protected function Textimage::getStyledImageClearFileUri in Textimage 7.3
Set URI to a human readable name for the image file, if possible.
If a style-based image is requested, then hopefully a human readable file name can be set.
Return value
bool TRUE if URI is set to human readable file name
1 call to Textimage::getStyledImageClearFileUri()
- Textimage::buildUri in classes/ - Set URI to image file.
- classes/, line 643 - Textimage - Textimage class.
- Textimage
- @file Textimage - Textimage class.
protected function getStyledImageClearFileUri() {
// Get a single string out of all the text.
$file_name = implode('-+-', $this->text);
// Filenames longer than 200 characters will fail in most filesystems.
if (drupal_strlen($file_name) > 200) {
// Need to proceed with hash-based file names.
_textimage_diag(t("Textimage clear file name too long: @file_name...", array(
'@file_name' => drupal_substr($file_name, 0, 60),
)), WATCHDOG_DEBUG, NULL, $this->userMessages);
return FALSE;
// Strip control characters (ASCII value < 32). Though these are allowed
// in some filesystems, not many applications handle them well. Also, strip
// slashes and backslashes that usually indicate directories.
$base_name = preg_replace('/[\\x00-\\x1F]|\\/|\\\\/u', '_', $file_name);
if (drupal_substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') {
// These characters are not allowed in Windows filenames.
$base_name = str_replace(array(
), '_', $base_name);
if ($file_name != $base_name) {
// Need to proceed with hash-based file names.
_textimage_diag(t("Textimage clear file name contains unallowed characters: @file_name...", array(
'@file_name' => drupal_substr($file_name, 0, 60),
)), WATCHDOG_DEBUG, NULL, $this->userMessages);
return FALSE;
$base_name = $file_name . '.' . $this->extension;
$this->uri = $this->style['textimage']['uri_scheme'] . '://textimage/' . $this->style['name'] . '/' . $base_name;
return TRUE;