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public function TfaLoginController::access in Two-factor Authentication (TFA) 8

Denies access unless user matches hash value.


\Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface $route: The route to be checked.

\Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface $account: The current logged in user, if any.

Return value

\Drupal\Core\Access\AccessResult The access result.

1 string reference to 'TfaLoginController::access'
tfa.routing.yml in ./tfa.routing.yml


src/Controller/TfaLoginController.php, line 30


Provides access control on the verification form.




public function access(RouteMatchInterface $route, AccountInterface $account) {
  $user = $route

  // Start with a positive access check which is cacheable for the current
  // route, which includes both route name and parameters.
  $access = AccessResult::allowed();
  if (!$user instanceof UserInterface) {
    return $access
      ->andIf(AccessResult::forbidden('Invalid user.'));

  // Since we're about to check the login hash, which is based on properties
  // of the user, we now need to vary the cache based on the user object.

  // If the login hash doesn't match, forbid access.
  if ($this
    ->getLoginHash($user) !== $route
    ->getParameter('hash')) {
    return $access
      ->andIf(AccessResult::forbidden('Invalid hash.'));

  // If we've gotten here, we need to check that the current user is allowed
  // to use TFA features for this account. To make this decision, we need to
  // vary the cache based on the current user.
  if ($account
    ->isAuthenticated()) {
    return $access
      ->accessSelfOrAdmin($route, $account));
  return $access;