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TermMergerTermCrudTest.php in Term Merge 8


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namespace Drupal\Tests\term_merge\Kernel;

use Drupal\taxonomy\TermInterface;
use Drupal\term_merge\TermMerger;

 * Tests term merging for taxonomy terms.
 * @group term_merge
class TermMergerTermCrudTest extends MergeTermsTestBase {

   * Returns possible merge options that can be selected in the interface.
   * @return array
   *   An array of options. Each option has contains the following values:
   *   - methodName: the selected method for merging to the target term.
   *   - target: a string representing the target taxonomy term.
  public function mergeTermFunctionsProvider() {
    $functions['::mergeIntoNewTerm'] = [
      'methodName' => 'mergeIntoNewTerm',
      'target' => 'new term',
    $functions['::mergeIntoTerm'] = [
      'methodName' => 'mergeIntoTerm',
      'target' => '',
    return $functions;

   * Tests only taxonomy terms in the same vocabulary can be merged.
   * @param string $methodName
   *   The merge method being tested.
   * @param string $target
   *   The label for the taxonomy term target.
   * @test
   * @dataProvider mergeTermFunctionsProvider
  public function canOnlyMergeTermsInTheSameVocabulary($methodName, $target) {
      ->expectException('\\RuntimeException', 'Only merges within the same vocabulary are supported');
    $vocab2 = $this
    $term3 = $this
    $terms = [
    $sut = $this
      ->{$methodName}($terms, $this

   * Tests the form validation for the minimum required input.
   * @param string $methodName
   *   The merge method being tested.
   * @param string $target
   *   The label for the taxonomy term target.
   * @test
   * @dataProvider mergeTermFunctionsProvider
  public function minimumTermsValidation($methodName, $target) {
      ->expectException('\\RuntimeException', 'You must provide at least 1 term');
    $sut = $this
      ->{$methodName}([], $this

   * Tests a newly created term is available when merging to a new term.
   * @test
  public function mergeIntoNewTermCreatesNewTerm() {
    $sut = $this
    $termLabel = 'newTerm';
    $term = $sut
      ->mergeIntoNewTerm($this->terms, $termLabel);
    self::assertTrue($term instanceof TermInterface);
    self::assertSame($termLabel, $term

    // Id is only set if the term has been saved.

   * Tests the validation for the target term being in the same vocabulary.
  public function existingTermMustBeInSameVocabularyAsMergedTerms() {
      ->expectException('\\RuntimeException', 'The target term must be in the same vocabulary as the terms being merged');
    $sut = $this
    $term = $this
      ->mergeIntoTerm($this->terms, $term);

   * Tests a taxonomy term that is passed to the migration is saved correctly.
   * @test
  public function mergeIntoTermSavesTermIfNewTermIsPassedIn() {
    $sut = $this
    $values = [
      'name' => 'Unsaved term',
      'vid' => $this->vocabulary

    /** @var \Drupal\taxonomy\TermInterface $term */
    $term = $this->entityTypeManager
      ->mergeIntoTerm($this->terms, $term);

   * Tests the merged terms are deleted after the migration.
   * @param string $methodName
   *   The merge method being tested.
   * @param string $target
   *   The label for the taxonomy term target.
   * @test
   * @dataProvider mergeTermFunctionsProvider
  public function mergedTermsAreDeleted($methodName, $target) {
    $sut = $this
      ->{$methodName}($this->terms, $this
    $termStorage = $this->entityTypeManager
    $termIds = array_keys($this->terms);
    self::assertEquals([], $termStorage

   * Creates the class used for merging terms.
   * @return \Drupal\term_merge\TermMerger
   *   The class used for merging terms
  private function createSubjectUnderTest() {
    $migrator = \Drupal::service('term_reference_change.migrator');
    $dispatcher = \Drupal::service('event_dispatcher');
    $sut = new TermMerger($this->entityTypeManager, $migrator, $dispatcher);
    return $sut;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function numberOfTermsToSetUp() {
    return 2;



Namesort descending Description
TermMergerTermCrudTest Tests term merging for taxonomy terms.