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Functions in ThemeKey 7.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
themekey_user_browser2user_browser_simplified modules/ ThemeKey mapping function to set a ThemeKey property's value (destination) with the aid of another ThemeKey property (source). 1
themekey_user_os2user_os_simplified modules/ ThemeKey mapping function to set a ThemeKey property's value (destination) with the aid of another ThemeKey property (source). 1
themekey_user_profile_disable ./themekey_user_profile.install Implements hook_disable().
themekey_user_profile_form_alter ./themekey_user_profile.module Implements hook_form_alter().
themekey_user_profile_form_alter_submit ./themekey_user_profile.module Function taxonomy_theme_form_alter_submit(). 1
themekey_user_profile_help ./themekey_user_profile.module Implements hook_help(). 1
themekey_user_profile_help_tutorials ./ Adds tutorials to themekey_help_form(). 1
themekey_user_profile_permission ./themekey_user_profile.module Implements hook_permission().
themekey_user_profile_themekey_properties ./themekey_user_profile.module Implements hook_themekey_properties().
themekey_user_profile_themekey_ui_settings_form_validate ./themekey_user_profile.module Validation of 1
themekey_user_profile_uid2profile_theme ./themekey_user_profile.module Set custom theme from given user id (uid) 1
themekey_user_profile_uninstall ./themekey_user_profile.install Implements hook_uninstall().
themekey_user_themekey_global modules/ Implements hook_themekey_global().
themekey_user_themekey_properties modules/ Implements hook_themekey_properties().
themekey_validator_ctype_digit ./ Validates a Theme Switching Rule. Allowed Operators: "=", "!", "<", "<=", ">", ">=" Allowed values: string of digits (numbers) 11
themekey_validator_date ./ Validates a Theme Switching Rule. Allowed Operators: any Allowed values: 2
themekey_validator_date_time ./ Validates a Theme Switching Rule. Allowed Operators: "<", "<=", ">", ">=" and "~" Allowed values: 2
themekey_validator_day_of_month ./ Validates a Theme Switching Rule. Allowed Operators: "=", "!", "<", "<=", ">", ">=" Allowed values: 1
themekey_validator_day_of_week ./ Validates a Theme Switching Rule. Allowed Operators: "=", "!" Allowed values: 1
themekey_validator_drupal_path ./ Validates a Theme Switching Rule. Allowed Operators: "=", "!" Allowed values: paths without whitespace 1
themekey_validator_http_host ./ Validates a Theme Switching Rule. Allowed Operators: any Allowed values: 2
themekey_validator_ip_address ./ Validates a Theme Switching Rule. Allowed Operators: any Allowed values: 1
themekey_validator_language ./ Validates a Theme Switching Rule. Allowed Operators: any Allowed values: 3
themekey_validator_month ./ Validates a Theme Switching Rule. Allowed Operators: "=", "!" Allowed values: 1
themekey_validator_node_type ./ Validates a Theme Switching Rule. Allowed Operators: any Allowed values: 1
themekey_validator_no_whitespace ./ Validates a Theme Switching Rule. Allowed Operators: all Allowed values: any string without whitespace 2
themekey_validator_nummeric_boolean ./ Validates a Theme Switching Rule. Allowed Operators: "=", "!" Allowed values: "1", "0" 3
themekey_validator_overlay_mode ./ Validates a Theme Switching Rule. Allowed Operators: "=", "!" Allowed values: 1
themekey_validator_regex ./ Validates a Theme Switching Rule. Allowed Operators: "~" Allowed values: valid regular expression 9
themekey_validator_role ./ Validates a Theme Switching Rule. Allowed Operators: "=", "!", "~" Allowed values: 1
themekey_validator_string_boolean ./ Validates a Theme Switching Rule. Allowed Operators: "=", "!" Allowed values: "true", "false" as string 1
themekey_validator_time ./ Validates a Theme Switching Rule. Allowed Operators: any Allowed values: 1
themekey_validator_wildcard ./ Validates a Theme Switching Rule. Allowed Operators: any Allowed wildcards: any string without whitespace and not starting with "#" or "%" 1
themekey_views_getq2human_name modules/ ThemeKey mapping function to set a ThemeKey property's value (destination) with the aid of another ThemeKey property (source). 1
themekey_views_getq2machine_name modules/ ThemeKey mapping function to set a ThemeKey property's value (destination) with the aid of another ThemeKey property (source). 1
themekey_views_getq2vid modules/ ThemeKey mapping function to set a ThemeKey property's value (destination) with the aid of another ThemeKey property (source). 1
themekey_views_get_simple_property_by_getq modules/ Helper function to to get the value of a simple view property by the view's drupal path 3
themekey_views_themekey_properties modules/ @file Provides some views properties
theme_themekey_page_cache_icon ./ @todo Please document this function.
theme_themekey_rule_chain_form ./ Themes themekey_rule_chain_form() and adds drag'n'drop features.
theme_themekey_ui_table ./ Formats a table with checkboxes used by ThemeKey UI settings form.
theme_themekey_ui_theme_select_form ./ Theme the theme select form.
_themekey_node_callback modules/ This function isn't needed anymore and has been removed with ThemeKey 6.x-2.0-beta2. But if it's missing a fatal error occurs if you upgrade from any version before 6.x-2.0-beta2 until you call update.php. That should be avoided. So this…
_themekey_properties_explode_conditions ./themekey.install Function _themekey_properties_explode_conditions() converts conditions formatted as string into an array. It was part of up to version 6.x-1.2. Now it's only required one more time to perform themekey_update_6200() 1


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