public function TextformatterTestCase::testFormatterOutput in Text list formatter 7
Test the general output of the display formatter.
- ./
textformatter.test, line 70 - Tests for the textformatter module.
- TextformatterTestCase
- @file Tests for the textformatter module.
public function testFormatterOutput() {
$field_values = array(
LANGUAGE_NONE => array(),
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
$field_values[LANGUAGE_NONE][] = array(
'value' => $this
$node = $this
$this->field_name => $field_values,
->verbose('Node: ' . var_export($node, TRUE));
$page = $this
->drupalGet('node/' . $node->nid);
->verbose('Page: ' . $page);
foreach ($field_values[LANGUAGE_NONE] as $delta => $item) {
->assertText($item['value'], t('Field value !delta output on node.', array(
'!delta' => $delta,
$items = array();
foreach ($field_values[LANGUAGE_NONE] as $item) {
$items[] = $item['value'];
// Test the default ul list.
$options = array(
'type' => 'ul',
'items' => $items,
'attributes' => array(
'class' => array(
$ul = theme('item_list', $options);
->assertRaw($ul, 'The expected unordered list markup was produced.');
// Update the field settings for ol list.
$field_instance = field_info_instance('node', $this->field_name, $node->type);
$field_instance['display']['default']['settings']['textformatter_type'] = 'ol';
// Get the node page again.
->drupalGet('node/' . $node->nid);
// Test the default ol list.
$options['type'] = 'ol';
$ol = theme('item_list', $options);
->assertRaw($ol, 'The expected ordered list markup was produced.');
// Update the field settings for comma list.
$field_instance['display']['default']['settings']['textformatter_type'] = 'comma';
// Get the node page again.
->drupalGet('node/' . $node->nid);
// Test the default comma list.
$comma = theme('textformatter_comma', $options);
->assertRaw($comma, 'The expected comma list markup was produced.');