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public static function TextimageStyles::buildFromEffectsOutline in Textimage 7.3

Build a virtual style from an effects data outline.

This is used to enable the direct creation of a textimage using core image module functions and API. The style array returned is 'virtual', i.e. it does not get saved to db. It is used to be passed to image_style_create_derivative() to build a picture.


array $effects_outline: a simple array, where each element is an associative array of 'name' => the effect name 'data' => the effect data

Return value

array image style

1 call to TextimageStyles::buildFromEffectsOutline()
Textimage::buildImage in classes/
Build the image via core image_style_create_derivative() function.


classes/, line 281
Textimage - Styles handling class.


Styles management class.


public static function buildFromEffectsOutline($effects_outline) {
  $definitions = image_effect_definitions();
  $style = array();
  $style['effects'] = array();
  foreach ($effects_outline as $effect) {
    if ($ed = $definitions[$effect['name']]) {
      $ed['data'] = $effect['data'];
      $style['effects'][] = $ed;
  return $style;