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ParagraphSplitTest.php in Thunder 6.1.x


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namespace Drupal\Tests\thunder\FunctionalJavascript\Integration;

use Drupal\Tests\thunder\FunctionalJavascript\ThunderArticleTestTrait;
use Drupal\Tests\thunder\FunctionalJavascript\ThunderJavascriptTestBase;
use Drupal\Tests\thunder\FunctionalJavascript\ThunderParagraphsTestTrait;

 * Tests the paragraph split module integration.
 * @group Thunder
class ParagraphSplitTest extends ThunderJavascriptTestBase {
  use ThunderParagraphsTestTrait;
  use ThunderArticleTestTrait;

   * Field name for paragraphs in article content.
   * @var string
  protected static $paragraphsField = 'field_paragraphs';

   * Selector template for CKEditor instances.
   * To use it, you have to provide a string containing the paragraphs field
   * name and the delta of the paragraph.
   * @var string
  protected static $selectorTemplate = "textarea[name='%s[%d][subform][field_text][0][value]']";

   * Test split of paragraph before a selection.
  public function testParagraphSplitBefore() {
    $firstParagraphContent = '<p>Content that will be in the first paragraph after the split.</p>';
    $secondParagraphContent = '<p>Content that will be in the second paragraph after the split.</p>';

    // Add text paragraph with two elements.
      ->addTextParagraph(static::$paragraphsField, $firstParagraphContent . $secondParagraphContent);

    // Select second element in editor.
      ->getCkEditorCssSelector(0), 1);

    // Split text paragraph before the current selection.

    // Test if all texts are in the correct paragraph.
      ->getCkEditorCssSelector(0), $firstParagraphContent . PHP_EOL);
      ->getCkEditorCssSelector(1), $secondParagraphContent . PHP_EOL);

   * Test if a deleted paragraph leads to data loss.
  public function testParagraphSplitDataLoss() {
    $firstParagraphContent = '<p>Content that will be in the first paragraph after the split.</p>';
    $secondParagraphContent = '<p>Content that will be in the second paragraph after the split.</p>';

    // Create first paragraph.
      ->addTextParagraph(static::$paragraphsField, '');

    // Remove the paragraph.
    $driver = $this

    // Create second paragraph.
      ->addTextParagraph(static::$paragraphsField, $firstParagraphContent . $secondParagraphContent);

    // Select second element in editor.
      ->getCkEditorCssSelector(1), 1);

    // Split text paragraph.

    // Test if all texts are in the correct paragraph.
      ->getCkEditorCssSelector(1), $firstParagraphContent . PHP_EOL);
      ->getCkEditorCssSelector(2), $secondParagraphContent . PHP_EOL);

   * Test if a adding paragraph after split leads to data loss.
  public function testAddParagraphAfterSplitDataLoss() {
    $firstParagraphContent = '<p>Content that will be in the first paragraph after the split.</p>';
    $secondParagraphContent = '<p>Content that will be in the second paragraph after the split.</p>';
    $thirdParagraphContent = '<p>Content that will be placed into the first paragraph after split.</p>';

    // Create first paragraph.
      ->addTextParagraph(static::$paragraphsField, $firstParagraphContent . $secondParagraphContent);

    // Select second element in editor.
      ->getCkEditorCssSelector(0), 1);

    // Split text paragraph.
    $paragraphDelta = $this
      ->getParagraphDelta(static::$paragraphsField, 0);
    $ckEditorCssSelector = "textarea[name='" . static::$paragraphsField . "[{$paragraphDelta}][subform][field_text][0][value]']";
      ->fillCkEditor($ckEditorCssSelector, $thirdParagraphContent);
    $ckEditorId = $this
      ->executeScript("window.ed = CKEDITOR.instances[\"{$ckEditorId}\"]; window.ed.setData(\"{$thirdParagraphContent}\"); window.ed.updateElement();'editor-value-is-changed', true);");
      ->addTextParagraph(static::$paragraphsField, '', 'text', 1);

    // Test if all texts are in the correct paragraph.
      ->getCkEditorCssSelector(0), $thirdParagraphContent . PHP_EOL);
      ->getCkEditorCssSelector(2), '');
      ->getCkEditorCssSelector(1), $secondParagraphContent . PHP_EOL);

   * Click on split button.
  protected function clickParagraphSplitButton() {

   * Create css selector for paragraph with the given delta.
   * @param int $paragraphDelta
   *   The delta of the paragraph.
   * @return string
   *   Css selector for the paragraph.
  protected function getCkEditorCssSelector($paragraphDelta) {
    return sprintf(static::$selectorTemplate, static::$paragraphsField, $paragraphDelta);



Namesort descending Description
ParagraphSplitTest Tests the paragraph split module integration.