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protected function Textimage::getCached in Textimage 7.3

Get a cached Textimage.

Cache and store are checked for existing image files.

Return value

bool TRUE if an existing image file can be used, FALSE if no hit

1 call to Textimage::getCached()
Textimage::process in classes/
Process the Textimage, with the required raw text.


classes/, line 702
Textimage - Textimage class.


@file Textimage - Textimage class.


protected function getCached() {

  // At first, check cache.
  if ($cached = cache_get('tiid:' . $this->id, 'cache_textimage')) {
    if (is_file($cached->data['uri'])) {
      $this->uri = $cached->data['uri'];
      return TRUE;

  // No cache. Check if we have the hash in store.
  $stored_image = db_select('textimage_store', 'ic')
    ->condition('tiid', $this->id, '=')

  // Not in stock, return to make.
  if (!$stored_image) {
    return FALSE;

  // In stock, check file is there.
  $uri = $stored_image['uri'];
  if (is_file($uri)) {
    $this->uri = $uri;
    return TRUE;
  else {
    return FALSE;