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8 calls to TextimageStyles::get() in Textimage 7.3

Textimage::styleByName in classes/
Set the image style, from the style name.
TextimageStyles::delete in classes/
Delete Textimage style data.
TextimageStyles::exists in classes/
Check if a Textimage style exists.
TextimageStyles::getList in classes/
Get an array of all Textimage styles available.
TextimageStyles::getOptions in classes/
Get an array of Textimage styles for using as select list options.
TextimageStyles::getStyleEffectsOutline in classes/
Build an outline of the style effects' data, given the style name.
textimage_url_deliver in ./textimage.module
Deliver directly a Textimage from the URL request.
_textimage_image_style_form_textimage_submit in ./
Submit handler to deal with a style's Textimage options.