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README.txt in Textimage 8.3

Textimage 8.x-3.x

Textimage adds text to image functionality using GD2 and Freetype, enabling
users to create crisp images on the fly for use as theme objects, headings or
limitless other possibilities.

Textimage was originally written by Fabiano Sant'Ana (wundo).

Co-maintained by:
- Stuart Clark (Deciphered)
- mondrake

Ported to Drupal 8 by:
- mondrake


Quick start instructions
- Check requirements (below) and install / configure the modules needed.
- Install and enable the module.
- Check the Configuration page (Manage > Configuration > Media > Textimage)
  and setup.
- Ensure at least one font file is available.
- Create an image style (Manage > Configuration > Media > Image Styles)
  and use 'Text overlay' effects in combination with other effects as needed.
- Change a field of a content type (Manage > Structure > Content Types >
  {your type} > Manage Display) to be represented by a Textimage:
    - select 'Textimage' in the format dropdown (applicable to Text and Image
    - click on the gear icon
    - select the image style you created earlier from the dropdown displayed
- Your field content is now presented as a (Text)image!


* Integrates with Image effect module's 'Text overlay' effect: the 'Default
  text' specified in the image effect configuration gets replaced by text
  values that come from field values (or from other sources via Textimage's
* Field display formatters for Text and Image fields.
* Textimage API to generate Textimage images programmatically.
* Textimage tokens to retrieve URI/URL of generated Textimage images.

- Drupal 8
- GD2 and FreeType libraries
- Image Effects module

Installation instructions (long version)
- Install required modules.
- Install and enable Textimage.
- Check Textimage configuration page (Manage > Configuration > Media >
  - Default image file extension - Select the default extension of the image
    files produced by Textimage. This can be overridden by image style effects
    that specify a format conversion like e.g. 'Convert'. This setting does not
    affect image derivatives created by the Drupal core Image module.
  - URL generation - select whether to enable direct URL generation (see
    below), and the string to be used to separate text elements that need to be
    pushed to separate 'Text overlay' effects during generation.
  - Maintenance - select whether Textimage needs to log debug messages of its
    operations. The 'Cleanup Textimage' button allows to completely clean all
    the images and image metadata generated by Textimage. NOTE: this
    functionality also flushes all image derivatives generated by Drupal core
    Image module.


Creating Textimage image styles
- Just combine 'Text overlay' effects with any other image effect to deliver
  the result needed in a image style (Manage > Configuration > Media >
  Image Styles).
- Image styles are extended to collect Textimage options:
  - Image destination - allows to specify in which file system the derivative
    images (i.e. the final output) shall be stored. By default, this is
    the same destination as specified in 'Default download method' (Manage >
    Configuration > Media > File System) in configuration, but can be set to
    alternative file systems (e.g. private etc.). This option affects only
    derivative images generated by Textimage, not those generated by core's
    Image module.


Using Textimage image styles

1. via Content Type field display formatters

   - Access 'Content type' administration features via Manage > Structure >
     Content Types.
   - Select the content type for which you want to manage a Textimage field
     (e.g. Article, Basic page, etc.).
   - If you need to create a new field, in the 'Manage Fields' tab, add a new
     field of type 'Text' (or 'Long text', or 'Long text and summary') or
   - In the 'Manage Display' tab, select a 'Textimage' format for the field
     created above (or any existing one).
   - Click on the gear icon.
   - Select from the 'Image style' dropdown the image style you want to use to
     represent the content as a Textimage.
   - If the field is a multi-value text field, an option is presented to select
     whether to generate a single image or multiple images. In the first case,
     the formatter will pass sequentially each field value to a separate image
     style's 'Text overlay' effect. Each effect must define where the text
     should be placed on the image. In the second case, each field value will
     be passed to a separate instance of the image style, and only the first
     'Text overlay' effect will be used to produce a separate styled image.
   - Optionally, select from the 'Link image to' dropdown whether the Textimage
     should be clickable, linking to either the node content or the image file.
     By default, the Textimage is not linked.
   - Optionally, enter a value for the image 'alt' attribute in the 'Alternate
     text' textbox. This text will be used by screen readers, search engines,
     or when the image cannot be loaded. Tokens can be used. When left blank,
     the 'alt' information provided in the field will be used.
   - Optionally, enter a value for the image 'title' attribute in the 'Title'
     textbox. The title is used as a tool tip when the user hovers the mouse
     over the image. Tokens can be used.  When left blank, the 'title'
     information provided in the field will be used.

2. via direct URL generation:

   Create an image with the URL in following format:

   In a standard installation, [path_to_public_files] = 'sites/default/files'.

   [style_name] - the image style must have at least a 'Text overlay' effect,
   and must be set to output Textimage images in the 'Public files' through
   the 'Image destination' setting on the image style 'Textimage options'.

   [Text_0]...[Text_n] - each string will be consumed by a 'Text overlay'
   effect in the sequence specified within the image style.

   [text_separator] - the string that is configured to be used as text
   separator between different text strings (see configuration above). By
   default, this is counfigured to be '---' (three dashes).

   Note: This method can only be used by users with the 'generate textimage url
   derivatives' permission. This is to prevent Anonymous users from creating
   random images. If you need dynamically created Textimages, it is strongly
   advised you use one of the methods detailed below.

3. via the Textimage API and the theme system:

    Programmers can get a Textimage object from the Textimage factory, and
    use the relevant API methods in a fluent interface to build an image. Then,
    the 'textimage_formatter' theme can be used to build a render array to
    display the image.

    1) Textimage provides by default a caching mechanism that will keep track
       of the Textimage files generated based on the input image style/effects
       and text to be overlaid. It's possible to opt-out from this caching via
       the setTemporary() or the setTargetUri() methods.
    2) The Textimage API throws exceptions in case of errors, so mind to
       include calls to the API in a try/catch block.


    try {
      $bubbleable_metadata = new BubbleableMetadata();
      $textimage = \Drupal::service('textimage.factory')->get($bubbleable_metadata)
      $variables['textimage_image'] = [
        '#theme' => 'textimage_formatter',
        '#uri' => $textimage->getUri(),
        '#width' => $textimage->getWidth(),
        '#height' => $textimage->getHeight(),
        '#title' => t('textimage'),
        '#alt' => t('Textimage image.'),
    catch (TextimageException $e) {
      \Drupal::service('textimage.logger')->error("Failed to build a Textimage image.");

    API methods that set input information to the API - can be called only
    BEFORE processing
    - setStyle(\Drupal\image\ImageStyleInterface $image_style) - an ImageStyle
      object, whose effects will be used to build the Textimage. This is the
      way to produce a Textimage from an image style stored in configuration.
    - setEffects(array $effects) - an array of image style effects. This allows
      to produce Textimage images programmatically from a dynamic set of
      effects, and should be used in alternative to ::setStyle.
    - setTargetExtension($extension) - the file format of the output image
      (png/gif/jpg/jpeg). If not called, Textimage will default to the value
      set in the Textimage settings, or any override specified by an image
      effect that implements a ::getDerivativeExtension method.
    - setGifTransparentColor($color) - an RGB hex string indicating the color
      to be used for setting transparency in a GIF image. If not called, and
      a GIF file is passed via ::setSourceImageFile, then the source image
      color set for transparent will be used.
    - setSourceImageFile(\Drupal\file\FileInterface\FileInterface $source_image_file, $width = NULL, $height = NULL)
      a File object representing an image file, with optional width and height.
      It can be used to set the background image on top of which text should
      be overlaid.
    - setTokenData(array $token_data) - It is used for resolving the tokens
      in the text effects. $token_data has the same structure as the $data
      parameter of core's \Drupal\Core\Utility\Token::replace().
    - setTemporary($is_temp) - if set to TRUE, the image will be stored in
      a temporary textimage_store/temp directory and deleted on cron run. This
      is useful to generate one-off images like e.g. previews. Generated images
      will not be cached.
    - setTargetUri($uri) - specifies the URI where the output image file
      should be stored. Generated images will not be cached.

    API methods to produce a Textimage
    - process($text) - processes the Textimage metadata, using an array of text
      strings, with unresolved tokens; each string of the array will be
      consumed by a 'Text overlay' effect in the sequence specified within the
      image style. If the Textimage caching is active, after execution of
      ::process the ::id method will return the Textimage ID, and ::getUri and
      ::getUrl respectively the URI and URL of the image file that will be
      generated once ::buildImage is called.
    - load($id) - loads from cache the Textimage metadata. This can be used to
      defer generation of the image to a separate request from the one where
      the Textimage metadata was processed, i.e. request A will call ::process,
      and request B will ::load the Textimage metadata and generate the image
      via ::buildImage.
    - buildImage() - builds a Textimage, using the processed metadata. Should
      be called after ::process() to generate an image within the same request,
      or after ::load() to generate an image in a deferred request.

    API methods to get information about a Textimage - can be called only
    AFTER processing
    - id() - Returns the ID of a cached Textimage.
    - getText() - Returns the text elements after processing, with tokens
    - getUri() - Returns the URI of the Textimage image file.
    - getUrl() - Returns the URL of the Textimage image file.
    - getHeight() - Returns the height of the Textimage image.
    - getWidth() - Returns the width of the Textimage image.
    - getBubbleableMetadata() - Returns the bubbleable metadata that was
      collected during execution of ::process.

    'textimage_formatter' theme variables
    - 'item' - (optional) the entity for which the Textimage is being produced.
    - 'uri' - the URI of the Textimage.
    - 'width' - (optional) the width of the Textimage, in pixels.
    - 'height' - (optional) the height of the Textimage, in pixels.
    - 'alt' - (optional) the image alternate text. This text will be used by
      screen readers, search engines, or when the image cannot be loaded.
    - 'title' - (optional) the text to be displayed when hovering the image on
      the browser.
    - 'attributes' - (optional) associative array of attributes to be placed in
      the <img> tag.
    - 'image_container_attributes' - (optional) if specified, the <img> tag
      will be wrapped in a <div> container, whose attributes will be set to the
      array passed here.
    - 'anchor_url' - (optional) if specified, the entire output will be wrapped
      in a <a> anchor, whose 'href' attribute will be set to the value passed


Using Textimage field formatters with tokens

There are specific pre-conditions for text tokens to be resolved into full
text. Some tokens are 'general' (e.g. current date and time, site name, etc.)
but others require the 'context' that has to be accessed to retrieve
information, like a user, or a node, etc. When the context is missing, the
token can not be resolved.

Textimage provides context for 'user', 'node' and 'file' tokens through
its field display formatters. Textimage provides built-in field formatters
for the following field types: 'image', 'text', 'text_with_summary',

If you select a Textimage formatter for a 'text' field, Textimage will use
the text entered in the field to produce an image with it. In the field text
you can enter the tokens directly, or [textimage:default] in which case
Textimage will just fetch and use the default text entered in the image effect
UI. Tokens will be resolved against the 'node' (current content) and 'user'
token types.

If you select a Textimage formatter for an 'image' field, Textimage will use
the text entered in the default text in the image effect UI to produce the
image. In this case, tokens will be resolved against 'node', 'user' and 'file'
token types, where the 'file' is the original image uploaded in the content.

Programmers can develop additional field display formatters, using the lower
level APIs to pass 'node' or 'file' objects to be resolved. 'User' is always
the current user within the scope of the Textimage image building process.


Textimage tokens

Textimage provides two tokens that can be used to retrieve the location where
a Textimage image has been stored:

A token to retrieve the URL of a Textimage image


and the URI equivalent


- 'field' is the machine name of the field for which the Textimage is
  generated (e.g. 'body', or 'field_my_field');
- 'display' is an optional indication of the display view mode (e.g. 'default',
  'full', 'teaser', etc.); 'default' is used if not specified;
- 'sequence' is an optional indication of the URL/URI to return if Textimage
  produces more images for the same field (like e.g. in a multi-value Image
  field); if not specified, a comma-delimited string of all the URLs/URIs
  generated will be returned.



View source
  1. -----------------
  2. Textimage 8.x-3.x
  3. -----------------
  4. Textimage adds text to image functionality using GD2 and Freetype, enabling
  5. users to create crisp images on the fly for use as theme objects, headings or
  6. limitless other possibilities.
  7. Textimage was originally written by Fabiano Sant'Ana (wundo).
  8. -
  9. Co-maintained by:
  10. - Stuart Clark (Deciphered)
  11. - mondrake
  12. Ported to Drupal 8 by:
  13. - mondrake
  14. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  15. Quick start instructions
  16. ------------------------
  17. - Check requirements (below) and install / configure the modules needed.
  18. - Install and enable the module.
  19. - Check the Configuration page (Manage > Configuration > Media > Textimage)
  20. and setup.
  21. - Ensure at least one font file is available.
  22. - Create an image style (Manage > Configuration > Media > Image Styles)
  23. and use 'Text overlay' effects in combination with other effects as needed.
  24. - Change a field of a content type (Manage > Structure > Content Types >
  25. {your type} > Manage Display) to be represented by a Textimage:
  26. - select 'Textimage' in the format dropdown (applicable to Text and Image
  27. fields)
  28. - click on the gear icon
  29. - select the image style you created earlier from the dropdown displayed
  30. - Your field content is now presented as a (Text)image!
  31. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  32. Features
  33. --------
  34. * Integrates with Image effect module's 'Text overlay' effect: the 'Default
  35. text' specified in the image effect configuration gets replaced by text
  36. values that come from field values (or from other sources via Textimage's
  37. API).
  38. * Field display formatters for Text and Image fields.
  39. * Textimage API to generate Textimage images programmatically.
  40. * Textimage tokens to retrieve URI/URL of generated Textimage images.
  41. Requirements
  42. ------------
  43. - Drupal 8
  44. - GD2 and FreeType libraries
  45. - Image Effects module
  46. Installation instructions (long version)
  47. ----------------------------------------
  48. - Install required modules.
  49. - Install and enable Textimage.
  50. - Check Textimage configuration page (Manage > Configuration > Media >
  51. Textimage):
  52. - Default image file extension - Select the default extension of the image
  53. files produced by Textimage. This can be overridden by image style effects
  54. that specify a format conversion like e.g. 'Convert'. This setting does not
  55. affect image derivatives created by the Drupal core Image module.
  56. - URL generation - select whether to enable direct URL generation (see
  57. below), and the string to be used to separate text elements that need to be
  58. pushed to separate 'Text overlay' effects during generation.
  59. - Maintenance - select whether Textimage needs to log debug messages of its
  60. operations. The 'Cleanup Textimage' button allows to completely clean all
  61. the images and image metadata generated by Textimage. NOTE: this
  62. functionality also flushes all image derivatives generated by Drupal core
  63. Image module.
  64. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  65. Creating Textimage image styles
  66. -------------------------------
  67. - Just combine 'Text overlay' effects with any other image effect to deliver
  68. the result needed in a image style (Manage > Configuration > Media >
  69. Image Styles).
  70. - Image styles are extended to collect Textimage options:
  71. - Image destination - allows to specify in which file system the derivative
  72. images (i.e. the final output) shall be stored. By default, this is
  73. the same destination as specified in 'Default download method' (Manage >
  74. Configuration > Media > File System) in configuration, but can be set to
  75. alternative file systems (e.g. private etc.). This option affects only
  76. derivative images generated by Textimage, not those generated by core's
  77. Image module.
  78. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  79. Using Textimage image styles
  80. ----------------------------
  81. 1. via Content Type field display formatters
  82. - Access 'Content type' administration features via Manage > Structure >
  83. Content Types.
  84. - Select the content type for which you want to manage a Textimage field
  85. (e.g. Article, Basic page, etc.).
  86. - If you need to create a new field, in the 'Manage Fields' tab, add a new
  87. field of type 'Text' (or 'Long text', or 'Long text and summary') or
  88. 'Image'.
  89. - In the 'Manage Display' tab, select a 'Textimage' format for the field
  90. created above (or any existing one).
  91. - Click on the gear icon.
  92. - Select from the 'Image style' dropdown the image style you want to use to
  93. represent the content as a Textimage.
  94. - If the field is a multi-value text field, an option is presented to select
  95. whether to generate a single image or multiple images. In the first case,
  96. the formatter will pass sequentially each field value to a separate image
  97. style's 'Text overlay' effect. Each effect must define where the text
  98. should be placed on the image. In the second case, each field value will
  99. be passed to a separate instance of the image style, and only the first
  100. 'Text overlay' effect will be used to produce a separate styled image.
  101. - Optionally, select from the 'Link image to' dropdown whether the Textimage
  102. should be clickable, linking to either the node content or the image file.
  103. By default, the Textimage is not linked.
  104. - Optionally, enter a value for the image 'alt' attribute in the 'Alternate
  105. text' textbox. This text will be used by screen readers, search engines,
  106. or when the image cannot be loaded. Tokens can be used. When left blank,
  107. the 'alt' information provided in the field will be used.
  108. - Optionally, enter a value for the image 'title' attribute in the 'Title'
  109. textbox. The title is used as a tool tip when the user hovers the mouse
  110. over the image. Tokens can be used. When left blank, the 'title'
  111. information provided in the field will be used.
  112. 2. via direct URL generation:
  113. Create an image with the URL in following format:
  114. http://[your_domain]{/your_drupal_directory}/[path_to_public_files]/textimage/[style_name]/[Text_0][text_separator][Text_1][text_separator]...[text_separator][Text_n].[extension]
  115. In a standard installation, [path_to_public_files] = 'sites/default/files'.
  116. [style_name] - the image style must have at least a 'Text overlay' effect,
  117. and must be set to output Textimage images in the 'Public files' through
  118. the 'Image destination' setting on the image style 'Textimage options'.
  119. [Text_0]...[Text_n] - each string will be consumed by a 'Text overlay'
  120. effect in the sequence specified within the image style.
  121. [text_separator] - the string that is configured to be used as text
  122. separator between different text strings (see configuration above). By
  123. default, this is counfigured to be '---' (three dashes).
  124. Note: This method can only be used by users with the 'generate textimage url
  125. derivatives' permission. This is to prevent Anonymous users from creating
  126. random images. If you need dynamically created Textimages, it is strongly
  127. advised you use one of the methods detailed below.
  128. 3. via the Textimage API and the theme system:
  129. Programmers can get a Textimage object from the Textimage factory, and
  130. use the relevant API methods in a fluent interface to build an image. Then,
  131. the 'textimage_formatter' theme can be used to build a render array to
  132. display the image.
  133. Notes:
  134. 1) Textimage provides by default a caching mechanism that will keep track
  135. of the Textimage files generated based on the input image style/effects
  136. and text to be overlaid. It's possible to opt-out from this caching via
  137. the setTemporary() or the setTargetUri() methods.
  138. 2) The Textimage API throws exceptions in case of errors, so mind to
  139. include calls to the API in a try/catch block.
  140. Example:
  141. try {
  142. $bubbleable_metadata = new BubbleableMetadata();
  143. $textimage = \Drupal::service('textimage.factory')->get($bubbleable_metadata)
  144. ->setStyle(ImageStyle::load($style_name))
  145. ->process([$text_strings])
  146. ->buildImage();
  147. $variables['textimage_image'] = [
  148. '#theme' => 'textimage_formatter',
  149. '#uri' => $textimage->getUri(),
  150. '#width' => $textimage->getWidth(),
  151. '#height' => $textimage->getHeight(),
  152. '#title' => t('textimage'),
  153. '#alt' => t('Textimage image.'),
  154. ];
  155. $textimage->getBubbleableMetadata()->applyTo($variables['textimage_image']);
  156. }
  157. catch (TextimageException $e) {
  158. \Drupal::service('textimage.logger')->error("Failed to build a Textimage image.");
  159. }
  160. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  161. API methods that set input information to the API - can be called only
  162. BEFORE processing
  163. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  164. - setStyle(\Drupal\image\ImageStyleInterface $image_style) - an ImageStyle
  165. object, whose effects will be used to build the Textimage. This is the
  166. way to produce a Textimage from an image style stored in configuration.
  167. - setEffects(array $effects) - an array of image style effects. This allows
  168. to produce Textimage images programmatically from a dynamic set of
  169. effects, and should be used in alternative to ::setStyle.
  170. - setTargetExtension($extension) - the file format of the output image
  171. (png/gif/jpg/jpeg). If not called, Textimage will default to the value
  172. set in the Textimage settings, or any override specified by an image
  173. effect that implements a ::getDerivativeExtension method.
  174. - setGifTransparentColor($color) - an RGB hex string indicating the color
  175. to be used for setting transparency in a GIF image. If not called, and
  176. a GIF file is passed via ::setSourceImageFile, then the source image
  177. color set for transparent will be used.
  178. - setSourceImageFile(\Drupal\file\FileInterface\FileInterface $source_image_file, $width = NULL, $height = NULL)
  179. a File object representing an image file, with optional width and height.
  180. It can be used to set the background image on top of which text should
  181. be overlaid.
  182. - setTokenData(array $token_data) - It is used for resolving the tokens
  183. in the text effects. $token_data has the same structure as the $data
  184. parameter of core's \Drupal\Core\Utility\Token::replace().
  185. - setTemporary($is_temp) - if set to TRUE, the image will be stored in
  186. a temporary textimage_store/temp directory and deleted on cron run. This
  187. is useful to generate one-off images like e.g. previews. Generated images
  188. will not be cached.
  189. - setTargetUri($uri) - specifies the URI where the output image file
  190. should be stored. Generated images will not be cached.
  191. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  192. API methods to produce a Textimage
  193. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  194. - process($text) - processes the Textimage metadata, using an array of text
  195. strings, with unresolved tokens; each string of the array will be
  196. consumed by a 'Text overlay' effect in the sequence specified within the
  197. image style. If the Textimage caching is active, after execution of
  198. ::process the ::id method will return the Textimage ID, and ::getUri and
  199. ::getUrl respectively the URI and URL of the image file that will be
  200. generated once ::buildImage is called.
  201. - load($id) - loads from cache the Textimage metadata. This can be used to
  202. defer generation of the image to a separate request from the one where
  203. the Textimage metadata was processed, i.e. request A will call ::process,
  204. and request B will ::load the Textimage metadata and generate the image
  205. via ::buildImage.
  206. - buildImage() - builds a Textimage, using the processed metadata. Should
  207. be called after ::process() to generate an image within the same request,
  208. or after ::load() to generate an image in a deferred request.
  209. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  210. API methods to get information about a Textimage - can be called only
  211. AFTER processing
  212. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  213. - id() - Returns the ID of a cached Textimage.
  214. - getText() - Returns the text elements after processing, with tokens
  215. replaced.
  216. - getUri() - Returns the URI of the Textimage image file.
  217. - getUrl() - Returns the URL of the Textimage image file.
  218. - getHeight() - Returns the height of the Textimage image.
  219. - getWidth() - Returns the width of the Textimage image.
  220. - getBubbleableMetadata() - Returns the bubbleable metadata that was
  221. collected during execution of ::process.
  222. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  223. 'textimage_formatter' theme variables
  224. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  225. - 'item' - (optional) the entity for which the Textimage is being produced.
  226. - 'uri' - the URI of the Textimage.
  227. - 'width' - (optional) the width of the Textimage, in pixels.
  228. - 'height' - (optional) the height of the Textimage, in pixels.
  229. - 'alt' - (optional) the image alternate text. This text will be used by
  230. screen readers, search engines, or when the image cannot be loaded.
  231. - 'title' - (optional) the text to be displayed when hovering the image on
  232. the browser.
  233. - 'attributes' - (optional) associative array of attributes to be placed in
  234. the tag.
  235. - 'image_container_attributes' - (optional) if specified, the tag
  236. will be wrapped in a
    container, whose attributes will be set to the
  237. array passed here.
  238. - 'anchor_url' - (optional) if specified, the entire output will be wrapped
  239. in a anchor, whose 'href' attribute will be set to the value passed
  240. here.
  241. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  242. Using Textimage field formatters with tokens
  243. --------------------------------------------
  244. There are specific pre-conditions for text tokens to be resolved into full
  245. text. Some tokens are 'general' (e.g. current date and time, site name, etc.)
  246. but others require the 'context' that has to be accessed to retrieve
  247. information, like a user, or a node, etc. When the context is missing, the
  248. token can not be resolved.
  249. Textimage provides context for 'user', 'node' and 'file' tokens through
  250. its field display formatters. Textimage provides built-in field formatters
  251. for the following field types: 'image', 'text', 'text_with_summary',
  252. 'text_long'.
  253. If you select a Textimage formatter for a 'text' field, Textimage will use
  254. the text entered in the field to produce an image with it. In the field text
  255. you can enter the tokens directly, or [textimage:default] in which case
  256. Textimage will just fetch and use the default text entered in the image effect
  257. UI. Tokens will be resolved against the 'node' (current content) and 'user'
  258. token types.
  259. If you select a Textimage formatter for an 'image' field, Textimage will use
  260. the text entered in the default text in the image effect UI to produce the
  261. image. In this case, tokens will be resolved against 'node', 'user' and 'file'
  262. token types, where the 'file' is the original image uploaded in the content.
  263. Programmers can develop additional field display formatters, using the lower
  264. level APIs to pass 'node' or 'file' objects to be resolved. 'User' is always
  265. the current user within the scope of the Textimage image building process.
  266. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  267. Textimage tokens
  268. ----------------
  269. Textimage provides two tokens that can be used to retrieve the location where
  270. a Textimage image has been stored:
  271. A token to retrieve the URL of a Textimage image
  272. [textimage:url:field{:display}{:sequence}]
  273. and the URI equivalent
  274. [textimage:uri:field{:display}{:sequence}]
  275. where:
  276. - 'field' is the machine name of the field for which the Textimage is
  277. generated (e.g. 'body', or 'field_my_field');
  278. - 'display' is an optional indication of the display view mode (e.g. 'default',
  279. 'full', 'teaser', etc.); 'default' is used if not specified;
  280. - 'sequence' is an optional indication of the URL/URI to return if Textimage
  281. produces more images for the same field (like e.g. in a multi-value Image
  282. field); if not specified, a comma-delimited string of all the URLs/URIs
  283. generated will be returned.
  284. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------