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public function Textimage::buildImage in Textimage 8.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.4 src/Textimage.php \Drupal\textimage\Textimage::buildImage()

Build the image via core ImageStyle::createDerivative() method.

Return value


Overrides TextimageInterface::buildImage


src/Textimage.php, line 636


Provides a Textimage.




public function buildImage() {

  // Do not proceed if not processed.
  if (!$this->processed) {
    throw new TextimageException("Attempted to build Textimage before processing data");

  // Do not re-build.
  if ($this->built) {
    return $this;

  // Check file store and return if hit.
  if ($this->caching && is_file($this
    ->getUri())) {
      ->debug('Stored Textimage, @uri', [
      '@uri' => $this
    return $this;

  // If no source image specified, we are processing a pure Textimage
  // request. In that case we create a new 1x1 image to ensure we start
  // with a clean background.
  $source = isset($this->sourceImageFile) ? $this->sourceImageFile
    ->getFileUri() : NULL;
  $image = $this->imageFactory
  if (!$source) {
      ->createNew(1, 1, $this->extension, $this->gifTransparentColor);

  // Reset state.
    ->setState('building_module', 'textimage');

  // Try a lock to the file generation process. If cannot get the lock,
  // return success if the file exists already. Otherwise return failure.
  $lock_name = 'textimage_process:' . Crypt::hashBase64($this
  if (!($lock_acquired = $this->lock
    ->acquire($lock_name))) {
    return file_exists($this
      ->getUri()) ? TRUE : FALSE;

  // Inject processed text in the image_effects_text_overlay effects data,
  // and build a runtime-only style.
  $runtime_effects = $this->effects;
  foreach ($this->text as $uuid => $text_item) {
    $runtime_effects[$uuid]['data']['text_string'] = $text_item;
  $runtime_style = $this

  // Manage change of file extension if needed.
  if ($this->sourceImageFile) {
    $runtime_extension = pathinfo($this->sourceImageFile
      ->getFileUri(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
  else {
    $runtime_extension = $this->extension;
  $runtime_extension = $runtime_style
  if ($runtime_extension != $this->extension) {

    // Find the max weight from effects.
    $max_weight = NULL;
    foreach ($runtime_style
      ->getConfiguration() as $effect_configuration) {
      if (!$max_weight || $effect_configuration['weight'] > $max_weight) {
        $max_weight = $effect_configuration['weight'];

    // Add an image_convert effect as last effect.
    $convert = [
      'id' => 'image_convert',
      'weight' => ++$max_weight,
      'data' => [
        'extension' => $this->extension,

  // Generate the image.
  if (!($this->processed = $this
    ->createDerivativeFromImage($runtime_style, $image, $this
    ->getUri()))) {
    if (isset($this->style)) {
      throw new TextimageException("Textimage failed to build an image for image style '{$this->style->id()}'");
    else {
      throw new TextimageException("Textimage failed to build an image");
    ->debug('Built Textimage, @uri', [
    '@uri' => $this

  // Release lock.
  if (!empty($lock_acquired)) {

  // Reset state.
  $this->built = TRUE;
  return $this;