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tour.tour.content-list.yml in Thunder 8.5



View source
  1. langcode: en
  2. status: true
  3. dependencies:
  4. module:
  5. - thunder_demo
  6. id: content-list
  7. label: 'Content listing'
  8. module: thunder_demo
  9. routes:
  10. -
  11. route_name: view.content.page_1
  12. -
  13. route_name: system.admin_content
  14. tips:
  15. first:
  16. id: first
  17. plugin: text
  18. label: 'Content listing page'
  19. body: '<p>We are on the content lising page. It allows you to browse your content, see some details, edit and execute actions on it.</p><p>Let''s go step by step.</p>'
  20. weight: 1
  21. filters:
  22. id: filters
  23. plugin: text
  24. label: Filters
  25. body: '<p>Filters can be used to search the content based on author, type, title and other parameters. Hit "Filter" when you entered the desired values.</p>'
  26. weight: 2
  27. attributes:
  28. data-id: views-exposed-form-content-page-1
  29. actions:
  30. id: actions
  31. plugin: text
  32. label: Actions
  33. body: '<p>They let you execute actions on multiple content items at once. Check which actions are offered in the drop-down.</p>'
  34. weight: 3
  35. attributes:
  36. data-id: edit-node-bulk-form--2
  37. actions-checkbox:
  38. id: actions-checkbox
  39. plugin: text
  40. label: Actions
  41. body: '<p>In order to define which items to execute an action on use the checkboxes. The one in the header row will select all items on a page and the ones in the rows below will select corresponding individual items.</p>'
  42. weight: 4
  43. attributes:
  44. data-class: 'views-table .select-all'
  45. data-options: 'tipLocation: right'
  46. sort:
  47. id: sort
  48. plugin: text
  49. label: Sorting
  50. body: '<p>Click on the links in the header row to sort the list. Arrow next to the active sort link indicates the sort direction (ascending or descending).</p>'
  51. weight: 5
  52. attributes:
  53. data-class: 'views-table #view-changed-table-column'
  54. data-options: 'nubPosition: top-right'
  55. operations:
  56. id: operations
  57. plugin: text
  58. label: 'Content operations'
  59. body: '<p>Use content operations dropbutton to edit or delete a given content item.</p>'
  60. weight: 6
  61. attributes:
  62. data-class: 'views-table tr:nth-child(2) .views-field-operations'
  63. data-options: 'tipLocation: left'
  64. last:
  65. id: last
  66. plugin: text
  67. label: 'That''s it for now'
  68. body: '<p>Nice! Let us just mention that it is very easy to modify most of things on this page (as it is the case with any listing in Thunder). A very powerful module called "Views" can be used to do that. Details about it are out of scope for this tour. For now just keep in mind that you will be able to tweak it if you need to.</p><p>This is it for now. I hope that you enjoyed our company. Now you can navigate back to the <a href="/">front page</a> and start exploring on your own.'
  69. weight: 7