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PermissionsTest.php in Term Merge 8


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namespace Drupal\Tests\term_merge\Functional;

 * Tests the Term Merge module permissions.
 * @group term_merge
class PermissionsTest extends TermMergeTestBase {

   * Data provider for the testPermissions test.
   * @return array
   *   The test data sets containing:
   *   permissions:        string[]
   *      Contains the permissions the user should have.
   *   expectedStatusCode: int
   *      The status code that should be returned.
  public function permissionsProvider() {
    $testData = [];
    $testData['no permissions'] = [
      'permissions' => [],
      'expectedStatusCode' => 403,
    $testData['no edit permission'] = [
      'permissions' => [
        'merge taxonomy terms',
      'expectedStatusCode' => 403,
    $testData['edit permission'] = [
      'permissions' => [
        'merge taxonomy terms',
        'edit terms in %vocabulary_id',
      'expectedStatusCode' => 200,
    return $testData;

   * Tests that users without the merge taxonomy terms permission can't merge.
   * @param array $permissions
   *   The permissions the test user should have.
   * @param int $expectedStatusCode
   *   The status code that should be in the response.
   * @dataProvider permissionsProvider
   * @throws \Behat\Mink\Exception\ExpectationException
   * @throws \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageException
  public function testPermissions(array $permissions, $expectedStatusCode) {

    // Data providers run before the setUp. This causes fatal errors when
    // running the test. We therefore have to do a replacement.
    foreach ($permissions as $key => $permission) {
      $permissions[$key] = str_replace('%vocabulary_id', $this->vocabulary
        ->id(), $permission);
    $user = $this



Namesort descending Description
PermissionsTest Tests the Term Merge module permissions.