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TextimageApiTest.php in Textimage 8.3

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  1. 8.4 tests/src/Kernel/TextimageApiTest.php


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namespace Drupal\Tests\textimage\Kernel;

use Drupal\file\Entity\File;
use Drupal\image\Entity\ImageStyle;
use Drupal\textimage\TextimageException;
use Drupal\Tests\TestFileCreationTrait;
use Drupal\KernelTests\KernelTestBase;

 * Kernel tests for Textimage API.
 * @group Textimage
class TextimageApiTest extends KernelTestBase {
  use TextimageTestTrait;
  use TestFileCreationTrait;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected static $modules = [

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setUp() {

   * Test basic functionality of the API.
  public function testTextimageApi() {

    // Add more effects to the test style.
    $style = ImageStyle::load('textimage_test');
      'id' => 'image_effects_text_overlay',
      'data' => [
        'font' => [
          'name' => 'Linux Libertine',
          'uri' => drupal_get_path('module', 'image_effects') . '/tests/fonts/LinLibertineTTF_5.3.0_2012_07_02/LinLibertine_Rah.ttf',
          'size' => 16,
          'angle' => '90',
          'color' => '#FF0000',
        'text_string' => 'Eff 1',
      'id' => 'image_effects_text_overlay',
      'data' => [
        'font' => [
          'name' => 'Linux Libertine',
          'uri' => drupal_get_path('module', 'image_effects') . '/tests/fonts/LinLibertineTTF_5.3.0_2012_07_02/LinLibertine_Rah.ttf',
          'size' => 16,
          'angle' => '-90',
          'color' => '#00FF00',
        'text_string' => 'Eff 2',
      'id' => 'image_effects_text_overlay',
      'data' => [
        'font' => [
          'name' => 'Linux Libertine',
          'uri' => drupal_get_path('module', 'image_effects') . '/tests/fonts/LinLibertineTTF_5.3.0_2012_07_02/LinLibertine_Rah.ttf',
          'size' => 16,
          'angle' => '45',
          'color' => '#0000FF',
        'text_string' => 'Eff 3',
      'id' => 'image_desaturate',
      'data' => [],
      'id' => 'image_scale_and_crop',
      'data' => [
        'width' => 120,
        'height' => 121,

    // Test Textimage API.
    $textimage = $this->textimageFactory

    // Check API is accepting input, but not providing output, before process.
      'user' => $this->adminUser,
      ->id(), 'ID is not available');
      ->getUri(), 'URI is not available');
      ->getUrl(), 'URL is not available');
      ->getBubbleableMetadata(), 'Bubbleable metadata is not available');
      ->getText(), 'Processed text is not available');
      ->setExpectedException(TextimageException::class, 'Textimage error: Attempted to build Textimage before processing data');

    // Process Textimage.
    $text_array = [
    $expected_text_array = [

    // Check API is providing output after processing.
      ->id(), 'ID is available');
      ->getUri(), 'URI is available');
      ->getUrl(), 'URL is available');
      ->getBubbleableMetadata(), 'Bubbleable metadata is available');
      ->assertSame($expected_text_array, $textimage
      ->getText(), 'Processed text is available');

    // Build Textimage.

    // Check API is not allowing changes after processing.
      ->setExpectedException(TextimageException::class, 'Textimage error: Image style already set');
      ->setExpectedException(TextimageException::class, 'Textimage error: Image effects already set');
      ->setExpectedException(TextimageException::class, 'Textimage error: Extension already set');
      ->setExpectedException(TextimageException::class, 'Textimage error: URI already set');
      ->setExpectedException(TextimageException::class, 'Textimage error: Token data already set');
      'user' => $this->adminUser,
      ->setExpectedException(TextimageException::class, 'Textimage error: URI already set');
      ->setExpectedException(TextimageException::class, 'Textimage error: Attempted to re-process an already processed Textimage');

    // Get textimage cache entry.
    $stored_image = \Drupal::cache('textimage')
      ->get('tiid:' . $textimage
    $image_data = $stored_image->data['imageData'];
    $effects_outline = $stored_image->data['effects'];

    // Check processed text is stored in image data.
      ->assertSame($expected_text_array, array_values($image_data['text']), 'Processed text stored in image data');

    // Check count of effects is as expected.
      ->assertCount(6, $effects_outline, 'Expected number of effects in the outline');

    // Check processed text is not stored in the effects outline.
    foreach ($effects_outline as $effect) {
      if ($effect['id'] == 'image_effects_text_overlay') {
          ->assertTrue(!isset($effect['data']['text_string']), 'Processed text not stored in the effects outline');

   * Test forcing an extension different from source image file.
  public function testForceTargetExtension() {
    $files = $this

    // Get 'image-test.png'.
    $file = File::create((array) array_shift($files));

    // Force GIF.
    $textimage = $this->textimageFactory
    $image = \Drupal::service('image.factory')
      ->assertSame('image/gif', $image

   * Test output image file extension is consistent with source image.
  public function testTargetExtension() {
    $files = $this

    // Get 'image-test.gif'.
    $file = File::create((array) $files[1]);
    $textimage = $this->textimageFactory
    $image = \Drupal::service('image.factory')
      ->assertSame('image/gif', $image

    // Test loading the Textimage metadata.
    $id = $textimage
    $uri = $textimage
    $textimage = $this->textimageFactory
    $style = ImageStyle::load('textimage_test');

    // Check loaded data.
      ->assertSame($id, $textimage
      ->assertSame($uri, $textimage
    ], $textimage
      ->setExpectedException(TextimageException::class, 'Textimage error: Attempted to set property \'style\' when image was processed already');

    // File exists.

    // File deletion.

    // Reload and rebuild.
    $textimage = $this->textimageFactory

   * Test file extension casing.
  public function testFileExtensionCasing() {

    // Ensure upper-casing in target image file extension is not a reason for
    // exceptions, and upper-cased extensions are lowered.
    // Get 'image-test.png' and rename to 'image-test.PNG'.
    $files = $this
    $file = File::create((array) array_shift($files));
    file_move($file, 'image-test.PNG');
    $textimage = $this->textimageFactory
    $image = \Drupal::service('image.factory')
      ->assertSame('image/png', $image
      ->assertSame('png', pathinfo($textimage
      ->getUri(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION));

   * Test changing image file extension via image effect.
  public function testFileExtensionChange() {

    // Process, should generate a PNG image file.
    $textimage = $this->textimageFactory
    $image = \Drupal::service('image.factory')
      ->assertSame('image/png', $image

    // Add an extension change effect to the style.
    $style = ImageStyle::load('textimage_test');
      'id' => 'image_convert',
      'data' => [
        'extension' => 'jpeg',

    // Process, should generate a JPEG image file.
    $textimage = $this->textimageFactory
    $image = \Drupal::service('image.factory')
      ->assertSame('image/jpeg', $image

   * Test text altering via the effect's alter hook.
  public function testTextAlteration() {
    $effects = [];
    $effects[] = [
      'id' => 'image_effects_text_overlay',
      'data' => [
        'text' => [
          'strip_tags' => TRUE,
          'decode_entities' => TRUE,
          'maximum_chars' => 12,
          'excess_chars_text' => ' [more]',
          'case_format' => 'upper',
        'text_string' => 'Test preview',
    $textimage = $this->textimageFactory
      ->process('the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog');
      'THE QUICK BR [more]',
    ], $textimage
    $effects = [];
    $effects[] = [
      'id' => 'image_effects_text_overlay',
      'data' => [
        'text' => [
          'strip_tags' => TRUE,
          'decode_entities' => TRUE,
          'case_format' => '',
          'maximum_chars' => NULL,
        'text_string' => 'Test preview',
    $textimage = $this->textimageFactory
      ->process('<p>Para1</p><!-- Comment --> Para2');
      'Para1 Para2',
    ], $textimage
    $textimage = $this->textimageFactory
      ->process('&quot;Title&quot; One &hellip;');
      '"Title" One …',
    ], $textimage

   * Test targeting invalid URIs.
  public function testSetInvalidTargetUri() {
    $textimage = $this->textimageFactory
      ->setExpectedException(TextimageException::class, 'Textimage error: Invalid target URI \'bingo://textimage-testing/bingo-bongo.png\' specified');
      ->setExpectedException(TextimageException::class, 'Textimage error: Invalid target URI \'public://textimage-testing/bingo' . chr(1) . '.png\' specified');
      ->setTargetUri('public://textimage-testing/bingo' . chr(1) . '.png');



Namesort descending Description
TextimageApiTest Kernel tests for Textimage API.