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InlineEntityFormTest.php in Thunder 8.4


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namespace Drupal\Tests\thunder\FunctionalJavascript\Integration;

use Drupal\Tests\thunder\FunctionalJavascript\ThunderJavascriptTestBase;
use Drupal\Tests\thunder\FunctionalJavascript\ThunderFormFieldTestTrait;

 * Test for update hook changes.
 * @group Thunder
 * @package Drupal\Tests\thunder\FunctionalJavascript\Integration
class InlineEntityFormTest extends ThunderJavascriptTestBase {
  use ThunderFormFieldTestTrait;

   * Test saving collapsed gallery paragraph.
   * Test saving changes in inline entity form using the
   * inline_entity_form_simple widget inside gallery paragraph when the
   * paragraph form is collapsed.
   * Demo Article (node Id: 7) is used for testing.
  public function testGalleryCollapse() {

    // Test saving inline entity form when collapsing paragraph form.
    $page = $this

    // Edit gallery paragraph.
      ->clickButtonCssSelector($page, '[data-drupal-selector="field-paragraphs-0-edit-2"]');
      ->setFieldValue($page, 'field_paragraphs[0][subform][field_media][0][inline_entity_form][name][0][value]', 'New gallery name before collapse');

    // Collapse parargraph form.
      ->clickButtonCssSelector($page, '[name="field_paragraphs_0_collapse"]');

    // Re-open edit form, value has changed.
      ->pageTextContains('New gallery name before collapse');



Namesort descending Description
InlineEntityFormTest Test for update hook changes.