphs > Text', [
      '1' => '',
    ], [], [
      '1' => '<p>' . $newParagraphText . '</p>',
      '2' => '',
    ], []);
      ->validateDiff('Paragraphs > Image', [
      '1' => '',
    ], [], [
      '1' => 'Thunder City',
    ], []);

   * Testing integration of "metatag_facebook" module.
  public function testFacebookMetaTags() {
    $facebookMetaTags = $this
        'facebook fb:admins' => 'zuck',
        'facebook fb:pages' => 'some-fancy-fb-page-url',
        'facebook fb:app_id' => '1121151812167212,1121151812167213',

    // Create Article with facebook meta tags and check it.
    $fieldValues = $this
      ->generateMetaTagFieldValues($facebookMetaTags, 'field_meta_tags[0]');
    $term = $this
    $fieldValues += [
      'field_channel' => $term
      'title[0][value]' => 'Test FB MetaTags Article',
      'field_seo_title[0][value]' => 'Facebook MetaTags',
      'field_teaser_text[0][value]' => 'Facebook MetaTags Testing',

   * Testing the content lock integration.
  public function testContentLock() {
    $node = $this
      ->pageTextContains('This content is now locked against simultaneous editing. This content will remain locked if you navigate away from this page without saving or unlocking it.');
    $page = $this
      ->find('xpath', '//*[@id="edit-unlock"]')
      ->find('xpath', '//*[@id="edit-submit"]')
      ->pageTextContains('Lock broken. Anyone can now edit this content.');
    $loggedInUser = $this->loggedInUser

    // Login with other user.
      ->pageTextContains('This content is being edited by the user ' . $loggedInUser . ' and is therefore locked to prevent other users changes.');



Namesort descending Description
ModuleIntegrationTest Testing of module integrations.